Since Panfan is useless, recommend me a series.

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Post by Dr. Furball » Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:43 am

Here's an obscure one: Mankatsu.
It's kinda like an animated sketch show based on the works of Lupin III creator Monkey Punch.
It's hard to recommend, though, since the sketches are pretty hit-and-miss (I mean, some are hilarious, but others are awful). The humor gets very lewd at times, too. But the art style is amazing, and the good sketches are fun to watch (the ones starring Lupin & Co. as well as the one about a wandering samurai are my favorites).
And there's no legit release or fansub available. The closest thing is an awful Russian dub.
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:08 am

CHARIOTS OF IRON wrote:I don't have anything against mecha themes, but shows in that genre do have a habit of being absolutely horrible. What's good about it?
it's basically an over-the-top amount of fun that doesn't really require too much thought and is just fun to watch; if you don't want to invest a whole lot of time i'd recommend the movies, they change some stuff and are in general a pretty awesome retelling (although they do manage to skip some of the stuff that happens in the show where they break between the two movies)

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Post by Edgarroni and Cheese » Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:12 pm

My two favorites are Deathnote and Full Metal Alchemist, even if they're mainstream. Course, I only got up to the halfway point of Deathnote.

I read the One Piece manga for quite a while (and don't judge it wrongly just because 4kids slaughtered the anime). I watched a little of Vampire Knight. There, now I am more helpful than Panfan.

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Post by Jenocide » Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:46 am

The most recent upbeat series I've seen is Arakawa Under the Bridge.

The story revolves around a businessman whose life is saved by a homeless girl that lives under a bridge. There's a hilarious cast of characters that all have really strange quirks. (For example: One guy thinks he's a kappa.)

If you want to see something really random I'd recommend Cromartie High School.

It's about a guy who enrolls in a school full of delinquents... and the plot sort of deteriorates from there. Most guys I talk to really like it.

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Post by LOOT » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:39 am

Val, I've watched both those series already. Shame Bobobo lasted a lot longer as a manga, THAT MEANS READING BOOOOOOO

I'll keep Azumanga Daioh in mind.

Bakemonogatari sounds... strange.

Baccano, eh? That'll probably be at hte top of my list.

Also, I really should watch Gurren Lagann. I am a fan of giant mechs wrecking ****. That's why I loved Megas XLR.

FLCL: Seen it.

FFU: Isn't the girl a descendant of Butz from Final Fantasy V?

^^ Except PF didn't recommend manga. That there is a frowny face on your report card.

^ I've seen Cromartie. Excellent series.

Okay, now for my next challenge

Finding said anime. Whoosh

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Post by Speed » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:22 pm

Baccano, Baccano, Baccano.

Basically, it's Pulp Fiction with Alchemy, check it out.

EDIT: Oh wait someone beat me to it, ****.

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Post by Bomby » Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:24 pm

Loot wrote:I'll keep Azumanga Daioh in mind.
Do so. I'm about to finish it tonight/tomorrow morning.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:48 am

Edgarroni and Cheese wrote:My two favorites are Deathnote and Full Metal Alchemist, even if they're mainstream. Course, I only got up to the halfway point of Deathnote.

I read the One Piece manga for quite a while (and don't judge it wrongly just because 4kids slaughtered the anime). I watched a little of Vampire Knight. There, now I am more helpful than Panfan.
i rec'd death note, fma, and one piece as jokes because they're super-mainstream d00d

sry brah

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:48 pm

Welcome to the NHK. I would not call it upbeat (most of the characters are pessimists to some degree), but it is not depressing either. It is a mixture of humor and seriousness. Basically, the main character is a shut-in. He's kind of paranoid, and he meets up with people he knew and makes some friends. The most notable influence on him was a girl a grade above him in school that was a conspiracy nut, which feeds his paranoia more. My description is not good, but it is deliberately vague. Also, it has no episodes with that filler feel; not one bit is wasted.

Highschool of the Dead. It is fairly recent (as in episodes are coming out), an adaptation of the manga. Basically, it's a zombie apacalypse that starts with a group of high school students (luckily they leave the school early on to do zombie survival stuff). Lots of references to certain zombie movies, violence, and blatant fanservice. Not really upbeat since lots of people die horribly and things get progressively worse.

Sora no Woto. If you know K-On, then imagine that they joined the army instead of forming a band, add a darker side to things, and set it in some post apocalyptic place. Mostly upbeat.

Berserk. Just watch it then go read the manga.
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Post by X-3 » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:12 pm

[strike]^You forgot to mention the tits and asses in High School of the Dead.[/strike]
Skimming posts is bad. :(

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Post by Nomyt » Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:43 pm

X-3 wrote:^You forgot to mention the tits and asses in High School of the Dead.
Er...he did. Blatant fanservice pretty much means T&A.
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Post by Kil'jaeden » Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:16 am

Millenium Actress. If you haven't seen it, I suggest it. If you have, go watch it again. There's someone a few posts up that would probably recommend it too.
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