The Fullmetal Alchemist Thread
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:15 pm
Anyway, as we all know this series is wonderful and fantastic and gorgeous and beautiful and therefore deserves its own thread. And also as we all know, by "this series" I mean the holy trinity of manga, 2003 anime, and Brotherhood reboot, for all of their strengths and weaknesses, ups and downs, goods and bads.
My very first introduction to Fullmetal Alchemist was at an anime convention in like 2004. There was an Anime Music Video competition I watched, and I saw an AMV of this anime I had never seen that looked really angsty and 100% EXACTLY My Shiz, and once I realized what the anime was I decided I Needed To Watch It. (Also, the AMV had massive end of series spoilers, which just made me more excited because I knew some REAL **** was gonna go down at some point and was anxiously awaiting it.) So, and I vividly recall this, I stayed up late and shirked my homework and marathoned the whole 52-episode series in two days and became 10000% obsessed, in typical AJ fashion. Then I learned about the movie and spent like 2 days finding a source to torrent it, that was good times. I then forced my mom to watch it too, and re-watched the whole thing start to finish with her a few weeks later. (She also really liked it). I think I was about 12 at the time, because I remember thinking when Ed was 11 taking the state alchemist exam "OH EM GEE THE HUSBANDO IS ABOUT MY AGE!!ONE"
I then re-binged it a couple years later, and I know this because I remember thinking when Ed was like 14 during most of the series "OH EM GEE THE HUSBANDO IS STILL ABOUT MY AGE!!!!!ONE".
I loved the series as a whole, especially the concept behind the Homunculi, but some things about it really bothered me - specifically I hated the whole thing with 2003!Wrath, and the whole the-gate-goes-to-our-world thing. I also wanted a happier ending and hated how bittersweet the one we got was. Things which I later learned were totally made up by this anime, which made me excited to read the manga and watch Brotherhood where they weren't a thing.
I kept up with the manga and Brotherhood for a couple years, then fell off the wagon (I was kind of disappointed in the Homunculi specifically because I loved their origin in the first anime so much) and didn't get back on until after Brotherhood finished and I decided to binge it in 2011 or so. Totally fell back in love. Still a bit disappointed in the Homunculi but everything else was so perfect I didn't really care, the worldbuilding was much bigger and better and everything felt like it fell into place much more successfully. It was way more satisfying to me from start to finish and I absolutely loved it and wondered why I ever doubted it just because I watched and loved the 2003 show first.
Fast forward to now. I suddenly and inexplicably started feeling really nostalgic about this anime that was MY FAVORITE THING EVAR for a significant portion of my late middle-school life, and realizing that I actually vastly prefer bittersweet endings to happier ones now (as opposed to 2011 me) I wondered if I wouldn't enjoy the 2003 anime more if I revisited it after all this time.
A combination of factors-- the 2003 anime gets WAY darker than the manga/Brotherhood, and in an anime that is basically give-Ed-as-much-PTSD-as-possible-in-50-episodes I'm all for it. I love angst. I also really like the ending now, I like that it straight up Goes There with WWII Germany rather than just making the whole thing remain an obvious metaphor; like it's weird but it totally works thematically. Also, there is SO MUCH NOSTALGIA in experiencing an anime I love but haven't seen in over a decade, holy butts you guys. So many feelings. 2005 me is resurfacing and THIS ANIME IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD
(I still don't really like 2003 Wrath tho, not until the Conqueror of Shamballa movie, which is another thing that I really love now which I didn't super love before.)
I'm honestly impressed with how well this series shows Ed maturing, because I explicitly remember relating to him as a 12-year-old when I was 12, as a 14-year-old when I was 14, and now as an adult (since by the time the movie comes around he's 18). The character development and focus is honestly incredible.
I want to re-watch Brotherhood because I know it does many things way better than 2003 does, but I'm not ready to yet because I need to give myself time to recover from the emotional roller coaster ending in pain and suffering that this anime is (and also because I know there are things I like better in 2003 and I don't want that to ruin Brotherhood). I don't want to watch Brotherhood and its relatively happy ending just to cope with 2003 because I don't want to feel like one is replacing the other, when in fact I love both of them and they are both very very important.
