Goku: Who's stronger than him?!

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:03 pm

1. I knew Wy well and he would NOT agree so I won't read that (maybe later for kicks. Wys always got something interesting to say). He told me before I liked DBZ that Goku was nigh unbeatable & we had all kinds of debates so I know what I'm talkin' about there. Unicron? Your argument relies on Kamehameha being slow. Instant Transmission close enough, blast, teleport away. Done. BTW, Goku had a spacesuit so we'll have him use it to battle Unicron.

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Post by Galefore » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:05 pm

^You fail to see that Wy DOES likely agree in this case, seeing as he seems to be a bigger 'Dorf supporter than all of us combined. READ THE ****ING ARGUMENT, and you'll change your mind. Trust me.

Note that you said "knew". He currently supports Ganondorf so heavily, in fact, that he has made a topic called "Ganondorf beats up Everyone" in the Art&Lit board. Even if he disagrees that Ganondorf could beat Goku, I still promise you that he could. Easily. Without trying.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:16 pm

Nice hair joke :)

Weak and defenseless? Goku is always near death! He's a Saiyan warrior! I'll ignore ya even said that! :p And I DID play FF6 and got far. Wait, THAT Kefka?! Wasn't he just a joke? Did he actually become powerful? I should finish FF6...also, fine, I'll read that quote but Wy was a DBZ supporter more than Zelda. He posed me a question once: Who could kill Link? Well, long story short, he set rules like mine, stating I can't name Goku to kill him, that he would anihilate Link...who kills GANON/DORF!

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Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:22 pm

... You don't know who Kefka is? Okay ignoring that, Fallen One brings people so close to death that a bee sting would probly finish the job. Also Kefka has a huge varity of other nasty magic attacks including one (I don't recall it's name) that slames the attacker with every negitive status effect in the game. Strong as goku is i'd like to see him do much if he's blinded, poisoned, confused, berserked, muted, ect Oh he also has another attack that basicly turns you into an ice statue for the rest of the fight/revived by proper item.

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Post by Galefore » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:30 pm

^^You still neglect to see my point, because you're blinded by what you think is the absolute truth. I promise, promise, that Wy would likely support Ganondorf on this one.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:37 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Well, Tazy, I just have the fight as "2 guys meet at some place they can survive at and try to kill each other" so it's fair. Super Man has been hurt without kryptonite before right? I am sure of it, tell me what it was.
It was other people from under a red sun.

I don't remember anything about Goku being born in a solar system with a red sun.
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:51 pm

Now to read Wys post...

PK, ever watch DBZ? Frieza fought while chopped in half with his arm cut off AFTER a beatdown. Blinded? Vegito beat the crap outta Super Buu while he couldn't see. Poison? It would only kill him after Kefka dies from a single hit assuming he has no Senzu Beans. Confuse? All about luck then. Berserk? It increases attack! He'd be a fool! Mute? No affect. ANYWAY, its all assuming he's faster than Goku & even can attack! Close, but no cigar. Also, I am positive if he read this he'd take my side.

Red Sun? Who cares if its pink! Planet Vegeta has 10X earth's gravity! That's bragging rights!

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Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:59 pm

I admit the guit of Liking DBZ long ago, and I ABOSUTLY LOATHED Goku. I liked gohan from the start because unlike dear old dad his skull had something other then gravle in it, granted he was a wimp for a long time but still.

I still say that Kefka wins. The guy's basicly bottled crazy with the power of and I'm repeating this THREE goddess, of Magic. fallen one would really screw over Goku, he'd be too wak to move, mute prevents magic attacks so that could be carried over to Ki moves. whiler Beserk does make physical attacks stronger it also takes away inteligens meaning Goku could only punch and kick and wouldn't be smart enough to use a senzu bean.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:17 pm

Goku is actually highly intelligent. You mistake his innocence for ignorance. I don't care if Kefka has the power of a thousand goddesses, Goku is WAY stronger than the Supreme Kai (even more powerful than Kibito Kai) and Kami (Japanese for God)! Goku's punches? That's aaall he needs bud. This is ALL assuming Kefka can get BOTH moves on Goku (Kefka can't move at the speed of light, therefore forfeiting first strike) but if Kamehameha hits Kefka, he loses. Sorry, he lacks the ability...

