Dream Casting For Anime/Cartoons?

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Dream Casting For Anime/Cartoons?


Post by VG_Addict » Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:30 pm

What would be the perfect cast of voice actors for your favorite anime or cartoons?

Bruce Wayne/Batman: Steve Blum.

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Apollo the Just
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:47 pm

I dunno, if they already have voices then the voices they have become that character for me... so I never really think to myself "WHAT IF OTHER VOICE." I just think "wow that voice is awesome" or "wow that voice sucks" but if it's the latter I never really think of who SHOULD voice them.

[I totally have dream castings for if OTHER things, like comics or other non-voiced things, became cartoons. [strike]Melissa Fahn for Terezi pls[/strike] but if they have a voice it's hard for me to dissociate that voice from the character]
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