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Post by Wyborn » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:45 am

His point is that Legato was just a murdering psychopath with no motive behind his evil intentions outside of doing things for the sake of doing them - he didn't apparently have any past traumas to warp him, he had no real reason to hate Vash, he only served Knives because Knives said so....

He had a purpose but no reason. Admiring something like that is openly admiring inhumanity. It's not that he feels scorn because they admire a fictional character - it's because they like a fictional character who is evil for the sake of being evil. It makes no sense.
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Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu
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Post by Cap'n Boo from Timbuktu » Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:44 pm

I thought the end of 'Wings of Honneamise' was cool and inspiring.

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