Wreck-It Ralph

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Post by LOOT » Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:50 pm

http://www.amazon.com/Wreck-It-Ralph-Bl ... Blu-Ray+3D

We just got a 3D TV recently


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Post by Zarine » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:14 pm

I really want to see this movie, i missed it in its theatrical release and i didn't think it was going to be that good but everyone i know saw it and said it was awesome, now i want to see it!



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Post by Greenmarioman » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:51 pm

i saw this movie three times and i cried at three different parts (and paperman)

if a movie can make me this emotional then it deserves to be my favorite

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Post by Deepfake » Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:17 am

Zarine wrote:I really want to see this movie, i missed it in its theatrical release and i didn't think it was going to be that good but everyone i know saw it and said it was awesome, now i want to see it!
To be honest it wasn't anything spectacular, but it wasn't overtly flawed like a lot of family CGI tends to be. The film dwells too long on the Candyland setting (which is actually set in a themepark racing game) and while it does not stumble while using established concepts (game characters and settings which are inspired by real-life examples) it presents ideas not too dissimilar to the early 90's very vague and often poor fictional understanding of computer games, where new concepts (destructive computer virus-like enemies intentionally placed in a game that actually threaten the game's functionality? huh?) often don't seem to follow any of the rulework laid out by imitation of computer games. So what you get is a vague approximation of the concept that character behavior is restricted to the game's logic, but the logic is spotty. It's cherry picking for whatever's convenient, and in any long form franchise would probably feel very contrived.

But I'd emphasize that it was still fun to watch and despite it basically only having 3 major game locations, it did depict a community built of video game characters. Just don't expect the film to properly pay homage to much - it's using games for background and reference, and gives a few direct nods.
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Post by LegendKane » Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:34 am

I watched the movie last night.It is great. It brings back old thoughts.

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