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True Star Battleclub

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:15 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
...Um... Yeah. If anyone cares, I'll still cont-...start Lost Aether, but overall I'm not too interested in it much anymore; but if anyone else wants to I'll work on it.

You recently joined a guild where its members train themselves to develop more about themselves. For the most part, it is based on combat, where the strong will rise to greater levels. Upon entering, the members are given a 'star', a reflection of their inner spirit in a physical form, either a creature or some type of item. Using the power unleashed with their stars, the members are expected to grow in power and in spirit.

Name: ...
Age: ...
Gender: M/F
Focus: What you're best at fighting with; either a weapon or a type of magic. Gives minor boosts to damage and such when using that type of attack.
Out of 100
Health - The total amount of damage you can take until you are defeated.
Magic - The total points you have to cast spells. Can also be used to strengthen magical attacks or reduce magical damage.
Energy - The total points you have for skills and other attacks. Can be used to strengthen physical attacks or reduce physical damage.
Out of 100
Strength - Overall ability to do damage with attacks and skills.
Constitution - Ability to resist physical damage.
Intelligence - Overall strength of magic attacks and effects.
Spirit - Overall ability to resist magic abilities.
Agility - Speed in combat and accuracy/evasion.

-- Star --
Description - Its appearance, if any.
Type - One of the following. In terms of overall strength, the lower on the list the weaker they are generally.
- Summon - Must be called upon by its owner to attack, but after it does it leaves the battle until called upon again.
- Free - Completely separate from its owner, it gets its own turn in combat, but acts on its own.
- Assist - Separate from its owner, but can be commanded.
- Equipment* - Takes the place of a piece of equipment, adding its strength to its owner. Stats are added to Str/Int or Con/Spr (Depending on if a weapon or if a shield). Equipment types will automatically gain effects standard for the type of equipment it is based on.
- Fusion* - A star that attaches itself to a piece of equipment, boosting the power it gives. Can switch between equipment for more power or protection. If defeated, the item it was fused with is also destroyed.
* Note - For equipment types in the form of armor or Fusion types attached to armor; whenever you take damage, it can be split among the star and you, either parts of it to both, or one taking all of it.
Out of 20
Health/Structure - How much damage it can recieve until it is destroyed.
Power - How strong the attacks of the star are.
Magic - How strong the abilities of the star are.
Ability - Total number of points for using abilities. For every 5, another ability level is added.

You start off with 3 levels of abilities. Which can either be 3 level 1 skills, a level 2 and 1, or a single level 3. The higher the level of a skill the more effective it becomes.
Stars start off with 3 levels of abilities and a break.

Abilities can do almost anything. Split into Skills and Spells. Skills use energy and are based on Strength/Constitution. Spells use Magic and are based on Intellligence and Spirit. For stars, instead of using Magic or Energy points, they have a set number of uses for abilities. They can use each move once, and also have Ability points to use to cast any other abilities.

Break moves on stars are effects that go off if they get defeated in battle. They are fairly strong moves that can do almost anything. If a star is broken in battle, it permanently becomes weaker.

If there are any other questions anyone might have just ask and I'll answer it here.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:43 pm
by Blake
I'd definitely like to see activity here, argh!


Name: Narcier Fellon
Age: 21
Gender: M
Focus: Axe
Out of 100
Health - 65
Magic - 10
Energy - 25

Out of 100
Strength - 35
Constitution - 20
Intelligence - 15
Spirit - 10
Agility - 20

-- Star --
Name - The Forge
Description - A red badge with a circle in the middle, resembling a stone. There is an outer circle around the rock as well, but the top of the circle is not circular, it has a resemblance of sprouting flames.
Type - Equipment

Out of 20
Health/Structure - 5
Power - 6
Magic - 5
Ability - 4

[Level 2] Brutal Strike- Deals additional damage to one enemy unit.

[Level 1] Burning Ember- Lights an enemy on fire, causing damage over time.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:36 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Overall it's okay, but your star technically has its own abilities to it as well. Its the same as it is for your character, but they also have a special move for if they're destroyed.

Also, just because a badge is fairly neutral as far as equipment goes... Want it focused on Offense or Defense? I suppose if you want it could also be a mix, like offensive for physical while defensive for magic.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:38 pm
by Blake
Well what kind of abilities am I missing? I figured that my star would allow me to channel the fire attacks. I thought we only get 3 ability points. I spent two in one and one in the other.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:42 am
by KirbyBoy2000
If you look at where I said how many abilities you have, right under that I say that the stars have them as well. Its mostly because a lot of them kind of work as a separate character. For an Equipment star though, it would basically give you a few extra abilities that work off of the Badge. Or if you want you could make it more of a support based badge, and give it abilities that boost damage, or help pay for spells/skills and such. There really aren't too many limits for these things.

Three levels of abilities on your badge(+1 level for if the star's ability is 5 or more, though it doesn't apply here), and also a move that activates if your star is defeated in battle.