BTW, magic does not translate to Ki. Ki is Goku's power within himself, it is him. Magic can be taught, all beings have Ki

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Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:32 pm

Heh this dabate is rather fun.

Thinking of marrige as a type of food is nOT innocence or naivite.

The aformentioned goddes out of alinement caused such mass destruction that the entire serface of the planet was rearanged! now take all that power and cram it inside of a guy whose idea of music is the screams of an ENTRE KINGDOM that he killed by posining there water supply. along with the citison of said kingdom were troops from his own army that had ben captured. He also intends to creat a monument to none existence. Think on the logic of that for a moment.

Also As kefka is in affect a god of magic he has acess to the spell Life three all he needs to do his cast that upon himself and he'll be auto raised from the dead. Though he never used said spell in the game that doesn't mean he couldn't lets also not forget that he could also induce the staus effect comdemed basicly a countdown to death spell.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:34 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote: Red Sun? Who cares if its pink! Planet Vegeta has 10X earth's gravity! That's bragging rights!
What does that have to do with the fact that only people who have been born under a red sun can defeat Superman without Kryptonite?
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by X-3 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:02 pm

First off, Gale and IRHP, this thread is for debating who could beat up Goku. It's not a "Wy agrees with ME!" thread. If Wy holds so much weight, invite him to this thread or something.

If Goku was blinded, he would be able to do basically nothing. Poisoned, he'd slowly die. Confused, he'd punch the floor, or beat on himself. Berserked, he would punch that floor harder. Muted...well, I don't think that would do much to him. All those ailments together would screw Goku over.

Also, this thread is pretty fun.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:08 pm

This is quite fun huh?

1. Goku is food obsessed even more than most Saiyans, give him a break. 2. F*cking up a planet vs destroying it (without trying), you decide. 3. AutoRaise X3? Reviving takes a turn or at least time, so Goku can kill him each time he revives. Also if he never used the power, it may not count. 4. I misunderstood the red sun thing. If ONLY that sun rule & kryptonite affect him, he's disqualified.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:09 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Well, Tazy, I just have the fight as "2 guys meet at some place they can survive at and try to kill each other" so it's fair.
And a punch to the face would still win.

Prove me wrong.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:24 pm

1. No, the topic is not who Wy would agree with but he would agree with me :p 2. Goku can sense others, sight is a bonus but doesn't require it. 3. Confused he MAY not attack Kefka but he may. Also, if he hit the ground like ya said near Kefka he still may fall into the crator/space due to lack of existing planet. He's POWERFUL dude. 4. Poison takes time, Kefka has no time. 5. *blocks punch to face*

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Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:26 pm

From what you're saying IRHP I gather that by GT or atleast when he's first becomes a fourth level super sain, he's got so much power that when he actuly taps into it that he can't properly controll it all therefore Goku would kill himself if he ever used it all.

While he never used Life3 in game doesn't mean he couldn't he's the source of all magic in the game by the second half so if the heros have spells X,Y, and Z then so does Kefka. Though I agree it's not really relivent to this fight. What about him inflicting the condemed staus on goku or even using the attack that turns him into pure ICE in otherwords it's like the pterify speel instent KO if it hits and while the ice spell didn't always hit it wasn't as useless as the heros petrefy spell was.

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Post by X-3 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:26 pm

You DO know what Kefka looks like during the final battle, right?

He's not actually ON the ground.

also superman wins...but he'd team up and have dinner with goku anyway, so...

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Post by Blake » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:44 pm

I never finished FF6 either, but I think with all those status effects mentioned anyone would be 'tripping balls'

Ruining someone's co-ordination in the least bit can have quite an impact on a fight, and let's not forget if he uses 'hp down to one' (as my friend calls it), then those status effects would pwn him no matter what.

But so far out of all of our discussions, I think superman was the best debate so I would nominate him as the one can take out Goku the most.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:49 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:5. *blocks punch to face*
God Damnit. You're not being fair :mad:

Also, I believe GT is Non-Canon, so :p

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Post by Mushi » Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:23 pm


Kefka was about to destroy the universe before the troupe of God-like heroes "defeated" him.

Destroy the universe.

Think about it.
