Favorite opening/closing themes?

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Post by Deepfake » Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:06 am

YW dude :cool:

^^^ I've seen the first two dvds, but ran out of cash to buy the rest when I was getting into it. It starts off pretty dull, but all of the sudden all sorts of crap starts happening at once. I was pretty into JR before the series, but never heard the track until I saw that intro.
I muttered 'light as a board, stiff as a feather' for 2 days straight and now I've ascended, ;aughing at olympus and zeus is crying

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Post by Zharen » Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:43 am

Juno Reactor does some great work. I've also enjoyed Conga Fury (Animatrix) and Nitrogen part 1.

Since we're stuck on animes, I figured this one deserved a mention.


I usually don't like stuff like this, but I was sucker for the first 3 Wolf's Rain DVD's and it grew on me. Pretty good series, wished they never made disc 7, it's depressing as Hell.

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