Matrix Revolutions

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:41 am

Originally posted by Prince Toad:
I have Enter the Matrix, but I didn't notice the train man... my brother and I beat it, and he saw the movie (I haven't seen any of the 3), but he didn't mention the train man being in the game. That's the kind of thing he would have mentioned. *shrug*
When Niobe is in the subway station and about to leave via phone, he walks by and says, "Zion only lasted 3 days last time! Hahaha!"

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Post by Lurch1982 » Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:02 am

No, flying and diving is sort of expected when you have two beings in the Matrix that pretty much throw the rules to the shredder, but really...there's a problem with the cinemetography when I (and apparently the rest of the audience) is expecting the next word out of Neo's mouth to be "KAMEHAMEHAAAA!" The whole last fight had sort of a DBZ feel to know, over the top, drawn out, and a very lame ending. I figured when I saw it that Neo dying and then Smith dying came from the equation going from Neo = Smith to 0 = Smith (thus being unbalanced and thus the source fixing it through the blast), but come on: Neo's entire journey of gaining these rediculous powers comes to an end by him getting his ass kicked by an Agent he killed in the first movie who was holding back. Sorry. Stupid ending. The one, as it turns out, sucks.

The whole point of the trilogy was the issue of control (as especially fleshed out in the second one). However, my biggest beef with Revolutions is that it basically IGNORED this entire concept and swept it under the carpet. I mean, Neo never really did find out WHY he was there. Agent Smith only knew he was there to kill Neo. WHY were they all sent running around the Matrix the entire time. They only knew the means, but never the true end or the true reasons.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:07 pm

And I can sum that entire paragraph up with three words:


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Post by imported_mango » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:34 pm

Originally posted by Lurch1982:
No, its a bad ending because absolutely nothing was explained and everything just seemed thrown together into something that cheapened the entire series.
Exactly. Nothing was explained. Reloaded opened up so many possibilitys and theorys about this and that and whatever and you thought that there could be a matrix inside a matrix and all of these theorys on and on but in the end, they didn't explain anything. Not only did they not answer the questions that we already had, they made more unanswered questions. I don't think I should be walking out of a movie trying to figure out what just happened.

And about the trainstation thing: waste of time. It was just a filler. They could have cut that out of the whole movie and you would understand just as little as you did seeing the whole thing. Oh, and the trainstation is aparently used to smuggle things in and out of the matrix. Well let me ask you this: How the hell do you smuggle a program from the matrix into the real world? And why are there programs in the trainstation? It's not like they were coming from the real world or anything, because they are programs! Again, waste of time.

The battle in zion was pretty cool with the sentinals and the APUs and stuff. Also the battle with bain was cool too.

Okay, about the battle with smith. Personally I thought the fight was pretty cool. Yes, the first thing I thought of when watching it was dragonball Z, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Now the end of the fight is a different story. I don't get it. At all. Yes, when an opposite and a positive go together, they equal nothing. So I guess you are supposed to assume that they both died. Oh and about what the machine put into neo at the end, I think the machine boss guy contacted norton headquarters and downloaded the latest virus definitions and then sent them into neo [img]tongue.gif[/img] So for all of you who are wondering what that was, your answer is here. And with the thing with the oracle lieing on the ground at the end. I didn't get that. If she was lying on the ground, why wasn't eveyone else that agent smith took over on the ground dead too? Oh wait, she was oviously just sleeping because she came back at the end of the movie. Another thing I don't get. And did he die or not? Well at the end you saw in "Neo Vision" when the machine was taking him away, so is that supposed to be a hint that he's still alive?

Okay, so what did we solve here. Oh yeah, nothing. Is there still a matrix? Oh yeah thats still there. Is there still zion? Yeah, that too. Do the machines still rule the world? Let me check... Oh yeah they do that too. So aren't we in the exact same position as at the beginning of the first movie? Why yes, we are.

All in all, I think they should have stopped at the first movie. It was good enough. You understood everything. You walked out happy. Hooray. Sure, you can flame me and tell me how great the movie was and get all protective about it, but this is what I thought, and I know I'm not alone when I say I didn't like the movie.

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Post by Deku Tree » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:44 pm

First of all, I didn't think it was a "cop out" at all. Second, despite common usage, that's a misuse of the phrase "cop out."

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Post by Lurch1982 » Wed Nov 12, 2003 7:59 pm

eat me.

cop out Phrasal Verb:
To avoid fulfilling a commitment or responsibility; renege.
Example: copped out on my friends; copped out by ducking the issue.

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Post by Deku Tree » Wed Nov 12, 2003 8:13 pm

George Carlin is cooler than the dictionary any day.=P

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Post by Lurch1982 » Thu Nov 13, 2003 6:23 am

The Hulk didn't have a story to resolve, didn't have a hype machine running since 1999, and wasn't supposed to be the second coming. And it sucked horribly for a variety of reasons.

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