The Incredible Hulk

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The Incredible Hulk


Post by Lurch1982 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:28 pm

Ang Lee's was overall better. Captured the movement better and made better use of the psychological story.

There are two types of Hulk movies you could make: 90 minutes of the Hulk destroying NYC for pure eye candy OR a two hour movie that balances action with the psychological aspects of the character.

And then there's the latest iteration of the Hulk.

Just to throw it out there, there's nothing after the credits. Unless you count the splash screen to visit Universal Studios. The rumors of a Captain America apperance are rumors.
I was one of the 24 people in the US and 45 people in the world that liked the Ang Lee version of the Hulk. But that aside, I went to this sequel/reboot (seqoot? requel?) with an open mind.

Things that worked:
Ed Norton
Skipping the origin story
The first half of the movie while Banner's on the run
Introduction and origin of Dr. Samuel "The Leader" Sterns.
Cameo by Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno
Avengers continue to assemble

Things that didn't work:
The actual movement of the Hulk. He kind of just walks around really slowly. Ang Lee's Hulk, FWIW at least had the Hulk bouncing around chucking tanks. This Hulk just absorbs a crapload of bullets. Sure, he uses a car as boxing gloves, but that's all the way at the end. For much of his screentime, he just wanders around making a meanface while being shot at
Lou Ferrigno doing the voice of the Hulk. I thought they would have done better using Ed Norton's voice through some effects.
Replacing Sam Elliot as Thunderbold Ross. It isn't that Hurt does a bad job at the role, its just that Elliot was pretty much perfect for it. He couldn't have been busy. I'm sure if you gave him a new cowboy hat he would have done it.
Liv Tyler. She sucks at everything she's in. Can't convey emotions that well, not really good at acting, and she only has a job because she was in a few of Daddy's videos almost 20 years ago.
Abomination. I know the Hulk's villain gallery is either horrifically out of date or lame, but Abomination really sucks. The best Hulk villain is the Hulk. Its the conflict between Banner and his unchecked Hulk. Hulk beating the **** out of tard-Hulk is stupid.

Overall, it felt like they made an edgier version of that crappy TV show that nobody here's old enough to remember. It reduces the Ang Lee-explored psychological stuff to pretty much turn the Hulk into a glorified Werewolf. I'd almost have more respect if this movie were two hours of HULK SMASH EVERYTHING, but it isn't. The Hulk scenes are still far between. Here's the basic summary of what's going on in Banner's head: I want the Hulk out of me. Sure, that's fine. Its true to character. But they left unexplored what the Hulk actually is (repressed anger, Id, etc). They started to open up Banner gaining control over the Hulk, or the actual humanization of the Hulk in the movie, but they left this thread dangling right after they started it.

They do have a tossout to Captain America fans, but its really brief and focuses on the extraction of some deep-frozen super-soldier formula out of the deep-freeze. There was no cameo of CA as was rumored. No Nick Fury either. Tony Stark made an appearance, but 90% of that was spoiled by dumping his scene into a trailer (to capitalize on Iron Man's kickass box office appeal). And even that inclusion of Stark makes me wonder: if he's floating around, why didn't he float down and blast Abomination.

Ang Lee's version took flack for getting lost in itself. This version avoids the biggest hurdles by fast-forwarding 5 years from the origin. You get a montague in the opening credits showing you how the Hulk happened and Banner going on the run and then you're dropped in Brazil. But even avoiding the trap of spending 1/2 of the movie setting up an origin, and 3/4 explaining it, the new Hulk got lost in which direction it was taking itself. Keep running? Cure himself? Human Hulk? Did the cure work? Supersoldier-backfires? And the constant dropbacks to the 80s show was really corny. There still wasn't enough Hulk-time on the screen, and I wasn't a fan of the Hulk-time they did put in. He moved more like the Juggernaut than the Hulk.

Maybe the Hulk isn't strong enough to stand out on his own. He's a good second character or prime focus for other heroes. On his own? If you try to get into psych-issues, people bitch and complain about it being over their heads or too talking-not enough smashy. If you go into too much action, you make something that's better off released as a direct-to-dvd animated featuer. And if you go in the middle and pull all elements, you still don't produce the desired effect.

But what do I know, people are probably going to eat this **** up.
Overall: ** out of ****

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Post by DarkZero » Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:30 pm

Didn't they just make a Hulk movie a few years ago? Why would they even make another one?
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Post by Lurch1982 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:37 pm

Uh, because Hulk Smash?

