Dungeons and Dragons

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Dungeons and Dragons


Post by SephirothKirby » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:59 pm

You don't need to know D&D rules. But if you do, you'll notice I'm playing by 3.0
I'm simplifying the rules, so people with no experience in D&D as well as people with experience in D&D may understand.

I should hope at least some people with knowledge of D&D join. If someone else would like to be the DM, they can ask me and after this campaign they can take over the topic. Anyone who wishes to join must fill out this character sheet:


Class- Choose from Fighter (Bastard Sword), Sorcerer (Quarterstaff), Cleric (Mace), Barbarian (Axe), Ranger, (Bow and Arrow), Rogue (Dagger), Druid (Scimitar), and Bard (Short Sword).

Race- Human (All around), Elf (Nimble but frail), Half-Elf (Immune to sleep, can see in the dark, but learn slower), Half-Orc (Strong but dumb), Dwarf (Sturdy but not that nimble), Halfling (Nimble but weak) or Gnome (They like to tinker...)

Ability Scores-
Strength: Determines how hard you hit and what you can pick up
Dexterity: Determines your hand eye coordination and how well you dodge
Constitution: Determines your physical health and how many HP you have
Intelligence: Determines your IQ and your skill/spell power/number
Wisdom: Common sense and willpower, important for clerics
Charisma: Force of personality, important for bards

Now to assign points to these first write them all down and put a 8 next to them. Now write a 27 up at the top of the paper.
You can assign 27 points to every ability but as you assign more points it becomes more expensive as so:

Score assigned------Points cost

So if you assign an 18 to strength you'll have 11 points left to assign as you like to the remaining 5 abilities. Don't worry too much, these abilities will level as you do.

Alignment- Say if you're good or evil.

For now all I'll need is that, we'll assign spells and skills later.

Now, for the RPing:
(Parentheses around your text mean you're out of character)

"Quotations marks around text" Show's your character is speaking.

*Orange words with asterisks show actions*

[xdy+w] square brackets show a dice roll, where x is the number of dice being rolled, d means dice, y means the sides on the die and w is the modifier. For example if you were rolling one six-sided die it would look like this: [1d6]

Bold inside speech shows yelling.

Italics inside speech shows stressing a word

Small words inside speech shows you're whispering

Tell me if you want to do tasks. For example: "Bluff," "Pick Lock," "Hide," "Listen." I'll make the roll (Since it'll be fair), and tell you your result.

D&D Terms you should know:
DM- Dungeon Master. Person controlling NPC's.
AC- Armor Class. Think, "Defense." Padded Armor is a +1 AC, while Full Plate Armor is +8 AC.
DC- Difficulty Class. It's just how hard it is to do something.
HD- Hit Dice. it's how many times a monster's HP has gone up, basically. There isn't much difference between this and a monster's level.

Once we get enough people, I'll post the story.

People Playing:
Dungeon Master-
Sephiroth Kirby
Blake, The Barbarian.
ChuckleHuck, The Rogue
Cysma, The Monk
t3hDarkness, The Sorcerer
TheEvilDM, The Fighter (Surprisingly not an evil DM)
SpriteDude, The Ranger

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Post by Blake » Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:04 am

Name- Deslyon Herios
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 180 lbs.
Description- Deslyon is physically fit, able to perform and endure tasks that would otherwise be difficult for others.
Biography- Deslyon grew up from a wealthy family from his father's reputation as a well known hero. Feeling he should carry on the legacy of his father, Deslyon feels he must go out and explore the world and to help those in need not only to support his family, but to have him and his father remembered in the future generations.

Class- Barbarian

Race- Human

Ability Scores-
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 11
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 13

Alignment- Good

And if I can choose, I prefer no magic at all.

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Post by SephirothKirby » Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:31 am

And if I can choose, I prefer no magic at all.
The only classes that use magic are Sorcerers (Offensive Magic), Clerics (Healing Magic), Druids (Nature Magic). Bards and Rangers learn a little bit of magic, but not as much as Sorcerers, Clerics, and Druids.

Quick Analogy: If you've never played D&D, but you have played Final Fantasy, think of Sorcerers as BlackMages and Clerics as WhiteMages (But with stronger weapons).
- - - - - - - - - -

Quick Explanation:
For every two points after 10, you get a +1 bonus. For every two points below 10, you get a -1 bonus. So, with 12 points in one score, you get a +1. With 18 in one score, you get +4.

