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Era Battle

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:23 pm
by Blake
Well, in an attempt help revive this board I'm going to try creating an rpg as well. Scroll to the very bottom if you do not want to read the entire details to the rpg:

History: There are only three planets in the universe that are unique compared to any other planets in the entire universe. These three planets have extremely long orbital paths, and every thousand years, these three planets approach each other so close that the planets nearly collide.
This event had marked the very first civilization of man. Inhabitants were born on all three of these planets. The planets separated after a year, and the human civilizations on each planet developed, unaware of the other two planets' existence.
Over the time, the civilizations adapted to the conditions of the planets, and three completely different lifestyles emerged. There were the 'prehistoric' Brutes, the 'medieval' Casters, and 'modern' Soldiers. During these one thousand years, the people on each of the planets have nearly used all their resources and now must find another planet to inhabit.
Now, the planets are approaching once more after a thousand years. People are now aware that there is another planet that they can inhabit and several wars immediately arise. It is now up to each race to successful conquer another planet, or to become extinct on their former devastated planet.


Now, here is a brief outline of each of the playable races and their attributes:

Health: (Great)
Energy: (Poor)

Attack: (Great)
Defense: (Poor)
Resistance: (Average)
Agility: (Average)

Advantage Over: Casters
Disadvantage Against: Soldiers

Attacks(And Abilities):
Blunt Weapons(Gauntlets, Hands, Legs)
Slicing Weapons(Sword, Axe, Dagger)
Impact Weapons(Mace, Flail, Hammer)
Piercing Weapons(Lance, Spear, Bow)

Blunt Weapons
Punch- A regular punch that damages the enemy for average damage.
Power Punch- A powerful punch that deals a lot of damage to an enemy.
Triple Kick- Kick the enemy three times, dealing minor damage per kick.

Slicing Weapons
Slash- A normal slash that deals average damage to an enemy.
Quick Slash- A quick slash that deals average damage to an enemy.
Hilt Bash- Bash the enemy with the hilt or handle of a weapon to deal minor damage, while possibly stunning the enemy for a short duration of time.

Impact Weapons
Bash- Hits the enemy, dealing an average amount of damage.
Charged Bash- Charges the weapon and then hits the enemy dealing a lot of damage.
Minor Quake- Slams the weapon on the ground, disorienting enemies for a duration of time.

Piercing Weapons
Shoot- Fires an arrow, dealing an average amount of damage to an enemy.
Poison Arrow- Fire a poisoned arrow, dealing average damage initially, as well as dealing damage over time.
Dual Shot- Fires one arrow initially as well as a delayed one.


Health: (Average)
Energy: (Great)

Attack: (Poor)
Defense: (Average)
Resistance: (Great)
Agility: (Poor)

Advantage Over: Soldiers
Disadvantage Against: Brutes

Attacks(And Abilities):
Wave- A wave is sent towards an enemy dealing moderate damage.
Rain- Rain drops down, damaging nearby enemies for minor damage.
Bubble- A bubble surrounds an enemy, reducing damage caused by an enemy temporarily.

Fireball- Sends a fireball towards an enemy for moderate damage.
Lava Bubble- A lava bubble surrounds an enemy, briefly disabling their defenses.
Magma Wall- A large wave of magma sprouts up and then cools between allies and enemies, allowing both sides to recover quickly.

Lightning Strike- A bolt of lightning strikes an enemy for moderate damage.
Bolt- A bolt of lightning hits an enemy and stuns them briefly.
Quake- The ground shakes, causing both allies an enemies within the region to have lower accuracy for a duration of time.

Wind Slash- A gust of wind attacks an enemy for moderate damage.
Gale Gust- A gust of wind cuts into an enemy while breaching through defenses.
Tornado Gust- A gust of wind spins an enemy around, dropping accuracy temporarily.


Health: (Poor)
Energy: (Average)

Attack: (Average)
Defense: (Great)
Resistance: (Poor)
Agility: (Great)

Advantage Over: Brutes
Disadvantage Against: Casters

Attacks(And Abilities):
Standard Weapons(Pistol, Machine Gun, Magnum)
Shoot- Fires the weapon dealing moderate damage.
Take Cover- Take cover behind an object to help avoid taking damage.
Aimed Shot- Aim to deal moderate damage, or possibly get a head shot.

Shoot- Fire a shot to deal either a lot of damage or a little depending on the distance.
Blast- Fires a powerful shot that deals a lot of damage as well as knocking an enemy down briefly.
Weapon Bash- Bash an enemy with a weapon for little damage, as well as possibly stunning the enemy briefly.

Shoot- Fire a shot, dealing little damage to an enemy.
Aim- Temporarily increases the chance of getting a head shot.
Hide- Hide, possibly preventing yourself being seen by enemies.

Explosive(Grenade, Mines, Rocket Launcher)
Grenade- Throw a grenade at an enemy.
Far Throw- Throw a grenade at a distant enemy.
Detection- Navigate well through mines and traps.


