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Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 8:47 am
by Hentaitom
Also known as Tekkaman blade. the last i saw of it was when i was about 7 years of age and i woke up every single morning at 6:30am so i could get ready for school and be allowed to watch it before leaving. i was so swept with nostalgia when i thought of it that i downloaded EVERY SINGLE OF THE 40 EPISODES OFF OF A 56k modem.... that has to be some sort of a record. but meh. the anime is still surperb and i cant get over how awesome it is. have you heard of it?

a few memory joggers.... spidercrabs, tecnocrystals, teknobot, Darkon, blade and saber. big fat mechs that smash around earth blowing each other up with quantam power blasters? ring any bells?