Spider-Man reboot in 2012

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:03 pm

Venom was a tack-on that Raimi didn't want to do in the first place. The same clods that forced him into the third movie are now the ones running the show. You can guarantee the next director won't have the sway or power Raimi had (or extensive script approval). And you can expect it to be closer to the Venom/bad parts of 3 than the good parts.

If anything, the problem I had with the first movie was that they took Peter out of High School too quickly. The problem I had with the second movie was that they totally ruined the Harry/Peter storyarch and made it retarded.

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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:46 pm

Raimi can't be completely absolved from blame for the Venom fiasco. Okay, so maybe the producers forced him to include Venom. That didn't give Raimi the right to just say "Screw you" to all the fans and **** Venom up royally just because he couldn't get his way. He had a responsibility to make it work, and he should have made it work. Whether or not Raimi wanted Venom in the movie, the fact was he didn't have a choice, and if he had done his job as a filmmaker and treated the Venom story and character with a shred of respect, then Spider-Man 3 might not have been such a steaming turd sandwich.

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:12 pm

ZeldaGirl wrote:Did you not watch the first movie? Peter Parker was in high school...and he grappled with problems.
But it didn't focus on it. It barely even came into play, just enough for my tastes.
The Bureau]While the action was pretty cool wrote:
Venom at least looked cool though, eh? At least they didn't mess that up. The Green Goblin kinda looked like a Halloween costume in the first Spider-Man.

I wanted to see Carnage and a couple other enemies in Spider-Man 4 but now we'll probably be force fed the same villains.

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Post by Bomby » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:19 pm

Someone once described to me the second act of Spider-Man 3. Even I couldn't believe that a film with such a gigantic budget would screw up so royally. Then I saw the movie. I was proved wrong.


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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:34 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Venom at least looked cool though, eh? At least they didn't mess that up.
No, he didn't look cool. We only even got to see Venom's "mask" for about five seconds out of the whole movie. The rest of the time it was just Topher Grace's stupid, annoying face. Topher Grace in a blue bodysuit. That's what Venom looked like in Spider-Man 3.

And that's another problem I have with the Spider-Man movies. Spider-Man can't keep his mask on for more than five minutes at a time. During every battle, he loses it somehow. So we're not watching Spider-Man. We're watching Tobey Maguire. What the hell is up with that ****?
I wanted to see Carnage and a couple other enemies in Spider-Man 4
I don't see any way that Carnage could be done properly in a PG-13 movie (and you better believe that Marvel is not going to alienate a huge percentage of Spider-Man's audience with an "R" rating).

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:38 pm

^ Well, aside from barely seeing the mask, I thought it was cool.

And yeah, I also noticed that Spidey's mask was often removed. But I did like that he fought completely unsuited at one point, making it a bit realistic. Can't always be in that suit.

Also, they could just make an unrated version for the real fans to watch on DVD and just cover up anything else. Hell, he made appearances in the kids show so they can sneak him in right.

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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:54 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Hell, he made appearances in the kids show so they can sneak him in right.
Yeah, as a guy who inexplicably used his Symbiote spears to suck the life energy out of people and transfer it to the Dread Dormammu.

If you can't show decapitation, that's your first major indicator that you should just leave Carnage out of whatever you're doing.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:35 pm

Metal Mario wrote:Raimi can't be completely absolved from blame for the Venom fiasco. Okay, so maybe the producers forced him to include Venom. That didn't give Raimi the right to just say "Screw you" to all the fans and **** Venom up royally just because he couldn't get his way. He had a responsibility to make it work, and he should have made it work. Whether or not Raimi wanted Venom in the movie, the fact was he didn't have a choice, and if he had done his job as a filmmaker and treated the Venom story and character with a shred of respect, then Spider-Man 3 might not have been such a steaming turd sandwich.
Its a "**** you" to the producers. Raimi could have taken a steaming dump on a pile of film and sent that out to the theatres and Spiderman 3 would have been 1 at the box office for 3 weeks.

Every part of Spiderman 3 that is bad involves Venom. Its a tack-on, and one that he didn't really want. To me, its more disrespectful to force a director to use characters the producer wants even though the director has created two extremely profitable films using his own ideas and formulas. The original "second" villain was supposed to be the Vulture (as it was in the fourth movie). Easier to deal with than Venom, especially since he was basically forced to do the entire Venom origin story in the span of 1/3 of a movie.

Plus the whole amalgam of various Venom incarnations. Not every version of Venom is the steroid-bulked Eddie Brock with a 15 foot tongue.

Also, Carnage is terrible. Venom is at least decent if done well. I wouldn't put him in the top 5 of spiderman villains--maybe top ten--but he's kind of boring to be perfectly honest. Carnage OTOH is just stupid, boring, and an obnoxious ripoff of a decent villain.

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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:16 pm

Lurch1982 wrote:Its a "**** you" to the producers. Raimi could have taken a steaming dump on a pile of film and sent that out to the theatres and Spiderman 3 would have been 1 at the box office for 3 weeks.

