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SMRTS (Game Idea, PC)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:50 am
by Midala87
Super Mario RTS

Forward: Okay so the name is similiar to SMRPG. But still this game could work.

Intro: One day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by the Koopa, a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic. The quiet, peace - loving Mushroom People were.... LUIGI to the rescue!

Narrarator: WAIT! Hold on a minute. Luigi is here to save the day?
Director: Uh yeah.
Narrarator: How? Explain!
Director: During all those years that the Mushroom Kingdom was under attack. Luigi was training an elite force for the Mushroom Kingdom so that they can finally evade King Bowser Koopa's attacks.
Narrarator: But what about Mario?
Director: Mario's in this game too. Who else will save the princess?
Narrarator: I thought Luigi's army was.
Director: In a way yes. However Luigi's army will attack bowsers forces while Mario sneaks in and saves the princess.
Narrarator: Okay I get it. So how is this game going to work using an RTS model.
Director: Here. Read this.

Great just what we all need another AOE clone.

Actually its not even close to Age of Empires. As you all know throughout the years Luigi was training an army to help defeat Bowser's forces. Now is the time to use this army to defeat Bowser and rescue the princess.

So what is the primary goal? The goal is to rescue the princess AND destroy bowsers castle. Or if your Bowser, kill Mario. Im not entirely sure on the main objective.

So how do you build buildings? You dont. If a building gets destroyed the MKP will automatically repair/construct their buildings.

Do buildings have any use? Yes. Like in SMRPG you could buy things from shops and sleep in inns. Well the buildings in this game allow you to purchase things from shops (upgrades).

Can Bowser's forces purchase things from the shops? No as the items are MK People specific.

Are their any other uses besides shopping? Currently no. However we are deciding on being able to talk to characters in their houses.

How do you train units? It depends on what side you chose. If you chose TMK then you can get reinforcements by hiring/asking/recruiting "people". If you chose Bowser's forces then you get a steady supply of forces from his castle.

What type of units are there? Expect the units you saw in all of the other SMB games in this one.

Are there neutral units? Yes. Such as the inhabitants of TMK and "animals"

How will battle take place? Like most of the Mario games, you have areas represented by dots. In order to fight another army you simply occupy the same dot.

Is that all you do? By no means. You can move individual units to different areas if you want. You can also "zoom" in on a particular area as long as you have at least one unit there.

I dont get it. How does it work? Okay think of SMRPG but with much more units and an opposing army doing the same thing as you are (well kinda).

What if I dont understand something? Then Email me at [email protected]
You can also discuss about this game idea in the forums at

I'll do my best to answer your question. By the way there is so much more to this game then what was listed above.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:38 pm
by X-3
Cool idea, but I dont think a Nintendo game would be on a PC....