Some Anime Opening and Closing theme songs.
Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:06 pm
Bah. I was bored, so I browsed around YouTube and snatched some theme songs to a few Anime. Some of them are actual theme songs, whereas others are full-length videos by the band. I'll start with Full Metal Alchemist.
Opening Themes:
1st opening - Mellisa by Porno Graffiti - YouTube - FMA Opening: 1st
2nd Opening-Ready Steady Go by L'arc en Ciel - YouTube - fma 2th opening
3rd Opening - Undo (couldn't find out the artist) - YouTube - Undo [3rd Opening]
4th Opening - Rewrite by Asian Kung Fu Generation (Full PV) - YouTube - Rewrite
Ending themes (I only got three of these. I didn't feel like searching for the others...)
1st - Indelible Sin by Nana Kitade - YouTube - Full Meta Alchemist 1st Ending Theme
2nd - Beyond the Door (Artist unknown) - YouTube - Fullmetal Alchemist ED 2-"Beyond the Door"
3rd - Motherland (Artist Unknown) - YouTube - FullMetal Alchemist
Bleach (I decided to only get the songs that have aired on the American version, and then update as more are added)
1st - Asterisk by Orange Range (Full PV) - YouTube - Orange Range-Asterisk
Ending themes
1st - Life is Like A Boat by Rei Fu - YouTube - Bleach 1st ED
2nd - Thank You by Home Made Kazoku (full PV) - YouTube - Bleach 2nd Ending Theme (promo version)
A couple from Naruto...
Openings (Not in any particular order this time..)
Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung Fu Generation - YouTube - Naruto OPening 2
GO! Fighting Dreamers by FLOW - YouTube - Naruto 4th Opening Theme Song
Death Note
The World by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note - the WORLD
Alumina by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note ED - Alumina
Alright, that's what I'm gonna open with. If you have any special requests, please make them, and I'll search that video and add it. There are many more I want to do, but I'm tired, so TO BE UPDATED...
Opening Themes:
1st opening - Mellisa by Porno Graffiti - YouTube - FMA Opening: 1st
2nd Opening-Ready Steady Go by L'arc en Ciel - YouTube - fma 2th opening
3rd Opening - Undo (couldn't find out the artist) - YouTube - Undo [3rd Opening]
4th Opening - Rewrite by Asian Kung Fu Generation (Full PV) - YouTube - Rewrite
Ending themes (I only got three of these. I didn't feel like searching for the others...)
1st - Indelible Sin by Nana Kitade - YouTube - Full Meta Alchemist 1st Ending Theme
2nd - Beyond the Door (Artist unknown) - YouTube - Fullmetal Alchemist ED 2-"Beyond the Door"
3rd - Motherland (Artist Unknown) - YouTube - FullMetal Alchemist
Bleach (I decided to only get the songs that have aired on the American version, and then update as more are added)
1st - Asterisk by Orange Range (Full PV) - YouTube - Orange Range-Asterisk
Ending themes
1st - Life is Like A Boat by Rei Fu - YouTube - Bleach 1st ED
2nd - Thank You by Home Made Kazoku (full PV) - YouTube - Bleach 2nd Ending Theme (promo version)
A couple from Naruto...
Openings (Not in any particular order this time..)
Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung Fu Generation - YouTube - Naruto OPening 2
GO! Fighting Dreamers by FLOW - YouTube - Naruto 4th Opening Theme Song
Death Note
The World by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note - the WORLD
Alumina by Nightmare - YouTube - Death Note ED - Alumina
Alright, that's what I'm gonna open with. If you have any special requests, please make them, and I'll search that video and add it. There are many more I want to do, but I'm tired, so TO BE UPDATED...