Dr. Starnge Spell of the Vashanti - Reverts Goku to an embryo and then nullfies his existance once the eye of Agamoto's light is cast.

Dr. Fate - Bands of Faldor would scatter Goku's corporal form across the nether region.

Since all three use magic they can safely cast these spells from a distance let alone another dimension.
Pretty much any character with enough magical power and access to the right spells can simply cast the incantation from their location and affect Goku wherever he lies. Or anyone with enough telekenitic powers can simply focuse on one of his main organs and explode them from inside his body using only the power of their mind.
And didn't Goku die in one of the future timelines from a simple heart attack?? If it wasn't for Trunks going back in time and giving him the antidote he would have perished.
Which would mean that Pestilence one of Apocolyps's Horse Man could simply touch Goku and infect him with a virus that kills him in seconds. I assume Goku has had colds before and can suffer from disease and such. I mean if the guy can die from a heart attack he's still mortal. Hell even removing the air from an entire planet would kill him seeing as he still needs air to breath.
Besides Goku's power level is only relevant to his reality comparing that to anything else from a different world or reality is impossible. Goku's power level could be very weak in the Marvel or DC comic book universe, where as in his reality/world he's pretty much god level.
I'm sure most if not all of my points have been adressed in the 20+ pages before this one, but I'll be damned if I'm going to read through all that crap.
see my motha ****ing sig for the smilie
End of discussion