Kefka: Who's stronger than him?!

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:43 pm

I haven't played it, but yeah, from your description he could probably/maybe/IDK
beat Kefka.
Again, Soma Cruz would kick Kefka's BUTT

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Post by Erdawn Il Deus » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:44 pm

^You should see Amano's original inception of what Sephiroth should've looked like. Had he looked that way in the game, my respect for his character might've grown three sizes. Shallowness aside, anyway.

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Post by Metal Man » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:44 pm

M. Hercule Poirot wrote:^If that was an attempt to lampoon my previous post, I would have you know I was giggling in pure joy at how people would react to such a bad attempt at sounding tough. I had no idea you'd come along with that and ruin my party.

You're a meany flamer. :(
Actually that was at the topic in general, heh heh heh.

Even if the characters you mean to compare are put in the same game, unless it's a full-on crossover RPG or something (fighters don't count--they tend to balance out characters who would otherwise have obvious cheap ways to win against others) it doesn't really mean much, and even then such crossover RPGs might morph the character to fit in with the setting (I.E. I would take any KH FF character usage with a bucket of salt).

As I've run a thing where it's been basically 'which character is better' for eons, I've gotten a feel for the only way to truly compare characters, which most of you would probably think is too artsy.

The best character has the most sensible and complete backstory, is written the best, and overall the most powerful image. This trumps their actual power level and fighting abilities. The most powerful 1-dimensional marvel superhero falls to his knees against, say, the Joabs from the Grapes of wrath. The latter are human; the prior piece is a one-dimensional robot who has no real problems and doesn't really mean anything.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:46 pm


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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:47 pm

Soma Cruz...? I doubt it, I came to the conclusion, that IMO, he's just as strong as somewhere between Raditz (1200) and Nappa (4000) if we came to the conclusion that he (Soma Cruz) could beat SSj4 Goku (Trillions probably...) then there's no way Soma could beat Kefka.

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Post by X-3 » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:02 pm

Soma probably has a shot at Kefka, depending on what souls he has.

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:05 pm

...HMMM....Soma with I guess all the souls after Dawn Of Sorrows.

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Post by Erdawn Il Deus » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:31 pm

^Actually if you observe the power Soma accumulates throughout the game, he (and thus, the Castlevanian Dracula, and thus any Belmont - which is more terrifying) stands to be far more powerful than any god. Not even dabbling in the power of the souls he collects (including that of biblical monstrosities like, say, Legion), just the artefacts and weaponry... the spear of Longinus? The spear that slew Christ!? Pretty sure he could take out Kefka.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:43 pm


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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:58 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Soma Cruz...? I doubt it, I came to the conclusion, that IMO, he's just as strong as somewhere between Raditz (1200) and Nappa (4000) if we came to the conclusion that he (Soma Cruz) could beat SSj4 Goku (Trillions probably...) then there's no way Soma could beat Kefka.
That's because you blindly followed some thing that made you believe that because giant spikes could hurt him, he was extremely inferior because Goku is unable to be hurt by any weapon ever. It's true. He blocked Trunks' sword once.
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Post by VG_Addict » Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:33 pm

Chuck Norris.

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Post by Metal Man » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:13 pm

Also, wouldn't it be obvious that the protagonists of FF6 could beat Kefka?

Also, I raise you with Neo-Exdeath. Becoming one with The Void means he could basically destroy anything--that includes Gods, since instead of having ultimate control he can just blow everything to bits if not killed.
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Post by Crazyswordsman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:15 pm

PSYCHOKID909 wrote:Unlike Sephiroth, Kefka was smart enough to know that TWO wings are required to fly.

- You stupid dog!
Sephy has, like 7 wings. He needs them to stay up. That thing hanging out of the back of his neck is merely for decoration.

Anyway, to be fair, Vayne would destroy both Kefka AND Sephy (and I'm an FFVI fan saying this...)

Also, in my FFWiki tournament, Kefka beat top seeded Sephiroth in a deathmatch, so...yeah. -CSM

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:43 pm

I find it funny that you said your FFWiki Tournament.

On the other hand, Kefka sould beat Sephy anyway so I'll let you off the hook. :p

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Post by PK FIRE! » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:53 pm

As opposed to the FFVI heros who can;
1 use black, white, and staus effect magic, they learned off an esper.
2 Each also has there own specil ability,
3 They can equip TWO accersies insted of just one, some of witch can add class like abilities IE the draggoon boots (jump) or the genji glove ( use two weapons).
4 Let's not forget THE cheapest bit of equipment known to FF games the good old pailien shield that will absorbe or block just about anything you can throw at it.
5 Toss in using whatever epser the heros have equipped as a once a battle summon.
6 and the item magicite shards witch summon a random esper.

Yeah any of the returns can stomp Ramza into a find powder. Granted obnly one paliden sheild exists in the game but still. I could be here all day listing off the relics/acceres what what there effects are, Hence wy Kefka can be taken down fairly easily.

- You stupid dog!
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Post by Galefore » Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:56 pm

As to who could beat Kefka, I'd say... Hmm, I'm sure one of those mega-marks in FF12 has a good chance.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:44 pm



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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:51 pm

Chuck Norris.... Let's leave him out of this...Lol

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:08 pm

Obviously, he's not fictional.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Tue Jul 08, 2008 11:21 pm

Have you seen that guy with all those swords in the preview for the new Final Fantasy game? Final Fantasy Versus (Something)? Every bullet that was shot at him was stopped mid-air.

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