I'll also need to know if you want your badge to be offensive, defensive, or a bit of a mix. It will determine what stats it raises when it gets equipped.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:51 am
by [sage]
Name: Tiran
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Focus: Swords

Health - 60
Magic - 0
Energy - 40

Strength - 50
Constitution - 25
Intelligence - 0
Spirit - 0
Agility - 25

Flurry (L3 Skill) Tiran can spend energy to gain a boost to damage or evasion, which lasts until he gains an additional attack.

-If he chooses damage, the enemy may nullify this damage boost by taking a step backwards in combat. If they do, Tiran can make an additional attack.

-If he chooses evasion, Tiran may make an additional attack when he successfully evades an attack.

-- Star --
Name: Ancestral Guardian
Description - A hooded ghost-like figure. Most of the time its invisible, except it can be seen by some when its using its barrier.
Type - Free
Out of 20
Health/Structure - 4
Power - 0
Magic - 10
Ability - 6

L3- Magic Barrier: Whenever Tiran is the target of hostile magic, ancestral guardian instantly puts up a barrier reducing magical damage and blocking magical affects.

Break: Retributive Strike: If ancestral guardian is destroyed, it fully heals all of Tiran's wounds and hits the enemy for every single point of damage it blocked with its barrier and that it healed Tiran for, and places its Magic Barrier up for 5 additional rounds.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:06 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Marth, your character is alright, but if you were planning on your Guardian being invisible (and by extension, impossible to attack) then you would need to make it a skill... or if not I could just change the stats to make up for it. Or if it doesn't matter to you if it is invisible or not I could basically just post your characters stats.

...and actually get this thing started up.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:23 am
by [sage]
Uhh, just ignore the invisibility thing if its too much trouble.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:07 pm
by Blake
Alright, sorry for the delay. Starting tomorrow at 5 P.M. I'll officially not have a life anymore.

Out of 20
Health/Structure - 5
Power - 6
Magic - 5
Ability - 4

[Level 2] Brutal Strike- Deals additional damage to one enemy unit.
[Level 1] Weapon Bash- Bashes the enemy in the head.

[Level 2] Fireball- Shoots a fireball at the enemy dealing a good amount of ranged damage.
[Level 1] Burning Ember- Lights an enemy on fire, causing damage over time.
[Death] Burning Star- When the star is destroyed, it goes into a meltdown mode and turns into a red supergiant. It increases in size and becomes hotter and hotter, dealing massive damage to nearby enemies. It then turns into a white dwarf (Of course, the star isn't as large as an actual star).

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:29 am
by SephirothKirby
It's not too late to sign up for this, is it? If not...

Name: Roy Seriam
Age: 23
Gender: M
Focus: Sword

Health - 60
Magic - 0
Energy - 40

Strength - 40
Constitution - 25
Intelligence - 0
Spirit - 10
Agility - 25


(Lvl 2, Skill) Blazing Storm: Roy's sword is engulfed in flames, as he unleashes a barrage of slashes to his opponent. Increases damage, and is treated as Fire damage.

(Lvl 1, Skill) Deadly Blow: Increases Critical Rate.

-- Star --
Name: Wings Of Death
Description - Ebony, Devil wings that sprout out of Roy's back.
Type - Assist (I don't know what this would fit under.)

Health - 6
Power - 0
Magic - 8
Ability - 6


Blood Requiem (Lvl 1, Magic): Increases the damage Roy inflicts equal to the amount of damage Roy has taken.

Devil's Gambit (Lvl 1, Magic): Increases Dodge rate.

Blood Painting (Lvl 2, Magic): Imbues Roy's attacks with the ability to paralyze.

Limit Break:

Raging Demon: Roy's Dodge, Critical, and Power rate are all raised immensely, and all within the immediate vicinity are paralyzed.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:09 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Assist works, though technically most would fit. A few things on some of the abilities.

Blazing Storm - I would see the fire effect + damage as being magic; meaning it wouldn't really have any power and you wouldn't really be able to use it without any MP anyway. The physical portion of it can be done easily enough though.

Wings of Death Abilities - How do you want these done? To me it kind of seems like you want them passive and always active; I can do that I suppose, though I don't really like the idea since it basically makes all of the stats on the star pointless. If you do it that way all of the abilities will be pretty weak overall, and probably not make much a difference.

Another way you could do it is to have them have to be activated (Though with it being an Assist, you would be able to choose which one you want and when). They would be stronger, but only last for a turn or two at best and would be limited in number of uses... But overall with the number of ability points you have it wouldn't really matter much unless the battle goes on past 7 turns.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 6:37 pm
by SephirothKirby
Oh, yes, I should've been more specific.

The abilities are activated, all of them. Deadly Blow, Devil's Gambit, Blood Requiem and Blood Painting.

Yeah, I thought Blazing Storm might've counted as Fire Magic, but I wasn't sure since he's delivering damage by swinging his sword, and the Fire is just for extra effect. But I suppose it would be best if you just change it into a powerful sword buff attack.