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Some Anime Opening and Closing theme songs.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:06 pm
by Galefore
Bah. I was bored, so I browsed around YouTube and snatched some theme songs to a few Anime. Some of them are actual theme songs, whereas others are full-length videos by the band. I'll start with Full Metal Alchemist.

Opening Themes:
1st opening - Mellisa by Porno Graffiti - YouTube - FMA Opening: 1st
2nd Opening-Ready Steady Go by L'arc en Ciel - YouTube - fma 2th opening
3rd Opening - Undo (couldn't find out the artist) - YouTube - Undo [3rd Opening]
4th Opening - Rewrite by Asian Kung Fu Generation (Full PV) - YouTube - Rewrite

Ending themes (I only got three of these. I didn't feel like searching for the others...)
1st - Indelible Sin by Nana Kitade - YouTube - Full Meta Alchemist 1st Ending Theme
2nd - Beyond the Door (Artist unknown) - YouTube - Fullmetal Alchemist ED 2-"Beyond the Door"
3rd - Motherland (Artist Unknown) - YouTube - FullMetal Alchemist

Bleach (I decided to only get the songs that have aired on the American version, and then update as more are added)
1st - Asterisk by Orange Range (Full PV) - YouTube - Orange Range-Asterisk

Ending themes
1st - Life is Like A Boat by Rei Fu - YouTube - Bleach 1st ED
2nd - Thank You by Home Made Kazoku (full PV) - YouTube - Bleach 2nd Ending Theme (promo version)

A couple from Naruto...
Openings (Not in any particular order this time..)
Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung Fu Generation - YouTube - Naruto OPening 2
GO! Fighting Dreamers by FLOW - YouTube - Naruto 4th Opening Theme Song

Death Note
The World by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note - the WORLD
Alumina by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note ED - Alumina

Alright, that's what I'm gonna open with. If you have any special requests, please make them, and I'll search that video and add it. There are many more I want to do, but I'm tired, so TO BE UPDATED...

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 7:17 pm
by deathscythe
I have Rewrite on my mp3.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 1:19 pm
by Galefore
Alright, moving on:

Samurai Deeper Kyo:
Ao No Requiem - YouTube - Samurai deeper Kyo opening

(I'm dearly sorry, I could only find a version that was subtitled in Spanish...)
Love Deeper.-
YouTube - Samurai Deeper Kyo Ending SubtÃ*tulos Español

Samurai 7
Opening -
Unlimited by Aikawa Nanase - YouTube - Samurai 7 Opening

Ending -
Fuhen by Rin'- YouTube - Samurai 7 Closing

I dunno... I have no idea what else to find theme songs to. I was gonna do Samurai X, but... Damn, what the hell, I'll look up some of the Samurai X themes. I like a few of 'em anyway.

Samurai X-
I had no idea how to find any of them, because every damn search I made came up with some wierd Tennis show... I'll just post Heart of Sword. Because that song rocks. Its the third ending, but over here in the States, it was the first and... well, last.
Heart of Sword by TM Revolution - YouTube - Heart of Sword

That's it for now. Like I said, any requests will be filled to the best of my ability.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:24 pm
by Roll16
Haven't heard the opening theme from Rozen Maiden? Is cool

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:28 pm
by Galefore
Sorry for the bump, Masa. I just wanted to add some more without making a new topic.

D. Gray-Man
Opening - Innocent Sorrow by Abingdon Boy's School: YouTube - abingdon boys school - INNOCENT SORROW

1st, Snow Kiss (artist unknown) - YouTube - D.Gray-Man Ending Theme 1 RAW
2nd, Pride of Tomorrow (artist unknown, and I really don't want to know) - YouTube - D Gray Man Second Ending Theme

Black Cat
Opening - Daia no Hana (Artist unknown) - YouTube - Black Cat - Opening Song

Buso Renkin
opening, (i don;t have any info on this one...) - YouTube - Busou Renkin 1st opening

Ending, Hoshiakari by Jyukai - YouTube - Busou Renkin Ending

Trinity Blood
Opening Theme, no info on this'n - YouTube - Trinity Blood Opening

Ending Theme, Broken Wings by Tomoko Tane. - YouTube - Trinity Blood Ending

If you have any of your own or some requests, post them...

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:32 pm
by spooky scary bearatons
My add to this - YouTube - One Piece Opening 1-6

Also... HOLY CRAP, this new Death Note opening is insane O.o : YouTube - Death Note 2nd Opening Theme - Animanda Sub (Warning, a fair bit of swearing)

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:04 pm
by spooky scary bearatons
I felt this topic needed to be stickied.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:14 pm
by Galefore
Basilisks Opening and two endings (Kouga Ninpouchou by Onmyouza, as well as Hime Murasaki and Wild Eyes by Nana Mizuki) YouTube - Basilisk JP Opening & Ending - no credits Yes, I posted these before. But now they are in a convenient wrap!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:40 pm
by Apollo the Just
Death by Exsanguination wrote:I have Rewrite on my mp3.
Me too, what a coinkidink!!!!

*is shot*

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 9:16 pm
by ChuckleHuck
Whatever you do, don't post the Green Green opening.

...Or at least not here.

...Stupid fan service...

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:49 am
by Galefore
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyone else remember this madly catchy song? It's Called Raveolution by Reel Big Fish, and it was the theme for an ill-fated anime called Rave Master. I never was a huge fan of the anime, but damn it all, I ****ing loved the theme song. As Douglas once said, it is one of the most catchy theme songs EVAR: YouTube - Rave Master Revolution

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:02 pm
by Mushi

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:02 am
by Wyborn
You damn young people! This is the greatest anime opening ever, and God spread his mercy on you if you are so internally broken as to disagree:

YouTube - Cha La Head Cha La

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:27 pm
by Mushi

YouTube - .Hack// Legend of the Twilight opening

And here's the opening to .hack//sign.

YouTube - .Hack//Sign Opening

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:56 pm
by t3hDarkness
Tsukuyomi - Moon Phase

2004 OP

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:46 pm
by SuperMarioSunshine
Ladies and Gentlemen... I'm gonna give you Minky Momo!!

Minky Momo Opening (1982)

YouTube - Minky Momo Opening 1982

Minky Momo Ending (1982)

YouTube - Minky Momo ending-1982 series

Minky Momo OP1 (1991)

YouTube - Minky Momo Opening 1991

Minky Momo ED1 (1991)

YouTube - Minky Momo 1991 ending

Minky Momo OP2 (1991)

YouTube - Minky Momo Opening 2 1991

Minky Momo ED2 (1991)

YouTube - Minky Momo Ending 2 1991

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:56 pm
by SephirothKirby
Bit of a bump, but it was stickied anyway and not spam, so...

Beautiful opening, .Hack//Roots

YouTube - hack//Roots Raw Opening

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:33 pm
by Speed

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:55 pm
by Rainbow Dash
If I could find the openings and endings for Gurren-Lagann I would, youtube sucks and has mostly naruto

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:00 pm
by Galefore
Yeah, most everything I added early on has been eaten by Youtube anger.

Oh well, only thing they did was stop me from walking down memory lane.