CoMix Wave Anime films

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Apollo the Just
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CoMix Wave Anime films


Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:43 am

I don't know how many of you have seen any of this studio's work, but....





they make absolutely gorgeous films. I've only seen Garden of Words [from which all of these screenshots were taken], but I know their most famous film is 5 Centimeters Per Second, and they've done others as well. Just... even if you don't like the story AT ALL, their colors and detail and animation is just breathtaking. I love their style... it's sort of impressionistic in its use of colors but so, so impeccably detailed. The movies are generally pretty short, too, so I highly recommend checking them out.

[[The soundtracks are so great, too.... here's an excerpt from Garden of Words's]]

they're just very, very, VERY good at settings. Mood, scenery, everything... it's gorgeous. Definitely worth a watch.

I love the stories and characters as well and just everything fits together and everything is fantastic but honestly my favorite part of them is just how beautifully they are put together.
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Apollo the Just
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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun Sep 22, 2013 1:24 am

I am going to take this silence to mean that none of you have seen these films.

Fix that right now.

[[[[cough cough]]]]
I believe in second chances, and that's why I believe in you.

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