I gave him this best skills and feats I could think of, they may change if you wish for them to, I was just doing it for convenience.

You can -1 score for +1 in another for free. Since odd numbers don't count, I'd take away from one odd number to add on to another, thus boosting your +Bonus. Or you could leave it alone completely.

~Blake's Player Sheet~

Deslyon Herios:

Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Strength = 15 +2
Dexterity = 11 +0
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 11 +0
Wisdom = 11 +0
Charisma = 12 +1
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 14
1) Power Attack (You can substitute accuracy for strength, just state when you want to use this when you attack)
1) Listen (Increases listening)
2) Spot (Increases sighting)
3) Wilderness Lore (You have better chances of surving in the wild)
4) Intimidate (You can scare enemies)
Weapon: Great Axe (1d12)
Armor: Studded Leather (+3 AC)
GP: 9
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 180 lbs.
Description- Deslyon is physically fit, able to perform and endure tasks that would otherwise be difficult for others.
Biography- Deslyon grew up from a wealthy family from his father's reputation as a well known hero. Feeling he should carry on the legacy of his father, Deslyon feels he must go out and explore the world and to help those in need not only to support his family, but to have him and his father remembered in the future generations.

Special Abilities:
Rage- Once a day, you may gain +4 STR, +4 CON, and +2 Morale, but -2 AC. You can only do this during one battle, at the end of the battle, you go back to normal.

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Post by Cysma » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:22 am


We're missing a race and three classes! Can't you be a half-elf? Where are the Paladin, Wizard, and Druid classes? In addition, you made up a "Rouge" class, which does not exist within the D&D rules!

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Post by SephirothKirby » Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:24 pm

We're missing a race and three classes! Can't you be a half-elf? Where are the Paladin, Wizard, and Druid classes? In addition, you made up a "Rouge" class, which does not exist within the D&D rules!
I'm simplifying the rules. Paladin = Fighter, but with less brawling and more evil smiting, plus they have to take care of their mount. Wizard = Sorcerer, but more complicated with schools of magic. So I'm not putting them in. Druids, meh, they're kind of complicated, what with the changing into animals, but I guess I can put them in.

Rouge does exist, it's in Player's Handbook and mentioned in Player's Handbook II.

EDIT: Wait, are you talking about 1.0 rules? 'Cause Rouges used to be Thieves. It's the same thing.

And Half-Elfs are virtually useless to me, so I don't usually put them in my game unless someone really wants to be one. I didn't put it there because some people with no experience in D&D might say, "You can be an Elf, and a Human, what's the point of a Half-Elf?" like I did at first when I got the Player's Handbook. But, I'll add it if it'll make you happy. The reason it's useless to me is that it's got no modifiers, so it's basically a human with no quick learnings, and elven traits.

I'm glad you know about D&D. But I have a question for you. Are you gonna' play or not?

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Post by SephirothKirby » Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:55 pm

Skills- Part 1.

Different classes let you pick a different amount of skills.

Some of them you can use without using points to "buy" them, but you're at a disadvantage, and they're less likely to succeed. All of this depends on dice rolls, such as Wilderness Lore, let's you avoid quicksand. If you get a high enough roll, then it will, but it still has a chance to fail.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Barbarian Skills-
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon. Personally I never liked the skill, it's too costy for materials in the beginning.
Handle Animal (CHA)- You can easily tell a trained animal to do a simple task, such as drive beasts of labor. With devotion, you can train an animal to attack an enemy. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Intimidate (CHA*)- You can bully an enemy down, or get someone to give you what you want.
Intuit Direction (WIS)- With concentration, you can tell which way is North, East, South, and West without a compass. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Wilderness Lore (WIS)- This skill allows you to navigate in the wild better. You're not slowed down as much, and you can't get swallowed by quicksand.

