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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:45 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
*Creaks to life* It seems like forever since I've made an RPG... even more so since it is.

I figure something simple should be good, considering my bigger RPGs either fail quickly, or don't even take off to start. Anyway, this is pretty much just a dungeon RPG with a mix of puzzles and battling I guess. Battles will be Freeplay, so you won't just be standing in one place the whole time attacking. There are stats, although they aren't as important as what your attack is and what your attacking with really. Feel free to try different things, since you'll probably have more than enough times to try.

One more thing to stress I guess. This is sort of a group RPG, if you're going to join stick around and play.

Plot - You awaken on the cold hard stone ground inside a dimly lit room. You don't remember how you got here, but it looks as if you are trapped. Looking around, its not just you though, several other people appear in the same state as you are. As you get up and look around the room you see many items scattered across the ground, and a man in gray robes standing besides the only doorway out of here. He warns you to be careful, for the dungeon has many dangers within it, and then just as he appeared he vanishes into the air.

Sign Up (I could add more stuff like history or bio; but really, stuff like that won't really matter here.)

Life - 10 Points. For whenever you fail something... majorly. Basically, it drops 1 whenever you would die.
Energy - 100 Points. It will drop slowly with time, and quickly when using abilities or if hit. Once it hits 0 you won't be able to do much and will probably die soon.

10 points between the following
Body - All physical attributes are based on this really; strength, agility, and stamina.
Mind - Mental attributes. Helps you get information and insight on the area and puzzles mostly. Also helps with some plans and skills.
Spirit - Your strength in using and resisting magical effects.
Skill - A physical or magical ability. It can pretty much be whatever you want, although don't expect stuff like teleportation to work much more than a short distance. You can create an ability for each point you have in skill.

- - Items - - (Pick 3 from the following. )
Dagger - A small dagger.
Sword - A simple iron sword.
Spear - An iron spear.
Axe - An iron axe.
Bow - A bow and quiver holding 30 arrows.
Staff - A wooden staff. Slightly improves magical abilities.
Whip - A long leather whip.
Hammer - A heavy hammer.
Umbrella - A simple umbrella.
Boomerang - A weapon that returns once thrown.
Flute - Used for playing music.
Shield - A circular shield for blocking attacks.
Crystal - A focus for magical abilities.
Dash Boots - Boots that let its user run at an enhanced speed.
Feather Boots - Boots that let its user step lightly and evade more easily.
Silk - A long piece of silk cloth.
Gold - 500 gold pieces in a small pouch.
Rations - A fairly large pouch of rations. Restores some energy when used.
Potion - An odd potion. Heals all energy
First Aid Kit - A kit with various items for healing wounds.
Magic Lens - A crystal lens that gives insight to its user.
Rope - A long rope.
Grappling Hook - A hook attached to a long rope used for climbing.
Shovel - Used for digging primarily.
Fishing Rod - Used for fishing mainly.
Canteen - Holds water or other liquids.
Lock pick - Used to pick locks on doors/chests.
Torch - A simple torch for providing light.
Bomb - A bomb. Powerful, but not strong enough to damage most walls.
Heavy Stamp - A small cube that grows into a large and heavy block through magic.
Snipe Shot - A single use item; always hits its target with deadly accuracy from a range.
Psychic Charm - A magic charm that can move some objects from a distance.
Shine Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter light.
Shadow Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter shadows.
Flame Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter fire.
Water Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter water.
Gale Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter wind.
Earth Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter earth.
Bolt Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter lightning.
Forest Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter plantlife.
Frost Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter cold and ice.
Poison Charm - A magic charm that can create and alter poison.
(Note on charms: They pretty much let you use any kind of magic of that type, but that use up energy sort of quickly.)

Eh... I hope my wall of items and stuff isn't intimidating or confusing. I tend to go overboard on... well everything really. And yet, I've done atleast double that for some of my other RPGs. Still, most of them probably won't be used, but lets just see. You can pretty much use the items in anyway you want, although it won't always be the most effective way of battle.

I'll start once a few people join I suppose.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:15 pm
by Blake
Whoa... that's like double the rpg's and double the activity!! Perhaps life in this forum is closer than I presumed!

Name: Seila Winters
Appearance: Seila is a young built man that weighs about 200 pounds and is 6 feet tall. He has blue eyes, short brown hair, and his skin is white, but not pale white. He's wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black leather boots.
Bio: Seila has committed many crimes in his past ranging from robbery to murder. Whenever he needs something, he obtains it with force without even thinking twice about it. Because of his bad reputation, Seila is constantly on the move running from place to place to avoid being caught. However, it seems that he's finally been captured and will be accounted for all the problems he has inflicted upon the masses.

Life - 10
Energy - 100

Body - 4
Mind - 3
Spirit - 1
Skill - 2
Brutal Slam- Seila lifts the weapon high and attempts to slam it into the enemy's head. If he hits, he can severely damage the enemy and stun it temporarily, otherwise the attack will either miss or hit a different part of the enemy's body.
Ground Pound- Seila slams a weapon in the ground (Hammer, Axe, or any other heavy weapon) that can damage one target initally, and ripple the ground around him slightly to disrupt nearby units temporarily.

