More loopholes, hmm? Goku himself has come back from the dead repeatedly, even without the power of the dragon balls to aid him. As Panfan mentioned, if we are to assume that the combatants must inhabit a physically corporeal body - then the Phoenix will manifest in the body of a host, ignoring the thoughts and abilities of the host body. Easy fix.I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote: I found this little piece of info here pertaining to Phoenix. "If the Phoenix Force is harmed or killed, it will form an "egg" of cosmic power, incubate in the White Hot Room, and hatch out completely healed." If this is true, there is no way to win, not for anyone. Tell me if I am wrong on this, if it can be completely defeated 100%. Otherwise, it's pretty unfair.
If Goku can return from the dead, even circumstantially, then the fight has to be set to a simple defeat - at the stage where the character dies is where the fight ends. Otherwise, Goku cannot be "completely defeated" either. The "if the phoenix is harmed or killed" only applies to the very presence, or soul of the Phoenix. Its host body will be destroyed. Goku's soul has never been destroyed, either. Upon his death, he returns to the land of the dead.