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the quest to save planet anime

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:44 pm
by Inferno Dragon
this will be a controlled RPG where a team of anime charicters will face off against the forces of kefka to liberate their world from the evil tyrant and send him back to the relm of darkness.

I will need 5 people to choose their anime charicter and post their stats.
the stats can't be too high though, then that would make this thing one sided.
these are the starting HP, MP, etc. atk. and def. will depend on your weapon and armor

available starting weapons.
basic katana: atk power 20
9mm gun: atk power 15
basic axe: atk power 15
basic spear: atk power 10
basic bow with 20 arrows: atk power 5-15

available starting armor:
cloth: def power 5
standard cloth armor no strength or weakness

metal: def power 15
steel armor that negates air magic, weak against electric magic

wood: def power 10
wooden armor that negates water and electric magic but is weak against fire magic

leather: def power 10
leather armor that negates earth magic

magic/cyber: def power 20
high powered armor that negates all magic except electric and water

I'll take the first 5 people who sign up. oh and your class will boost your atk and def but I will need one of each

spellcaster: able to use black magic but normal attacks are weakened as a result atk-5/def+5

summoner: able to summon monsters to battle atk+5/def-5

warrior: can't use magic but atk is greatly increased atk+10/def+5

monk: can use healing magic and has great def atk+5/def+10

theaf: has the ability to steal items from enemies but defence is sacrificed atk+5/def-8


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2003 12:27 am
by Inferno Dragon
please, anyone?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 1:16 am
by Inferno Dragon
darn. maybe if I asked around.