*For strength based classes, I allow STR to be used instead of CHA.
You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Bard Skills-
Alchemy (INT)- You can make an assortment of liquids, nets, and rods. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Appraise (INT)- Some Shop Keeps will over charge you. Appraise simply gives you the ability to tell an old sword from an elven heirloom. Antiques from old junk. High Quality Jewelry from cheap stuff made to look good
Balance (DEX)- You can keep your balance when walking on a narrow beam, or an uneven floor.
Bluff (CHA)- Bluff will simply allow you to lie to people. It's more difficult depending on the lie.
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Decipher Script (INT)- Decipher Script allows you to get the gist of runes incarved in a wall, or a note written in a different language. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Diplomacy (CHA)- A different form of bluff. It's more, "Convincing". You could convince a kidnapper to, instead of ripping off your limbs, to ransom you back to your friends. You could stop wars by talking between the fued. It requires conduct, and etiquette. Those kind of things
Disguise (CHA)- You can make yourself look different. It's harder depending on what you change.
Escape Artist (DEX)- Your ability to wiggle out of uncomfortable situations, such as a monster's grasp.
Gather Information (CHA)- You can find out local information by talking your way into the towns people's information.
Hide (DEX)- As opposed to "Spot," you hide from people near by.
Intuit Direction (WIS)- With concentration, you can tell which way is North, East, South, and West without a compass. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Knowledge (INT)- You must buy each branch seperatly if you want them all. None of them can be used unless you buy their skill.
Knowledge; Arcana (INT)- You know more about magic than average.
Knowledge; Architecture (INT)- You know more about structures than average.
Knowledge; Geography (INT)- You know more about lands and customs more than average.
Knowledge; History (INT)- You know more about royalty and wars than average.
Knowledge; Local (INT)- You know more about local legends and traditions more than average.
Knowledge; Nature (INT)- You know more about plants and animals than normal.
Knowledge; Nobilty and Royalty (INT)- You know more about family history and laws than average.
Knowledge; The Planes (INT)- You know about different planes of existence more than average.
Knowledge; Religion (INT)- You know more about Gods and Holy Symbols more than average.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Move Silently (DEX)- As opposed to "Listen," you can sneak up behind someone, or leave without being noticed.
Preform (CHA)- You can do entertaining tasks, such as singing and juggling. You earn a small amount of gold each day you use this.
Pick Pocket (DEX)- This allows you to quickly take a small object from someone without them noticing. You can't use this unless you buy this skill.
Scry (INT)- Allows you to spy on enemies, or tell when you're being spied on.
Sense Motive (WIS)- As opposed to "Bluff," you can tell when someone's lying to you.
Speak Language (INT)- You may learn 2 of the following: Abyssal (Demon), Aquan (Water), Auran (Air), Celestial (Good), Draconic (Dragon), Druidic (Druid), Dwarven (Dwarf), Elven (Elf), Gnome (Gnome), Goblin (Goblin), Giant (Ogre), Gnoll (Gnoll), Halfling (Halfling), Ignan (Fire), Infernal (Devil), Orc (Orc), Sylvan (Dryad), Terran (Earth), or Undercommon (Drow). You can't speak any of them without buying them.
Spellcraft (INT)- You may identify spells that were cast or are being casted. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Tumble (DEX)- Allows you to dive, roll, flip, etc. You can roll past enemies and make falls lesser.
Use Magic Device (CHA)- You can use magic items such as scrolls and wands. Cannot use this unless you buy it.

You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Cleric Skills-
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Diplomacy (CHA)- A different form of bluff. It's more, "Convincing". You could convince a kidnapper to, instead of ripping off your limbs, to ransom you back to your friends. You could stop wars by talking between the fued. It requires conduct, and etiquette.
Heal (WIS)- You can keep wounded friends from dying, or treat poison in their bloodstreams.
Knowledge; Arcana (INT)- You know more about magic than average.
Knowledge; Religion (INT)- You know more about Gods and Holy Symbols more than average.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Scry (INT)- Allows you to spy on enemies, or tell when you're being spied on.
Spellcraft (INT)- You may identify spells that were cast or are being casted. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.

You may buy 1 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 2 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Druid Skills-
Animal Empathy (CHA)- You can control the attitude of animals, and some beasts. You must be within 30 feet of the animal. You cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Diplomacy (CHA)- A different form of bluff. It's more, "Convincing". You could convince a kidnapper to, instead of ripping off your limbs, to ransom you back to your friends. You could stop wars by talking between the fued. It requires conduct, and etiquette.
Handle Animal (CHA)- You can easily tell a trained animal to do a simple task, such as drive beasts of labor. With devotion, you can train an animal to attack an enemy. You cannot use this unless you "buy" it.
Heal (WIS)- You can keep wounded friends from dying, or treat poison in their bloodstreams.
Inuit Direction (WIS)- With concentration, you can tell which way is North, East, South, and West without a compass. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Knowledge; Nature (INT)- You know more about plants and animals than normal.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Scry (INT)- Allows you to spy on enemies, or tell when you're being spied on.
Spellcraft (INT)- You may identify spells that were cast or are being casted. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Wilderness Lore (WIS)- This skill allows you to navigate in the wild better. You're not slowed down as much, and you can't get swallowed by quicksand.

