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Post by TheEvilDM » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:22 am

Few housekeeping things.

1) Repost your characters here - not everyone is switching to this thread, I want to know who my PC's are.
2) Out of character stuff in ('s)
3) Actions - any pretty color that is LEGIBLE and not black or white. You can put quotes or asterisk around them if you so choose, but mostly all I care about is the color and that they stand out.
4) Dialogue in "...." please.

Some things that might be a little different about MY style DMing.

I'm not a combat intensive person- but I put a lot of ephasis on GOOD RP skills. If your first reaction to every problem is "I hit it until its not a problem," you may not do so well here. And for those of you who *siiiigh* really reaaally like to hit things, I'll see what I can do to appease you.

I like to hand out exp. In my many years of DMing I've done the "first level adventurers thing to death". Besides, all the cool monsters and encounters aren't really on par with you until you level up a few times anyway. Fighting goblins and orcs fifty bazillion times just gets old. What I'm getting at here, is that at first it may seem like your characters are getting a lot of XP for little efforts (or if you want free xp you should go harrass your former DM for a headstart you evil rules lawyering metagamers...) its because I want to throw fun-er-evil-er stuff at you. Killing goblins - lame. Killing beholder death squads - freaking awesome fun. This is not to say that you dont have to earn XP-- you just might achieve it in ways you didn't think about before :) .

I do all dice rolling over here where I can see it. Nothing personal, I've just have had to many um ...problems at IRL games about on this par:

"Desadon the evil Necromancer of Doom sends for yet another volley of spells. The dwarf is paralyzed, the elf is dead, the ranger is still down the hall with the bow and arrow dealing with minions, this just leaves Radar the Hobbit theif vs the deadly wizard. Will he avoid them?"
"I make my save spell roll."
"Damn Ian! That's the sixth one tonight that Sir Radar has passed. The rest of our party is toast or paralyzed from the waist down!"
"Wait a sec. Sir Radar doesn't pass, you want a HIGH number. I see a ONE on your dice! Staci!! Ian's cheating again!"


I like happy gamers. If you're not having fun or you have a problem with something that's going on IN game, PM me. I try to go out of my way to make sure everyones character gets my attention, challenges and rewards.
-- That does not mean I'm always nice to you though. I am still a GM. --

That is all.
Post characters so we can begin asap. The first part of storyline is actually written and waiting (or at least that's the next thing I'm doing after I submit new threads...)

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Post by t3hDarkness » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:48 am

SephirothKirby]Tala- [b]Level:[/b] 1 [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Class:[/b] Sorcerer Strength = 10 +0 Dexterity = 16 +3 Constitution = 10 +0 Intelligence = 16 +3 Wisdom = 9 -1 Charisma = 12 +1 [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Hit Points:[/b] 4 [b]Feats:[/b] 1) Infernal Sorcerer Heritage [b]Skills:[/b] 1) Alchemy 2) Concentration 3) Knowledge; Arcana 4) Scry 5) Spellcraft [b]Spells:[/b] [b]Cantrips- [5/day][/b] Arcane Mark Detect Magic Prestidigitation Ray of Frost [b]First Level- [3/day][/b] Burning Hands Sleep [b]Weapon:[/b] Shortspear (1d 8) [b]Armor:[/b] None [b]GP:[/b] 3 [b]Description:[/b] [i]Age-[/i] 238 [i]Gender-[/i] Male [i]Height-[/i] 5'6 wrote:Weight-[/i] 116
Description- A youthful elf with a skewed sense of justice and a constantly scheming mind. He has wild red hair and piercing green eyes. His garb is random and often changed much like his mind, but often includes a travel worn red cloak and many straps and buckles.
Biography- An elf's increased lifespan allows for more time to enjoy art, philosophy, and nature. Conversely, a few century allows for a lot of time for anger and righteous fury to boil.

In Tala's home Sevestilquet, it has been a longstanding tradition issued by their God of secrecy, Tethus, that the most successful thief become the ruling power. Over a millennia, certain families held the most wealth for generations, effectively pushing actual skilled families out of the political scheme. He has left the hidden city in order to claim a fortune and regain his family's social and political standing.