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:10 pm

I'm possibly seeing it tonight. I'll probably be disappointed by it, but whatever.

I'm almost positive that it won't be as good as Iron Man.
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Lurch1982 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:12 pm

Masaharu Morimoto wrote:
I'm almost positive that it won't be as good as Iron Man.
Nowhere near it.

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Post by Platinum » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:42 pm

^ Ironman was just amazing!!!

Hulk??? no no no

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:21 pm

I'll see tomorrow. In the meantime, how was the poorly disguised Yonge St (the main street in Toronto)?

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:18 pm

I saw the movie today....two blocks away from where they filmed the climatic scene :p

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:55 pm

DarkZero wrote:Didn't they just make a Hulk movie a few years ago? Why would they even make another one?
They say that it was bad "fan" and "critical" reception
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Post by Mushi » Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:03 am

I just have a question:
What the **** happened to Mr. Blue? Was that setup for the next Hulk movie, or did he die, or did they just show Hulk blood dripping into his head-wound and then the creepy smile just to make us go "Uh?"

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Post by Señor Luigi » Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:32 am

The Incredible Hulk is just another way to get you to recycle!
A green monster who lives in a greenhouse-looking building,smashing everything that burns gas!

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:47 am

MC Mushi Mo wrote:I just have a question:
What the **** happened to Mr. Blue? Was that setup for the next Hulk movie, or did he die, or did they just show Hulk blood dripping into his head-wound and then the creepy smile just to make us go "Uh?"
Don't know if or when they will follow up with it, but it was a set-up to turn him into the the supervillain "The Leader"

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Post by Joker » Tue Jun 17, 2008 12:40 pm

Ang Lee's Version of the Hulk made me wanna throw up in my mouth.....

This was far superior to the complete trash that Lee put out IMO. Lee did to the Hulk what Michael Bay does to any franchise he touches !!

The story line, the acting and the CGI were all superior as far as I'm concerned. I also like the many references to Captain America and the way that they left it open for a possible Leader showdown in the next installment.

IronMan was awesome and this one does come in second compared to it, but given how horrible it could have turned out I'm happy with the end result.

I can't wait to see the Thor movie next.

Also more importantly I'm waiting for the Dark Knight !!

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:30 pm

Señor Luigi wrote:The Incredible Hulk is just another way to get you to recycle!
A green monster who lives in a greenhouse-looking building,smashing everything that burns gas!
Thanks Colbert. :rolleyes:

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Post by Wyborn » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:10 pm

It was basically exactly what I expected out of a Hulk movie that isn't a thoughtful character study.
The most effective scene in the whole movie was the thunderstorm, because it showed the Hulk for what he was in this movie: a big scared kid who gets mad because he doesn't know how else to react to things that scare him. They could have afforded to capitalize on it more, since the Hulk is basically Banner's inner (and badly abused) child, but it was still the best route to go for picking a characterization of the Hulk.
It wasn't nearly as good as Iron Man and I may have liked the Ang Lee version better, but it was still mighty damn entertaining. The ending of the final battle (how the bad guy is put down) is more perfect than what I had hoped for.
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Post by Sean P Kelly » Wed Jun 18, 2008 4:42 pm

^ and I'm glad that they added the "HULK SMASH!" line. I was disappointed when it was not in the last movie.

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Post by Deepfake » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:59 am

I muttered 'light as a board, stiff as a feather' for 2 days straight and now I've ascended, ;aughing at olympus and zeus is crying

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Post by Spritedude » Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:41 pm

Abomination: Any last words?
Hulk: HULK....
Me: Yes...say it...
Hulk: SMASH!!!

Seriously, I waited for him to say that for the whole movie.
Anyways, did anyone think that Abomination and Iron Monger were very similar? I mean, they're these two guys, both of them want the main hero's power, and end up getting it, then they end up becoming a bigger, stronger version of the hero. Then, they face the hero at the end in the middle of a big street, and the hero beats them.
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Post by Dr. Furball » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:27 pm

I liked this version better than the 2003 film, but I too, thought that the Hulk himself should've been explored more.
Formerly Dr.Donez\'sApprentice.

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Post by Inferno Dragon » Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:20 pm

this hulk kicks ang lee's hulk's ass, and honestly I liked all the musical and visual nods to the old TV show starring bill bixby and lou ferrigno. plus this hulk looked more like the comic book version of the hulk.
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