You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Fighter Skills-
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon. Personally I never liked the skill, it's too costy for materials in the beginning.
Handle Animal (CHA)- You can easily tell a trained animal to do a simple task, such as drive beasts of labor. With devotion, you can train an animal to attack an enemy. You cannot use this unless you "buy" it.
Intimidate (CHA*)- You can bully an enemy down, or get someone to give you what you want.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.

*For strength classes, I allow STR to be used instead of CHA.
You may buy 1 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 2 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

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Post by ChuckleHuck » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:35 pm

Ah, you know my stats, old pal.

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Post by SephirothKirby » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:00 pm

Skills- Part 2

Monk Skills-
Balance (DEX)- You can keep your balance when walking on a narrow beam, or an uneven floor.
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon. Personally I never liked the skill, it's too costy for materials in the beginning.
Diplomacy (CHA)- A different form of bluff. It's more, "Convincing". You could convince a kidnapper to, instead of ripping off your limbs, to ransom you back to your friends. You could stop wars by talking between the fued. It requires conduct, and etiquette.
Escape Artist- Your ability to wiggle out of uncomfortable situations, such as a monster's grasp.
Hide- As opposed to "Spot," you hide from people near by.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Knowledge; Arcana (INT)- You know more about magic than average.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Move Silently (DEX)- As opposed to "Listen," you can sneak up behind someone, or leave without being noticed.
Preform (CHA)- You can do entertaining tasks, such as singing and juggling. You earn a small amount of gold each day you use this.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Tumble (DEX)- Allows you to dive, roll, flip, etc. You can roll past enemies and make falls lesser.

You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Ranger Skills-
Animal Empathy (CHA)- You can control the attitude of animals, and some beasts. You must be within 30 feet of the animal. You cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Handle Animal (CHA)- You can easily tell a trained animal to do a simple task, such as drive beasts of labor. With devotion, you can train an animal to attack an enemy. You cannot use this unless you "buy" it.
Heal (WIS)- You can keep wounded friends from dying, or treat poison in their bloodstreams.
Hide- As opposed to "Spot," you hide from people near by.
Inuit Direction (WIS)- With concentration, you can tell which way is North, East, South, and West without a compass. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Knowledge; Nature (INT)- You know more about plants and animals than normal.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Move Silently (DEX)- As opposed to "Listen," you can sneak up behind someone, or leave without being noticed.
Search (INT)- Where Spot allows you to see something, such as a hidden Rouge, Search allows you to find such a small irregularity such as a secret compartment, or a switch to a secret passageway.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Use Rope (DEX)- You're adept with ropes, allowing you to do things such as make firm knots, undo tricky knots, and tie people up.
Wilderness Lore (WIS)- This skill allows you to navigate in the wild better. You're not slowed down as much, and you can't get swallowed by quicksand.