Every part of Spiderman 3 that is bad involves Venom. Its a tack-on, and one that he didn't really want. To me, its more disrespectful to force a director to use characters the producer wants even though the director has created two extremely profitable films using his own ideas and formulas.
He didn't have the right to give the world a crappy Spider-Man movie just because the producers hurt his pride. His responsibility to Spider-Man fans everywhere was bigger than his own personal power struggle with the studio. He didn't just say "Screw you" to his bosses. He said "Screw you" to the fans. He let us down, on purpose. And for that he deserves to be out on his ass. The big baby can go back to making low-budget zombie bull**** if he can't learn to swallow his pride and work with what's given him.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:02 pm

Yet the fans marched into the theatres in droves, making it the second highest grossing superhero movie (first until the Dark Knight hit). If they were disappointed, they certainly didn't show it in any way that will make a studio pay attention.

You can't give someone basically full creative control for two movies, watch them become insanely successful, and pop up in the third one saying "Put this character in period." Unlike the other characters (save Harry Osborne, which they ruined thanks to too many villains in 3), Venom requires a buildup to be done effectively. Forcing him into three basically set it up for the character to fail or be a one-off. Venom didn't fit into the story used and it showed. They jammed a square peg into a round hole.

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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:18 pm

Lurch1982 wrote:Yet the fans marched into the theatres in droves, making it the second highest grossing superhero movie (first until the Dark Knight hit). If they were disappointed, they certainly didn't show it in any way that will make a studio pay attention.
How could we know Spider-Man 3 was going to be a crap sandwich before seeing it? By the time we found out it was a crap sandwich, it was too late. We'd already paid our ticket money. Just because the movie made a lot of money, that doesn't mean the fans approve. It just means we walked into it in good faith, not expecting that Raimi and company would let us down so catastrophically.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:36 pm

I don't know about that Metal Mario so people will pay to watch crap knowing full well that's what it'll be how else do you explain Date Movie and it's ilk doing so well at the box office. Then you have Uvie Bull making movies that just shouldn't be and yet through carefull use of loopholes makes money BECAUSE his movies tank.

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:07 pm

I am very excited. I prefer Spiderman as a teenager. Like in Ultimate Spiderman. I'm hoping that this series won't kill off every star villain in their first appearance like the Sam Raimi series.

And stop redesigning the villains! I really, really hope that they'll do Green Goblin right if he's in it. A way to do this is to no put him in a Power Rangers monster suit. Oh, gosh.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:38 pm

There was nothing wrong with Green Goblin in a power suit.


Sure, it made him more powerful than he usually was, but that was the point of making him the villain of the movie.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:46 pm

While I understand that most superheros have a code that doesn't allow them to kill and that Marvle/DC needs to keep the core villians for thier heros around. I think that killing off the likes of Joker, Green Gobblin, Lex Luthor, and the Kingpen makes alot more sense then sending them off to a prision that can't hold water much less a super villian.

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Metal Mario
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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:11 pm

PK FIRE! wrote:I don't know about that Metal Mario so people will pay to watch crap knowing full well that's what it'll be how else do you explain Date Movie and it's ilk doing so well at the box office.
Granted, some movies are obvious crap at first glance, yet still seem to perform at least adequately at the box office. But nobody thought Spider-Man 3 was going to be crappy. Everyone went into it expecting something really special, but the filmmakers let us down.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:46 pm

Metal Mario wrote:How could we know Spider-Man 3 was going to be a crap sandwich before seeing it? By the time we found out it was a crap sandwich, it was too late. We'd already paid our ticket money. Just because the movie made a lot of money, that doesn't mean the fans approve. It just means we walked into it in good faith, not expecting that Raimi and company would let us down so catastrophically.
I don't know, you could read a review or any of the reactions on the Interweb. That only explains the first weekend, not the ensuing 12 or so that it was still in theatres.

Studios don't care what you think as long as you spend money. Why did they make three X-Men movies and a spinoff, but not a Daredevil sequel? Daredevil had a bad take at the box office. Why aren't they likely to make another Fantastic Four movie, but they'll crank out another Batman Begins movie (money)? Why is Frank Miller basically outcast again (The Spirit tanked)?

You're being melodramatic anyway. Spiderman 3 was decent if you ignored the Venom subplot. Still better than either Fantastic Four movie, better than Daredevil, better than Batman 3 and 4, better than the Spirit, etc.

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Post by Speed » Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:06 am

If they retcon One More Day and Civil War I'll give crap.

As for this movie...I'll wait to see it before bitching.

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Post by Dr. Furball » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:04 am

As of this writing (not counting this post)

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Anyway, dealing with being a teenager was a big part of Spidey's character early on. Heck, for all intents and purposes, it was the whole idea. I loved all three of Rami's films (even 3), so I feel that it's gonna be a hard act to top (although having ol' Web-Head wisecrack during battles would be a good start). But since there'll be only a six-year gap between the two films, I think it's a bit early to do a reboot. Warner Bros. waited eight years before reinventing Batman.
If they faithful to the source material (see the first two movies), and put the same amount of care into it that Rami did, then I don't really have a problem.
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Post by Kargath » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:10 am

Dylan wrote:Yeah! I'd rather have the ****pile that was Spider-Man 3! Sooo much better than returning the franchise to what the comics were all about: Peter discovering his powers! What the hell, guys!
Discovering his powers? maybe for a few issues when it started ...

now it's totem spider / mephisto :p
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