Too good to be true...

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Too good to be true...


Post by skemper » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:08 am

As most of you may know, Peter Jackson is working on his version of King Kong. But I just found out that Jack Black has been cast as the role of Carl Denham, the adventurer filmmaker. I was excited enough about the movie as it was, but now I can't wait!

Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu
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Post by Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu » Tue Mar 30, 2004 11:21 pm

Hey, great; Jack Black has a history of acting opposite giant stupid apes (he was in 'Shallow Hal' with Tony Robbins). He'll be a natural.

...of course, one wonders why they didn't just cast Jack Black as Kong himself. They could just throw him into a fur suit and let him rampage, man.

A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Wed Mar 31, 2004 12:32 am

^^Of course, pure Kongists would denounce the film s "not close enough to te original" or something like that.

-A Genius (On the subject (sorta), ever seen the other Kong remake? It kinda sucks, doesn't it?)

Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu
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Post by Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu » Wed Mar 31, 2004 10:59 pm

^Yes, the seventies remake. It was not good.

Is there really such a thing as a pure Kongist these days? Really, I'm interested. I mean, I can imagine there being big Kong fanatics back when the original flicks came out, and maybe a brief resurgence in popularity when the seventies turd hit, but, with the franchise dormant this long, you'd think the fanbase would long since have vanished. I mean, you don't see many fan-clubs devoted to Zorro or The Shadow.

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