You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Rouge Skills-
Appraise (INT)- Some Shop Keeps will over charge you. Appraise simply gives you the ability to tell an old sword from an elven heirloom. Antiques from old junk. High Quality Jewelry from cheap stuff made to look good
Balance (DEX)- You can keep your balance when walking on a narrow beam, or an uneven floor.
Bluff (CHA)- Bluff will simply allow you to lie to people. It's more difficult depending on the lie.
Climb (STR)- Climb is just as it sounds, one's ability to climb.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Decipher Script (INT)- Decipher Script allows you to get the gist of runes incarved in a wall, or a note written in a different language. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Diplomacy (CHA)- A different form of bluff. It's more, "Convincing". You could convince a kidnapper to, instead of ripping off your limbs, to ransom you back to your friends. You could stop wars by talking between the fued. It requires conduct, and etiquette. Those kind of things
Disable Device (INT)- Disable Device is just as it sounds. It allows you to disable things, such as jamming a lock, or disarming a trap.
Disguise (CHA)- You can make yourself look different. It's harder depending on what you change.
Escape Artist (DEX)- Your ability to wiggle out of uncomfortable situations, such as a monster's grasp.
Forgery (INT)- Bluff, but in writing.
Gather Information (CHA)- You can find out local information by talking your way into the towns people's information.
Hide (DEX)- As opposed to "Spot," you hide from people near by.
Innuendo (WIS)- You can talk about something to someone about a topic that's completely harmless to untrained ears, but really be talking about something else.
Intimidate (CHA)- You can bully an enemy down, or get someone to give you what you want.
Intuit Direction (WIS)- With concentration, you can tell which way is North, East, South, and West without a compass. Cannot use unless you buy this skill.
Jump (STR)- You may jump higher and longer distances by buying this skill.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Move Silently (DEX)- As opposed to "Listen," you can sneak up behind someone, or leave without being noticed.
Open Lock (DEX)- You can open different locks. Depending on how well made the lock is, it may be easy or hard to open.
Preform (CHA)- You can do entertaining tasks, such as singing and juggling. You earn a small amount of gold each day you use this.
Pick Pocket (DEX)- This allows you to quickly take a small object from someone without them noticing. You can't use this unless you buy this skill.
Read Lips (INT)- With concentration, you can read someone's lips as long as you're within 30 feet of them. You cannot use this unless you buy this skill.
Search (INT)- Where Spot allows you to see something, such as a hidden Rouge, Search allows you to find such a small irregularity such as a secret compartment, or a switch to a secret passageway.
Sense Motive (WIS)- As opposed to "Bluff," you can tell when someone's lying to you.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.
Swim (STR)- You have an adept ability to swim. Your chances of drowning are higher if you swim in stormy water, and you take some HP damage due to stamina every hour you swim.
Tumble (DEX)- Allows you to dive, roll, flip, etc. You can roll past enemies and make falls lesser.
Use Magic Device (CHA)- You can use magic items such as scrolls and wands. Cannot use this unless you buy it.
Use Rope (DEX)- You're adept with ropes, allowing you to do things such as make firm knots, undo tricky knots, and tie people up.

You may buy 7 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT.
You may buy 8 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 9 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 10 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 11 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 12 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

Sorcerer Skills-
Alchemy (INT)- You can make an assortment of liquids, nets, and rods. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Concentration (CON)- Your ability to focus on what you're doing. When casting a spell, if you're attacked, you make a concentration check.
Craft (INT)- Your ability to make something, such as a gauntlet, armor, or a weapon.
Knowledge; Arcana (INT)- You know more about magic than average.
Listen (WIS)- This allows you to hear if anythings around you, or eavesdrop on other's conversation.
Scry (INT)- Allows you to spy on enemies, or tell when you're being spied on.
Spellcraft (INT)- You may identify spells that were cast or are being casted. You cannot use this unless you buy it.
Spot (WIS)- The counterpart to Listen, you can see things better than normally, such as something lurking in the shadows.

You may buy 1 of these skills if you have 8-9 INT (What the hell are you doing being a spellcaster with 8 INT?).
You may buy 2 of these skills if you have 10-11 INT.
You may buy 3 of these skills if you have 12-13 INT.
You may buy 4 of these skills if you have 14-15 INT.
You may buy 5 of these skills if you have 16-17 INT.
You may buy 6 of these skills if you have 18-19 INT.
You may buy 1 additional skill if you are Human.

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Post by SephirothKirby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:10 am

Ah, you know my stats, old pal.
So you wish to be Thief? 'Cause you know, this isn't an 8-Bit Theater D&D game. You could be any of the others rather than "Sorcerer, Rogue, Healer, Fighter."

You could be like, a Druid or a Monk. But okay, I'll post Thief unless you want a change.

~ChuckleHuck's Player Sheet~


Race: Elf.
Class: Rogue.
Strength = 10 +0
Dexterity = 16 +2 Racial Trait = 18 +4.
Constitution = 14 -2 Racial Trait = 12 +1
Intelligence = 14 +2
Wisdom = 9 -1
Charisma = 10 +0
Alignment: Good (Technically he's a Light Warrior, he's just greedy)
Hit Points: 7
1) Weapon Finnese (DEX is used in attacks rather than STR)
1) Appraise
2) Listen
3) Spot
4) Bluff
5) Decipher Script
6) Disable Device
7) Disguise
8) Forgery
9) Open Lock
10) Pick Pocket
Weapon: Dagger (1d4)
Armor: Leather (+2 AC)
GP: 8
Age- 123
Gender- Male
Height- 5'4
Weight- 105 lbs.
Description- Thief has very tan skin, brown eyes, and cyan hair. He's physically fit (For an Elf) and isn't very hygenic, since he's often traveling.
Biography- Thief was brought up in royalty in Elfland. When his father fell ill, he went out to steal from "Filthy Humans," to pay millions for his father's cure. He sent his findings to the Chancellor of Elfland's Kingdom, only to find out later he was stealing the money for his own causes. The chancellor was justly killed, and Thief continued stealing, 'cause he enjoyed it.

Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack- You can surprise your opponent, which is virtually anytime your opponent would be denied his Dexterity bonus. With a sneak attack, your attack does +1d6. At every two levels (3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th) you do an addition 1d6 when you sneak attack. So at level 3, you would to +2d6.

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Post by Cysma » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:22 am

I had said that there was no Rouge class because it's spelled Rogue. R-O-G-U-E! Rouge is something you put on your face!

With that out of the way, yes, I'm playing. Haven't decided what class to be, though. I was thinking about being a Monk or a Bard, but the group still needs a good spellcaster.

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Post by t3hDarkness » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:37 am

If you need a spellslinger, I'm your huckleberry.

I started planning a rogue when this was announced, but since that was taken, I can easily make it a sorcerer.

Will I be allowed to pick and/or research my own spells? I am already pretty farmiliar with the system.

Last question, will spells be INT based or CHA based?

I'll remove these questions and replace it with a Character sheet when I get back to my own PC.

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Post by SephirothKirby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:04 pm

I feel embarrassed to have made that typo and been so oblivious to it.

And yes, you can go ahead and decide your own spells, rather than wait for me to post them on. Some of them I might not know, since I don't know 3.5 rules. Although Sorcerers do use CHA for their spells, I'd like to use INT so that it's an easier to understand Wizard.

If anyone already knows what they want, they can pick their spells and skills.

Just a notice- I don't use Ride, or Profession, since this is on a forum, and it's harder to manage. I already think I delved a little too deep, but luckily most of you already know about D&D.
I was thinking about being a Monk or a Bard
I would say, "Hahah, you want to be a Bard. You suck."

But this is on a forum, so it's more RP than combat based, and Bards do great in that.

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Post by SephirothKirby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:24 pm

Spells, yo.

Cantrips; Level 0 Sorcerer Spells:

Resistance- Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Ray of Frost- Does 1d4 cold damage.
Detect Poison- Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Daze- Creature loses last action.
Dancing Lights- Creates torches or other lights for a short while.
Flare- Lowers opponent's attack by 1.
Light- Object shines like a torch.
Ghost Sound- Figment sounds.
Disrupt Undead- Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Mage Hand- 5 pound telekenesis.
Mending- Makes minor repairs on an object.
Open/Close- Opens or closes small or light things.
Arcane Mark- Inscribes personal rune (Visable or Invisable)
Detect Magic- Detects spells and magic items within 60 feet.
Prestidigitation- Performs minor tricks.
Read Magic- Reads scrolls and spellbooks.

At level 1, you can learn 4 of these spells. You can cast 5 a day. (Meaning the same one twice, or any mixture)