Special Abilities:
Secret- Once a day.
This is an exact copy of the INT based sorcerer from SephirothKirby's game. I will re-modify this to reflect the CHA based Sorcerer on Monday. If we don't have someone capable of healing spells, I wouls also like to change the class to Battle Sorcerer from Unearthed Arcana. (Same Hit Die and Base Attack Bonus as a Cleric, capable of wearing Light Armor, Has Intimidate as a class skill instead of Bluff, gains one less spell per day and one less spell per level than the original sorcerer.)

I'll send TheEvilDM a PM.

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Post by TheEvilDM » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:07 am

Sounds good to me.

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Post by Spritedude » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:05 pm

Weight-140 lbs
Description-dirty blonde hair, slim but sturdy looking, hazel eyes.
Biography-Nothing much is known about him. He comes from an elven city far off in the mountains. He is a great archer and swordman. He was named after a good human friend of his father's.

Class- Ranger

Race- Elf
Ability Scores-
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 13
Charisma: 13

Alignment- Chaotic good

Feats: Point Blank shot

Weapons: Longbow(1d 8) , Longsword (1d 8)

Armor: Scale Mail (+4)

Handle Animal:2
Knowledge (dungeoneering):2
Knowledge (geography):4
Knowledge (nature):2
Move Silently:2
Use Rope:2

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Post by TheEvilDM » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:50 pm

All right, got two elves and one human (Zerra's gonna be a NPC -can never have to many fodder-fighters....)

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Post by Blake » Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:58 am

too tired to post my character but expect me to move it sometime soon

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Post by TheEvilDM » Mon Apr 23, 2007 12:06 am

I'll take care of transfering the sheet later.

game posting starts tomorrow.

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Post by Cysma » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:15 am

You know what? I think I want to make a new character, one I'd like roleplaying better.

Name: Cysma Winheim
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Age: 20
Description: Blondish-brown hair, blue eyes, taller than average build. Wears a suit of armor beneath a royal-red sash, on which the symbol of perfectly-balanced scales are depicted (no, he is not a Libra...).

STRength: 14 (+2)
DEXterity: 12 (+1)
CONstitution: 12 (+1)
INTelligence: 14 (+2)
WISdom: 12 (+1)
CHArisma: 14 (+2)

Alignment: Lawful Good
Biography: Cysma has spent most of his childhood as a victim of injustice, and now that he has grown up, has decided to set things right, not just for him, but for everyone, and to destroy evil wherever it shows its face.

Equipment: Greatsword (2d6), Steel Shield (+2 AC), Full Plate (+8 AC)

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Post by TheEvilDM » Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:46 pm

Name- Deslyon Herios
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 180 lbs.
Description- Deslyon is physically fit, able to perform and endure tasks that would otherwise be difficult for others.
Biography- Deslyon grew up from a wealthy family from his father's reputation as a well known hero. Feeling he should carry on the legacy of his father, Deslyon feels he must go out and explore the world and to help those in need not only to support his family, but to have him and his father remembered in the future generations.

Class- Barbarian

Race- Human

Ability Scores-
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 13

Alignment- Good

We have one generic human fighter, one elf sorcerror, elven ranger, human paladin, human barbarian.

*Does anyone want to play- for the sake of being different, another race or class? The party could really use a healer or something rogue-ish. If not, I can always change Zerra out for a new NPC.*

My plan had been to start the adventure tonight, but since I offered class changes/etc I'll push this back until Weds the 25th. (I had also assumed that I would have all the same party, so my storyline picks up where SK's had left off.) New characters make for storyline adjustments -that's fine though. :)

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Post by TheEvilDM » Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:41 pm

Okay, today is weds... I have not seen any PMs about new character plans or whatever, so I shall begin. Lol somebody else post, so I'm not double posting again please! (That way I can also start the storyline!)

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Post by ChuckleHuck » Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:49 pm

You guys actualy made another one? Sweet.

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Post by TheEvilDM » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:10 pm

Sword Chucks yo!

And so doth begin my D&D game!!!

"Well guys, its a little discouraging, but we searched those caves for hours and there really was no sign of any living children. I can only say that I hope someone in the party thought to get paid up front for this task, because our employer is not going to be very happy about this." Zerra says, dusting herself off. "And all that stuff about 'the child of the land' the old man
was speaking of, the child of the land is probably six feet under somewhere in that cave, if not goblin stew. I'm sure that won't exactly go over well either."

The remainder of the party (Deslon, Tala, Zerra and Elliot) emerge from the caves to the winding, dusty roads leading back to the small village they'd come from earlier. Zerra continues, "It's really to bad what happened to our companions too...especially that part with the large sharp rocks and nearly bottomless pit."

((OOC: This refers to any of the PC's who are not going to migrate over to this thread for the continuation of the game. They either died or got lost or were goblin food, late-coming party members are welcome though.))

Heading through the forests and fields (see description of these on the last thread pg 6 post #116) day has turned to early evening, as the sun is setting now. The wind has stopped since then. As the party moves along the path toward town, in the distance they can hear the clopping of hooves along the path. ((Congrats Cysma, you get a free horse....))

Glancing back, it seems that a Holy Warrior clad in shining armour and red sash is making his way toward the village as well. He seems to notice the party, but is a good distance behind them. Given the number of dieties worshipped in this area, seeing a warrior of justice and light around was nothing unusual to say the least. He continues in the same direction, getting closer to the party.

Rounding the next bend, your noses are filled with a strangely mixed smell of Blood and fire. Standing where the gates of town once were, you can see the remains of the two guardsmen, lying in puddles of their blood. They have been stripped of their armour, weapons and clothing. The skin from their faces has been systematiclly cut off and removed, as from their arms, legs and other regions.

As you stare at the scene: One of the 'corpses' blinks in your general direction before he tries to utter a scream, only ending in a muffled moan, causing you to realize, this man has been skinned alive and his tongue cut out. The second guard had bled to death in long hours past.

((Sorry this is a shorter post, I'll do better next time, but that's the start of your new quest....What do your characters do?))

Edit: Accidental posting before I was done typing...Srry))

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Post by t3hDarkness » Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:18 am

(Starting with some major violence then, huh?)

*Tala walks calmly past the blubbering guard and surveys the village (Spot?)*

*Shouting* "Holy man, mercy killing is in your line of duty.But if you don't have the stomach for it, I can do it for you."

*Grinds a dried rose petal into dust in the palm of his hand*

"Elliot, take point, we are going to rely on you skills to spot whatever did this while we look for survivors. Deslyon, you and Zerra bring up the rear."

(I would like to make a 'Knowledge Arcana' to determine if this was done by magical means and then a 'Scry Check' to see if we are being watched. Then use 'Aid Another' for everyone making 'Spot' and 'Search' checks.)

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Post by Spritedude » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:31 am

(Ugh, talk about imagery.)

"Will do."

*Elliot looks around the area, trying to spot any clues (spot check)*

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Post by Cysma » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:17 am

Upon realizing the scene before him, Cysma sped his steed up to full gallop for the rest of the distance to the village gates. When he was just a few feet away from entering the village itself, he pulled back on the reins, causing his horse to whinny in surprise, standing up on its back legs alone.
Cysma was unable to balance on the back of his mount like this, so he jumped off the saddle and flipped his body backwards in midair to land on his feet. As soon as he touched the ground, he ran towards the guard still breathing.

"Hang on, good sir. I pray that I am not too late to save you..."
He closed his eyes and attempted to heal the dying guard in the Paladin way: Lay on Hands. The guard may be unable to speak, but if he pulls through, he may at least be able to eventually write.

(Lay on Hands check)

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Post by TheEvilDM » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:34 am

I like having days off from my job....

((Made all the checks secretly... Cause I'm mean. Here's your end result. ))

As the party moves through the village examining the destruction, Tala and Elliot are the first to discover the footprints. Actually, anybody with functioning eyes found them (which is a lot more than for most of the townsfolk..)

The prints are of a goblinoid nature. Given the large amount of prints, their path and the destruction of the city, the party can only deduce that the goblins entered town through a secondary gate, one to the west side of the town.

However, there is one set of prints among them that are familiar to everyone. Plain old human boring leather style boots. This set of tracks seems to have entered the town along side the goblins.

While looking around, it seems the entire town was burned, looted etc. However; the damage seems to be emphasized on one particular building.

Depending on which way your characters entered this town when visiting the tavern, you took notice of it earlier. If not, it catches your eyes now for the first time. ((PC's call, since the whole party was here last night except the Paladin.))

The former, was once either a temple or a wizards dwelling- given the amount of each of those things in this area, none of you really can recall hearing one way or the other. Regardless of whom lived there, it radiated more magic than any other place in the area. Those who saw it in its past glory can recall the dramatic enterence of exterior stairs leading upward, elaborate sculptures upon the lawn, wooden decorative columns depicting scenes from legends, and the banners flying in the breeze. The residents of this place were never seen.
It's been reduced to more than a pile of rubble.

Zerra follows the the two elves as backup. Desylon remains stationed at the gates of the city still shocked. ((I'm going to send Blake a PM later. He may not have realized we've started yet.))
Tala examines more of the townsfolk looking for magical influence, he finds none. This seemed to be a very cut and dry type job. Depending on how many goblins indeed passed through this way, it appeared that the village was completely overwelmed. None of them really struck Tala as trained warriors, after all that was why his party had been sent to the mountains.

Each 'corpse' has the following characteristics ; lumps on the back of the head, removed facial, arm, leg, back, 'other' skins. For some the eyes have been cut out, all of them are missing the tongue. The killers have made no differentiaion between men, women or (the few remaining) children. Most of which have just been left to bleed to death. A select few of the townspeople, the heads are completely gone.

Of the bodies: a few still remain alive, but are in poor condition similar to the guards at the city gate.

Cysma uses Lay on Hands on the fallen guard. His breathing is harsh now and every so often coughs, bringing up blood. He points toward his cast aside companion. The second guard has been long since dead- appears to have been stabbed in the chest. At his side, his fist is clenched around something, trying to hang on to whatever it is.

As Cysma heals the still living guard, the man's facial muscles lift upward for a moment, as if in a smile before closing his eyes for the final time. He has died though unlike his comrades, he has gone in little pain.

The horse Cysma has dismounted once again begins to squirm about, nervously, kicking and whinying as frightened horses do.

Elliot does some further exploring while Cysma works on the guardsman and Tala is checking on magic, being watched, searching for clues as to what happened. Making his way further into the village, he stops for a moment, utterly baffled by what he sees next.

The town square is by contrast very clean and well preserved. There is some fire damage, but the buildings are relatively intact. Sitting on the ground are a good 50-60 Goblins, feast in front of them, goblets of WINE (LOL!) among them, piles of loot from the homes they have just raided, weapons and armour stockpiled, and all of them dead.

Some are clutching their stomaches, leaned over in fetal positions. Some covered in their own vommit. Many are simply laying on their backs, looking skyward, eyes wide in terror.

There is one set of tracks, plain old human leather boots, that are leading out of town.

Edit: corrected the silly spelling error....

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Post by Spritedude » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:32 pm

(Wow, you're really good with imagery. I can just imagine being there.)

"Uh, guys, you may want to take a look at this..."

*Elliot points at the grusome scene of goblins*

"Considering the way they are laying when they died, perhaps they were poisoned? Well, whatever way they died, I say we should investigate these footprints, what do you guys think?"

(Just to remind you guys, Rangers have "Track" as a bonus feat.)

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Post by TheEvilDM » Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:27 pm

((Probably ought to back track to the rest of your party Elliot... ;) Or are you yelling it across town?))

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Post by t3hDarkness » Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:32 pm

(goblets of whine?)

*Yelling* "Do not worry about the dead, we can care for the corpses after we avenge their deaths."

*Walks back over to Cysma, ignoring the dead man*
"Holy man, you may not be under our charter, but if you will accept it, I offer an invitation to work with us. I am Tala, who might you be."

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Post by TheEvilDM » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:16 pm

((Out of game bonus exp: Anyone that links me to a screenshot/pic/ pic you draw yourselves/other people draw for you... etc of your character = Free 75exp.))
