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Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:13 am
Name: Blaine Hala Yien
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Weapon: a Bo (Fighting stalf) It can cut like a sword though.
Hometown: Gailena a large mounten twon located near a iron mines home to some of the best smithies world wide. the river is the only way to accest this busling port and mining town full of shops inns a religus temple devoted to buda and a monistary. that protects the shrine of buda.
Bio: blaine used to be a well adjusted child but when an known band for raides attacked he his elder brother chang and thier Cusing Areo along with the rest fo the monks fought valently in the end they won. Chang died protecting Blaine and Areo was put into a coma by a posnes dart. Only the engy of this beast could revive the great worrer and brillent smithy and inventor areo who invented a steam driven boat. Blaine was shatter by lossing chang and not being able to help reo he blaines himself though he is very brave he lack confidence and his mood can and often does change drasticly even darngusly in the blink of an eye.

HP: 55
ME: 45

Split 100 between
Strength: 25
Spirit: 25
Speed: 20
Potential: 30

Agile Increase dogin ability

Rebound in battle a counter attack out of battle rebound of rocks to scale rock walls and cliff faces.

humanity reversel scarfice a bit of helf for a an enrgy and power boost.

Regroup increase doge rate out of battle regane health.

Power Drive body incase by enrgy adds power to attacks and returs a small amount of health.

sjield defence up acuracy up.

Overdrive: Mood swing. Rage, greif, and self hatred combine with ME to form a very powerful bomb like puls of power very exuasting defence down.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 1:00 am
by KirbyBoy2000
Weapon: Rapier.
Hometown: Alemia; A small castle town that trains people as mages and knights. Located below a small mountain range.
Bio: Celia was born in Alemia into a family of clerics and fighters. She has long blond hair and blue eyes. Since she is the daughter of a cleric she is generally kind, yet is far different when angry.

Stats- split 100 between
HP: 60
ME: 40

Split 100 between
Strength: 20
Spirit: 25.
Speed: 15.
Potential: 40.

Minor Heal: Heals a small amount of HP.
Cure: Heals status effects.
Light Aura: Heals HP slightly over the course of a few turns.
Weak Barrier: Creates a barrier with a bit of HP. Celia can decide how much damage hits her and how much can hit the barrier.
Light Blast: Shoots blast of bright light. Lowers enemies accuracy, and might blind them temporarily.
Spirit Charge: Charges magic into rapier, as it charges it gains greater power, at any time during charge may fire a holy attack from rapier.

Overkil- err... drive: Holy Judgement- Heals all HP and MP, deals damage enemies did to Celia total back at them double.

[ December 04, 2003, 11:02 PM: Message edited by: KirbyBoy2000 ]

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:55 pm
by heh
Name:Thakra (Yes, Again)
Weapon: Longsword
Hometown: Zul: A Strange town in the Far East, Were Most People Can't go Because of a Large Mountain range, People Their Are Said To Have Mastererd Strange ME. Their are six shrines in the town, Each For a Diffrent God (Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Darkness,and Light).The People pray at At least one Once of them once a day.The Shrines are Suppose to be the source of All ME, Although Thakra belives their are more than just the shrines. Also Their is a Rescearch Facilty Were People try to master More ME Skills.
Bio: Thakra is Son to A Preist (sp? ) in Zul. He Has Mastered THe Abilty to Create A Great LongSword Out Of ME. He has mastered ME From Every Element, Unlike most who only really know The Type They Worship (At The Shrines) the most. He Spends alot of time at the Rescearch area, To try to find New ways to Use ME. He seeks to Become powerfull In the Use Of ME, Able to Protect His Town, Maybe Even the World. However, he has found that the Shrines ME is limited, And seeks More.

HP: 57
ME: 43

Strength: 20
Spirit: 30
Speed: 25

Hades Fire: Land in Area Begins To Burn, Taking Enemys With it. Fire. Hits All. Increases Strength.
Chill: A Chilly Wind Blows Through the area. Ice/Water. Hits all. Increases Spirit
Tempest: Whirlwinds Zip Through the Area. Wind/Elec. Hits all. Increases Speed.
Rockfall: Rocks... Fall on Area. Earth. Hits All.
Increases Power of the Longsword.
Glare: Bright light Blinds Enemys. Holy. Hits All.
Recover some HP.
Shadow: Covers enemys with darkness. Dark. Hits all. Raises Overdrive Meter-Thingy So Thakra can Get Overdrive Faster.

Elementals: Summons 3 Elementals Of Random Elements To Fight With Thakra. Also Causes Random Status Effects At Use. (Please Make Elementals Strong Enough to be Worth Overdrive)

[ December 07, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: That (Mentally Insane) Guy... ]

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 9:51 pm
by Blake
Name: Jade
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Weapon: Short Sword
Hometown: Iraseli- Iraseli was once a gigantic city dedicated to just magic. It had magic barriors around the entire land and was the safest city to take refuge in at the time. Unfortunately, demons were summoned from a portal created by a highly recognized person in the city who ended up betraying his own people. He disabled the barriors and with the demons he had summoned, took over the city.

Bio: Jade was never well recognized until he proved his strength after the city of Iraseli fell. He has been in a resistance group to drive the demons away from the city with a cruel commander named Eneran. Eneran seems to merely use Jade and his friends to bolster his army. Jade just accepts this so that they can get back the lost city or Iraseli. Doing do successfully, Eneran goes off with his army to fight off remaining demons while Jade is ordered to man all the posts in the city 24 hours a day. Jade's left with few people to do this, and they hardly get any sleep. How much more will Jade tolerate before he abandons Eneran to rot and die for his cruelty?

HP: 40
ME: 60

Strength: 15
Spirit: 35
Speed: 15
Potential: 35

Flame Strike- A powerful pillar of flame springs up from the ground dealing damage to all enemies and allies inside the fire. The fire then deals damage to enemies in the region a little damage for the next few turns.(Very powerful, lots of magic)
Firebolt- Hurls a fiery bolt that deals damage and stuns an enemy for a few turns.(Little damage and some stun time, medium magic)
Immolation- A fiery barrior surrounds him, dealing damage to nearby enemy melee units per turn. Costs little magic for every turn used.(Medium damage per turn, medium magic drained per turn)
Banish- Turns a unit ethereal, allowing them to attack only magically and taking extra damage from magic attacks.(Lasts a while for medium amount of magic)
Siphon Mana- Steals magic from a unit, giving the magic back to Jade.(Very little health to perform to steal back magic)
Resistant Skin- Causes status effects (like poision, sleep, etc.) to have a less duration on him than they normally do.(Costs little magic to use per day.)

Overdrive: Phoenix- Summons a phoenix to aid Jade in the battle. The Phoenix shoots fire from its mouth that deals damage to enemies upon contact. The attack splashes, causing nearby enemies to lose health for a few turns. Air enemies near the phoenix will also take a few turns from being burnt.

[ December 06, 2003, 08:00 PM: Message edited by: Guy That Goes To The Roleplay Forum ]

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:46 pm
by heh
^^ Editing.