Level 1 Sorcerer Spells:
Alarm- Wards an area from anything larger than Tiny. Can be audible or mental. Lasts 2 Hours/Level.
Endure Elements- Ignores 5 damage and 5 rounds from one energy type.
Hold Portal- Holds a door shut.
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law- +2 AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
Sheild- Blocks Magic Missles.
Grease- Makes one 10 foot square or object slippery.
Mage Armor- Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Mount- Summons a riding horse for 2 Hours/Level.
Obscuring Mist- Fog surrounds you.
Summon Monster I- Summons a monster.
Unseen Sevent- Invisible force obeys your commands.
Comprehend Languages- Understands all spoken and written languages.
Detect Secret Doors- Reveals hidden doors within 60 feet.
Detect Undead- Reveals undead within 60 feet.
Identify- Determines single feature of Magic Item.
True Strike- Adds +20 Bonus to your next attack roll.
Charm Person- Makes one person your friend.
Hypnotism- Fascinates 2d4 HD worth of creatures.
Sleep- Put 2d4 HD of creatures into a deep sleep.
Magic Missle- 1d4 +1 damage; +1 Missle/Two levels above first (Max +5), multiple creatures attacked must within 15 feet of each.
Tenser's Floating Disk- 3 foot diameter horizontal disk that supports up to 100pounds/Level.
Change Self- Changes your apparence.
Color Spray- Knocks opponent unconcious, blinds, or stuns 1d6 weak creatures.
Nystul's Magical Aura- Grants object false magical aura.
Nystul's Undetectable Aura- Masks magic item's aura.
Silent Image- Creates minor illusion of your design.
Ventriloquism- Throws voice for 1 minute/Level.
Cause Fear- One creature flees for 1d4 rounds.
Chill Touch- 1 Touch/Level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 STR damage.
Ray of Enfeeblement- Ray reduces STR by 1d6 points +1 point/Two levels.
Animate Rope- Makes a rope move at your command.
Burning Hands- 1d4 Fire damage/level. (Max 5d4). 10 feet radius infront of finger tips.
Enlarge- Object or creature grows 10%/Level. (Max 50%)
Erase- Mundane or magical writing vanishes.
Expeditious Retreat- Doubles your speed.
Feather Fall- Lowers falling speed.
Jump- Subject gets +30 on Jump Checks.
Magic Weapon- Weapon gains +1 Bonus.
Message- Whispered conversation at a distance.
Reduce- Object or creature shrinks 10%/Level. (Max 50%)
Shocking Grasp- Touch delivers 1d8 +1/Level electricity.
Spider Climb- Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

At level 1, you can learn 2 of these spells. You can cast 3. (Meaning the same one twice, or any mixture)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Orisons; Level 0 Druid Spells:
Create Water- Creates 2 gallons/level.
Cure Minor Wounds- Cures 1 point of damage. (I kill you if you pick this)
Detect Magic- Detects spells and magic items within 60 feet.
Detect Poison- Detects poison in one creature or object.
Flare- Lowers opponent's attack by 1.
Guidance- +1 on all rolls, throws, and checks.
Know Direction- You can tell where North, East, West, and South lie.
Light- Object shines like torch.
Mending- Makes minor repairs on object.
Purify Food and Drink- Purifies 1 cubic ft./level of food or water.
Read Magic- Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance- Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Virtue- Subject gains 1 temporary HP.

Level 1 Druid Spells:
Animal Friendship- You gain a permanent animal companion.
Calm Animals- Calms 2d4 +1/level hit dice of animals and beasts.
Cure Light Wounds- Cures 1d8 +1/level of damage (Max +5)
Detect Animals or Plants- Detects species of animal or plant.
Detect Snares and Pits- Reveals natural or primitive traps.
Endure Elements- Ignores 5 damage and 5 rounds from one energy type.
Entangle- Plants entangle everyone in 40 ft radius circle.
Faerie Fire- Outlines subjects with light, canceling concealment, etc.
Goodberry- 2d4 berries cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours)
Invisibility to Animals- Animals can't perceive one subject/level.
Magic Fang- One natural weapon of subject creature gets a +1 to attack and damage.
Obscuring Mist- Fog surrounds you, concealing your sight.
Pass without Trace- One subject/level leaves no tracks.
Shillelagh- Cudgel or Quarterstaff becomes +1 weapon (1d10 damage) for 1 minute/level.
Summon Nature's Ally I- Calls creature to fight. (Badger, Dire Rat, Dog, Hawk, Viper)

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Post by SephirothKirby » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:18 pm

I have a good story planned, I just need to come lengthen it, because chances are, a random group of level 3's isn't going to save the day.

Anyway, my friend Dylan's interblag is down, so I'm posting his player sheet for him. It should be back up by the time we start playing.

~Phoenix Wrong's Playersheet~


Race: Human
Class: Druid
Strength = 12 +1
Dexterity = 12 +1
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 10 +0
Wisdom = 16 +3
Charisma = 9 -1
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 10
1) -Pending-
1) Concentration
2) Heal
3) Listen
4) Knowledge; Nature
Weapon: Scimitar (1d6)
Armor: Hide (+3 AC)
GP: 5
Age- 20
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 150 lbs.
Description- Mutragh has black hair, blue eyes, and a slender body. He isn't tan, but is not pale, either. He's a bit frail, as well as naive about the world, but very wise, especially when it comes to nature.
Biography- As a child, he was always fascinated by nature. At the age of 16, he set out to live among the forests as one. But Mutragh eventually got lonely, and ventured out to see what else the world has to hold.

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Post by ChuckleHuck » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:52 pm

I fell Pheonix Wright, himself would have complicated actions in the role of D&D...

"I extend my right arm, as if to point a weapon of adequate form to my arm, as if to kill you in one shot. I extend my index finger, directly notifying I am directing my infamous jester upon you, my rival. I scream taunts at you like 'HOLD IT' and 'OBJECTION' to eliminate any thought you are currently thinking by interupting you."

(The Knight responds to Pheonix)

"I stab you in the face."

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Post by t3hDarkness » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:20 am

Name- Tala
Age- 238
Gender- Male
Height- 5'6"
Weight- 116

Description- A youthful elf with a skewed sense of justice and a constantly scheming mind. He has wild red hair and piercing green eyes. His garb is random and often changed much like his mind, but often includes a travel worn red cloak and many straps and buckles.

Biography- An elf's increased lifespan allows for more time to enjoy art, philosophy, and nature. Conversely, a few century allows for a lot of time for anger and righteous fury to boil.

In Tala's home Sevestilquet, it has been a longstanding tradition issued by their God of secrecy, Tethus, that the most successful thief become the ruling power. Over a millennia, certain families held the most wealth for generations, effectively pushing actual skilled families out of the political scheme. He has left the hidden city in order to claim a fortune and regain his family's social and political standing.
Class- Sorcerer
Alignment-Chaotic Neutral
HP- 4
Race- Elf
Ability Scores-
STR: 10
DEX: 16 +3
CON: 10
INT: 16 +3
WIS: 9 -1
CHA: 12 +1
Sorcerer Skills-
1) Alchemy (INT)
2) Concentration (CON)
3) Knowledge; Arcana (INT)
4) Scry (INT)
5) Spell craft (INT)
Weapon: Shortspear 1d8 (x3)
Armor: None
1)Infernal Sorcerer Heritage
Special Feature-
Its a secret~[1/day]
Cantrips- [5/day]
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
First Level- [3/day]
Burning Hands
Summon I (Fiendish Hawk) (In Research)
Second Level- (In Research)
Cloud of Knives
Grave Mist

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Post by SephirothKirby » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:06 am

(May I start taking the Infernal Sorcerer feats from The PHB. 2)
Dammit, I just returned PHB2 Today because I found out it isn't worth the money, and I got Complete Adventurer in it's place.

I suppose you can take feats from it, if you explain them to me.

Now all we need is Cysma to make his character.

Hey, uhm, I hope you can understand, but I'd like to put this on hold for just a few days. I should hope you understand, tonight I found out my girlfriend's in the hospital.

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Post by ChuckleHuck » Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:39 am


That's harsh, like bummer'z-vill.

In that case, just take your time man. This thread's going nowhere.

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Post by Cysma » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:22 am

Name- Brother Khalus
Race- Human
Age- 27
Gender- Male
Height- 6'3"
Weight- 200 lb.
Class- Monk
Alignment- Lawful Neutral
Biography- As a newborn, Khalus was found in a basket on the steps of the Grand Temple of St. Cuthbert. The monks took in this abandoned child and raised him as one of their own, teaching him the ways of the Monk. Grandmaster Jeoff was like a father to him, and wished to some day become as powerful as he was.
One day, however, when Khalus had finished meditating on a nearby mountaintop, he returned to the monestary to find the entire place ransacked. All of his fellow monks were dead (Although the Grandmaster's body was never found), and the Gavel of Judgment, St. Cuthbert's sacred treasure, was missing. Brother Khalus believed this to be a sign from the gods, that it was his time to leave this place of seclusion and set out on a global pilgrimage. Thus, Khalus set off to find the defilers of this temple and exact revenge upon them.
Description- Khalus has a somewhat muscular figure from his rigorous physical training, and thin brown hair. He normally shaved his head while living in the monestary, but he hasn't since he left. He normally wears either his Monk's robe or his Battle Gi as appropriate.

STR: 14
DEX: 13
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 12
CHA: 10

-Escape Artist

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Post by SephirothKirby » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:30 pm

^Are you sure putting in all those odd numbers is good?
Did you just not have the time, or did you forget to put feats and skills?

On an unrelated note, I found out it's something minor. She had been complaining about her stomach hurting for the last few days, and as it turns out, she had appendicitis. She should be fine, I just hope nothing goes wrong.

EDIT: Nothing went wrong. ^.^

I've almosted got the story straight. We should be able to play by tomorrow, or maybe tonight.