Anyway can we talk about this series bc??? It's Good
best ending theme:
Anyway, as we all know this series is wonderful and fantastic and gorgeous and beautiful and therefore deserves its own thread. And also as we all know, by "this series" I mean the holy trinity of manga, 2003 anime, and Brotherhood reboot, for all of their strengths and weaknesses, ups and downs, goods and bads.
My very first introduction to Fullmetal Alchemist was at an anime convention in like 2004. There was an Anime Music Video competition I watched, and I saw an AMV of this anime I had never seen that looked really angsty and 100% EXACTLY My Shiz, and once I realized what the anime was I decided I Needed To Watch It. (Also, the AMV had massive end of series spoilers, which just made me more excited because I knew some REAL **** was gonna go down at some point and was anxiously awaiting it.) So, and I vividly recall this, I stayed up late and shirked my homework and marathoned the whole 52-episode series in two days and became 10000% obsessed, in typical AJ fashion. Then I learned about the movie and spent like 2 days finding a source to torrent it, that was good times. I then forced my mom to watch it too, and re-watched the whole thing start to finish with her a few weeks later. (She also really liked it). I think I was about 12 at the time, because I remember thinking when Ed was 11 taking the state alchemist exam "OH EM GEE THE HUSBANDO IS ABOUT MY AGE!!ONE"
I then re-binged it a couple years later, and I know this because I remember thinking when Ed was like 14 during most of the series "OH EM GEE THE HUSBANDO IS STILL ABOUT MY AGE!!!!!ONE".
I loved the series as a whole, especially the concept behind the Homunculi, but some things about it really bothered me - specifically I hated the whole thing with 2003!Wrath, and the whole the-gate-goes-to-our-world thing. I also wanted a happier ending and hated how bittersweet the one we got was. Things which I later learned were totally made up by this anime, which made me excited to read the manga and watch Brotherhood where they weren't a thing.
I kept up with the manga and Brotherhood for a couple years, then fell off the wagon (I was kind of disappointed in the Homunculi specifically because I loved their origin in the first anime so much) and didn't get back on until after Brotherhood finished and I decided to binge it in 2011 or so. Totally fell back in love. Still a bit disappointed in the Homunculi but everything else was so perfect I didn't really care, the worldbuilding was much bigger and better and everything felt like it fell into place much more successfully. It was way more satisfying to me from start to finish and I absolutely loved it and wondered why I ever doubted it just because I watched and loved the 2003 show first.
Fast forward to now. I suddenly and inexplicably started feeling really nostalgic about this anime that was MY FAVORITE THING EVAR for a significant portion of my late middle-school life, and realizing that I actually vastly prefer bittersweet endings to happier ones now (as opposed to 2011 me) I wondered if I wouldn't enjoy the 2003 anime more if I revisited it after all this time.
A combination of factors-- the 2003 anime gets WAY darker than the manga/Brotherhood, and in an anime that is basically give-Ed-as-much-PTSD-as-possible-in-50-episodes I'm all for it. I love angst. I also really like the ending now, I like that it straight up Goes There with WWII Germany rather than just making the whole thing remain an obvious metaphor; like it's weird but it totally works thematically. Also, there is SO MUCH NOSTALGIA in experiencing an anime I love but haven't seen in over a decade, holy butts you guys. So many feelings. 2005 me is resurfacing and THIS ANIME IS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD
(I still don't really like 2003 Wrath tho, not until the Conqueror of Shamballa movie, which is another thing that I really love now which I didn't super love before.)
I'm honestly impressed with how well this series shows Ed maturing, because I explicitly remember relating to him as a 12-year-old when I was 12, as a 14-year-old when I was 14, and now as an adult (since by the time the movie comes around he's 18). The character development and focus is honestly incredible.
I want to re-watch Brotherhood because I know it does many things way better than 2003 does, but I'm not ready to yet because I need to give myself time to recover from the emotional roller coaster ending in pain and suffering that this anime is (and also because I know there are things I like better in 2003 and I don't want that to ruin Brotherhood). I don't want to watch Brotherhood and its relatively happy ending just to cope with 2003 because I don't want to feel like one is replacing the other, when in fact I love both of them and they are both very very important.
Anyway can we talk about this series bc??? It's Good
best ending theme: