Concept Art/Original Plans for shows.

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Concept Art/Original Plans for shows.


Post by VG_Addict » Wed Sep 30, 2015 8:18 pm

One thing I've always liked to do is look at concept art for a show, and see how different the original plans and the final product were.

So, let's talk about it. What are some concept art for cartoons you've seen?

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Apollo the Just
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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Sep 30, 2015 10:30 pm

Not sure if this quite counts but the concept art for Big Hero 6 looked STUNNING. The style was sooooo unique and as much as I love the movie and think it was fantastic I really wish it had been 2-D animated in the style of the concept art.

I'll link some when I'm on my computer but on mobile I don't have the patience lol. They show you the concept art during the credits which was really cool. God I love that movie
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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:07 am

Here we go. I've always thought it would be really cool to see an entire movie animated in comic book style coloring. With the grid textures and flat colors and dynamic lines, I just think it could have been REALLY COOL?????? And even if that weren't possible... IDK Disney did some great stuff with 2D animation and it's sad to see them just brush all that away. Not that this movie wasn't beautiful (that water? DAMN), but it could have also been beautiful in two dimensions.

also these chicks have really awesome designs but were cut from the movie which is a shame:


I just love this pic. It's adorable:



at least they gave it to us in the credits. I appreciate that.


on the other side of the spectrum, The Book of Life is also 3D animated but looks EXACTLY like the concept art, and that's probably why it looks so beautiful. So I shouldn't just **** on 3D altogether.
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