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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:50 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Name: Vivek
Bio: Was born into a family who held a rather high position in the army. As a fighter he was rather weak and had rather poor defenses, and was average at most things at best. Aside from this his Magical Strength was rather powerful and he gainned a reputation for his ability to dodge almost any attack. Vivek is generally unwilling to fight,yet is loyal to Magis.

Crest:Shooting Star- A golden star that glimmers with light magic, lowers enemies accuracy from light.
Weapon:Staff. Ability: Regenerate.(HP and MP)
Traits- Reflexes.

M. Att:500
M. Def:100
Spd: 200
Ref: 700

Scan: (Spell) In battle- Shows an opponents stats. If it works really well can show abilities as well. Out of Battle- Searches for something hidden, can be used to appraise items.
Bright: (Spell) In battle- Lowers opponents accuracy and can negate the Never Miss weapon status for a few turns, has a small chance to blind. Out of Battle- brightens dark areas.
Blink: (Spell/Reaction) In battle- Teleports from battle or dodges an attack. Out of Battle- Teleports a short distance away or back to kingdoms main city.
Fire: (Spell) In battle- Shoots flames at opponent dealing fire damage, can set opponent on fire. Out of battle- Creates fires for lightning torches or other objects.
Heal: (Spell) In or out of Battle- Heals Health to self/allies.
Purify: (Spell) In or out of battle- Restores status to normal. Out of Battle- Removes poisons or other harmful things from food/water
Gust: (Spell/Reaction) In battle- Strikes with powerful winds or can deflect ranged attacks. Out of Battle- Blows away dust or other things.
Water: (Spell) In battle- Strikes with a surge of water. Out of battle- Can give drinking water or douse flames.
Alert: (Support) In battle- Raises reflexes against attacks. Out of Battle- Makes more observant to surroundings.
Focus: (Support/Skill) Increases M. Attack while in stance.

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:01 am
by Marioman143
Name: Unknown, but has earned the nickname RUSH
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Bio: RUSH is a fierce melee warrior with startling speed and strength. Although he is known for his unpersonablity, he has not needed it for he can take down crowds for warriors in swift strikes. He was given the rank of hero after destroying an entire legion by himself. Faithful to Judice, he makes up for the weak army. Spends alot of time in solitary, practicing his swordmanship and learning how to move even faster.
Kingdom: Judice, duh.

Crest: A black celtic cross set on a red background, except the tips of the cross is blue. It adds 150 to RUSH's speed and 50 to Rflx and Attk. (let me know if that's too much)

Weapon: RUSH's one handed long sword has become known as the Doom of the Living, for it has ended the life of many men.
Enhanced Damage
Ability Cast: Haste (Wait time 1/2)

Legendary Weapon Long Sword
Legendary Speed
Multiopponent Fighting

HP- 2900
MP- 100
Att: 300
Def: 200
M Att: 0
M Def: 100
Spd: 775
Ref: 100
Luck: 25
Charisma: 0

Shard (Enemy health at 3/4, possibly inflict slow at 10% rate) (7 mp)
Swordswing (Hits 2 enemies)
Charge (Next attack x3 power)
Circle (RUSH circles enemy, causing the enemies accuracy to drop to 50%
Blur (Cuts through enemy lines at blazing speed causing x2 attack)
Disarm (Normal damage, causes enemy to drop weapon and lose all of it's postitive effects for one turn)
Rage Slash (Physical Damage) Deals 3 blows to the enemy
Poison Resistance (Cuts poison attack damage in half, including poison state after)
Support Skills
Slow Proof (Prevents 50% of all speed reducing spells)
Battle Stance (Small boost of Att and Def)

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Macintosh. Because two buttons are entirely too complicated.

[ February 12, 2004, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Unsafe Child Seat ]