Hammer - A heavy hammer.
Torch - A simple torch for providing light.
Lock pick - Used to pick locks on doors/chests.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:21 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Woo... already a revision to make. Basically for each point you have in Skill, you get to make another ability. Feel free to make another, or just put it into another stat.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:44 pm
by Legomyegolas
Name: Garivold

Appearance:A rather sickly looking man, he is wearing a tattered and worn black robe. Despite his sickly appearance, his grey eyes are cold and cruel. You cannot see his hair, if he even has any, as his head is covered by a hood. The smell of grave dust constantly surrounds him.



Spirit: 4


Crimson Plague: A magicly inflicted disease, it wracks the victim with severe pain and drains their strength.

Corpse Thrall: Raises a dead foe as a mindless servant. Limit of three, thralls degrade over time due to rot and need to be replaced often.

Items:Staff, Shadow Charm, Crystal

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:58 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
The last post in this topic was 3 months ago... The last post in this forum was almost 2 months ago... Honestly, I pretty much just gave up on this forum because no one really showed interest in it. Even when we were doing well, we only had like 6 people. Plus, I don't remember fully how I had planned this.

Something you might want to know on this forum is that most of the topics aren't much like actual Roleplaying. We mostly just created and then played out RPGs kind of like one would a videogame, stat/turn based type stuff. This was one of the ones I made less focused on stats to make it so other people would be interested. ...It didn't really work.

But, I suppose... If you really want to do this, then I may as well go along with it. I might need some time to get some things together and remember where I was going with this one though...

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:29 pm
by SephirothKirby
If ever you do, I would simply adore signing up to this.

I love the complicated games (Unless way over board.), I tend to find it more interesting. So, if you were to increase the "focus" on statistics, etc. I would also enjoy that, but only if the others wouldn't mind.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:17 pm
by Legomyegolas
If this was started up again, Id play it. If you don't want to, though, thats fine.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:21 pm
by SephirothKirby
Name: Roy
He wears a long red robe, that goes down to his ankles. The sleeves are very large, and often cover his entire hands. All he wears for footwear are sandals. He has spikey brown hair, and brown eyes. He is half japanese.
Was once one of the greatest swordsmen alive, and was of legendary stature, until one day, without notice, he went power crazy, destroying villages, and killing innocent people. By the time he had realized what he had done, the King of Hell had summoned him. For his sins, he must walk the earth forever, as a demon. His actions were in fact because a horrible demon, Akuma, had found a way to control one mortal. Unfortunetly, Roy was that mortal. Because of being a demon, he has no friends, and most people are afraid of him, simply because of the uncanny feeling they get when he's around. His real age is unknown, but his body is that of a 23 year old.

Life: 10
Energy: 100
Body: 5
Mind: 2
Spirit: 1
Skill: 2

Battojutsu- With his sword in his sheath, he unsheathes it causing the blade to swing two to three times, slashing an enemy before they have time to react.

Earth Dragon Strike- Jumping far off the ground, and clashing into it, it erupts stones and other hard objects off the ground and shoots them toward their opponent. Not strong enough to knock them out, but does some damage as a weak scatter-shot attack.

("This one does not use a sword to kill.")

1) Longsword
2) Dash Boots
3) Potion

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:17 pm
by Blake
Well I'm still down for this as long as I remember to check this forum because of our, well... 'dead' period (though that does not even come close to explaining how inactive this forum has been).

I like our alignment of characters in this. A bunch of villan-like characters trying to get the heck out of this strange place they've been thrown into.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:13 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Alright then, I'll get this going soon enough unless something comes up. Should I make a new topic for the actual game or just keep going on with this?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:26 pm
by Legomyegolas
This thread should be fine.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 1:54 pm
by Blake
Yeah this one is good for me.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:31 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Alright then, I suppose I should get this going without any further stalling, as that usually tends to kill stuff with me.
Characters (A is your own abilities. I is ones you get from items/equipment)

Siela Winters - L:10 E:100 B:4 M:3 S:1
Equipment: Hammer, Torch.
Items: Lockpick
A: Brutal Slam: -3E. Deals heavy damage and can stun one target.
A: Ground Pound: -8E. An earthshaking attack.

Garivold - L:10 E:100 B:1 M:3 S:4
Equipment: Staff, Shadow Crest.
Items: Crystal
A: Crimson Plague: -10E. Infects target with disease. Target loses energy and strength.
A: Corpse Thrall: -5E. Raises the dead to create a minion.
I: Shadow Warp -?E. Alter and/or attack with shadows.

Roy - L:10 E:100 B:5 M:2 S:1
Equipment: Longsword, Dash Boots
Items: Potion
A: Battojustu: -10E. Rapidly slashes two to three times at an enemy.
A: Earth Dragon Strike: -15E. Shatters and attacks with the earth. Hits multiple times at a range.
I: Dash: -5E. An incredible burst of speed forwards.

- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -

Seila - You awaken, laying face first on the ground. The entire room is made of stone and on the ceiling of the room is an array of crystals that shine light through the room. There is a small fountain on the left side of the room with a green liquid flowing through it, and there are 3 other people besides you in the room. An old man with an axe and grappling hook, a man in a black and tattered cloak, and a brown haired man in a red robe. To the right of the room is a doorway.

Garivold / Roy - Same, only replace your character with Seila's appearance.

- - -
Just say what you want to do/where to go in this and you'll go. Its supposed to be a group RPG kind of, but feel free to go on your own if you can.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:10 pm
by Blake
Seila opened his eyes and found himself against a cold, smooth stone surface in a spacious room. He lifted his head and found items strewn across the room ranging from weapons and charms to utilities. He stood up in the dim room and heard the sound of flowing water. He rushed over immediately to get a refreshing drink, only to find a suspicious green liquid flowing through the fountain. Turned off by the liquid, he glanced back at the room to access his situation.

"Have I been captured by the local guard? No. That's hardly even plausible. Someone of a higher caliber must have caught me off guard and thrown me into this unfamiliar prison."

He looked and found he was not alone. He saw two other men's faces planted on the floor near the weapons as well as a conscious old man in the room. He turned to the old man.

"Who the hell are you?"

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 3:12 pm
by SephirothKirby
( :( Battojutsu puts a sword in a sheath and slashes at a high speed. Plus, it's a legendary technique, Earth Dragon Strike is weaker. Gosh, don't you people read Rurouni Kenshin? Meh.)

Roy slowly opened his eyes, to find himself is a strange room made of stone and crystal.

He stood up, glancing to his left and right, finding two other people. He smirked, and said

"Hmph. A poor old man, and a musclehead. What a group to be stuck with."

He seemed to not care that he did not know anything of his whereabouts, but within his mind he was as clueless as everybody else.

He leaned against one of the stone walls, and looked at his company again.

"Wait...we have two old men, do we? You, the conscious man. Why are we here?"

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:28 am
by Legomyegolas
Garivold awoke to a voice beside him. 'Someone has found my tomb.' He first thought. But this wasn't his lair at all. He slowly stood as some impertinent wretch across the room called him an old man, and the third stranger a musclehead. 'Fool. The Arts demand a price, but the gains are beyond your comprehension.' He said, in a spider-soft voice. The man appeared to be offended... As if Garivold cared. Someone had abducted him from his Mausoleum citadel, and his servants had failed him. He would see to them when he returned. Garivold was drawn out of his thoughts when the stranger voiced a question to an old man who had escaped his notice. He could sense no life from this ancient creature; whatever it was, it was more than it appeared.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:12 pm
by Blake
OOC: Hey KB, I sent a PM to you asking about my next post in this. Either PM me back or just tell me in your next post. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:27 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Sorry about the delays, I've been kind of uninspired lately... Oh, and Blake, feel free to, although he wouldn't be joining you anyway. He's more there to explain stuff, but aside from that he can't really help anyway.
- - -

The old man looks at everyone as he is questioned. Turning to Seila he responds, "My name was Ialdris, but it hasn't meant much since I was first sent here. And as for you," he says moving his head towards Roy, "I honestly can't say. I'm not even sure why I was sent here. All I know is that I am trapped here, and will probably remain for the rest of my life. I tried many times to escape, but each time I had failed. Every time, I woke up here with any damages I had taken gone. Each time though, my body felt weaker, and now its at the point where I can barely move."

He slowly lifts his arms and takes the axe and rope at his side, his arms shaking as he places it in front of him. "I'm stuck here, but you three may be able to escape still. If these can help you any then take them. There are many dangers in this place, I might be able to offer some advice about them, but it might be better to just try and get out of this place before your body becomes too weak..."

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:02 pm
by Blake
Seila was shrouded by several thoughts while the old man was talking. He still was unsure of where he was. He dug into his pocket in order to find anything to refresh his memory but only dug up 17 gold pieces. Looking at it, something sparked his mind.

"I was at the tavern and bought a couple of drinks... or was it a couple? Aww sh*t..."

He had vaguely remembered what had happened, yet it was so clear.

"I was completely slammed and must have provoked someone, and got my ass kicked on top of it. But who would screw around with me like this... it must have been someone I've known or dealt with before."

He was interrupted when he had heard bits of what the old man had told his 'current' comrades. " body felt weaker, and now its at the point where I can barely move... I'm stuck here, but you three may be able to escape still. If these can help you any then take them..."

Seila slowly paced towards the old man and stood before him briefly. He took the axe from the old man and gripped the handle with his hand, locking it in place. He was about to raise the axe into the air, until something had crossed his mind.

"Old man, you have two choices, and only one chance to do so. I can end your life right here, right now, without delay, or you can linger on in this prison. Make the call." he spoke abruptly, then suddenly spoke soft in curiosity. "However..."

Seila quickly glanced around the room once more.

"First, do tell us what else you know."