Germania: The home planet to the Brutes. Germania is filled with several dry, empty uninhabited plains and rocky mountains. The Brutes depend on specific rock minerals to support their capital city, Heria. If they do not collect this mineral, Heria will crumble and crush thousands of inhabitants who live in the city.

Heria- The capital city of the Brutes. Heria is filled with several caves which provide as a powerful defense against invading races. Casters are limited to Earth and Wind spells, and Soldiers are not advised to use explosives while in the caves. The caves allow Brutes to move quickly and effectively, while confusing and getting invading parties lost.

Ferranar Outpost- An outpost to the south of Heria set up by the Brutes to move healthy units in The Battlefield and wounded ones out. It is an effective post that holds the Brutes defense in The Battlefield.

Deswell Camp- A small camp set up by the Casters to the north of Heria. The Casters use this small camp to observe the entrances to Heria and how often Brutes go in and out of them.


Umancicar: The home planet of the Casters. This planet is filled with several forests and lakes. The Casters recently have ran out of resources to enchant and if they continue to draw upon the planet for magic, the planet will soon deteriorate and will be completely destroyed.

Ferlysson- The capital city of the Casters. The capital city is contained within a large, thick forest that hides the city well. To the north of the city are the Scorched Ruins, which provide excellent defense, and to the south The Snare Trap. Most of the Casters secure the east and west parts of the forests, and a few patrol through The Snare Trap.

The Scorched Ruins- The Scorched Ruins came to be when careless inhabitant’s from Ferlysson used their magic for their everyday needs. The region became corrupted and is extremely dangerous to any races. However, the region has been traversed by few of the strongest and most intelligent people. It provides excellent defense against parties who would dare enter, but is the least secured area by the Casters.

The Snare Trap- The Snare Trap is a region in the forest filled with vines, poisonous plants, and marshes designed to attack and wear out invaders. Several Casters are familiar with the region and know where and how to dodge the traps. The Snare Trap provides a huge advantage to the Casters for it allows them to easily access the capital city and The Battlefield quickly and safely.

The Flare- The Flare is a camp set by the Soldiers to the southwest of The Snare Trap. The Flare’s primary goal is to breach through the Snare Trap’s defenses and to provide a weaker defense towards the Caster’s capital city.


Ceron: The Soldiers have established several steel buildings on Ceron during the thousand years. The buildings provide an abundant amount of food, but the pollution has been drastically increasing over the past few years due to lack of natural plants. If the Soldiers do not find natural plants, they will suffocate under a large cloud of pollution.

Fort Antagonist- A large fort designed with the Soldiers’ most powerful weaponry. The east main entrance consists of two large mortars with several stationed Soldier’s making it nearly impossible for invading parties to enter. There is also an entrance at the west end of the city that is well secured also. To the north and south of the fort are high walls which aren’t believed to be climbable, and are secured with less soldiers.

Frontier Post- Frontier Post is a set of operations established to the northwest of Fort Antagonist. It transfers Soldiers from the capital city to this post to equip them and enter the battlefield. It allows the Soldiers to put up an effective offensive attack in The Battlefield.

Renon Outpost- A settlement to the south of Frontier Post quickly established before the Soldiers detected its presence. Here, there are several strong Brutes well equipped to intervene with Frontiers Post’s operations.


The Battlefield: An unsecured region by all three races. The Battlefield is the intersecting point of where the three planets nearly collide, and also the region where jumping to other planets is possible. The Battlefield is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable regions with endless wars. Several trees, rocks, and ruins of structures have been destroyed by the force of the three planet’s gravity. While The Battlefield is dangerous, it also is the only way to gain access to other planets.


Where Do I Fight?: The following are areas you can fight in to gain power and help your race control areas.

Your Hometown Capital City: Defend your capital city from enemies. You can easily defend and flee at will, but attacks on capital cities may not come too often and you gain less experience.

The Battlefield: Because the planets are so close to each other, people can literally jump from one planet to another. Because of this, there are constantly wars waged here to defend their planets from being invaded. There are several battles you can engage in to gain quick experience, but is extremely dangerous to people who are ill equipped.

The Race's Resourceful Planet: Each race must attack a different planet in order to survive because of its abundancy in resources the race uses. Brutes must conquer Soldiers, Casters must conquer Brutes, and Soldier must conquer Casters. The resourceful planets are dangerous because the invading race is weak against the defending race on the planet.

The Race's Useless Planet: You can also attack the other planet that the race has no need for. Unlike the resourceful planets, invading races have the advantage over the defending race. This allows races to easily conquer areas and weaken one of their enemies, but offers little experience.

Basic Rules:

Standard rpg rules apply as well as a few extra notes:

- Races who have advantages over the other race deal 300% damage

- Double speed allows for 2 attacks

- You gain Exp and Ability points by slaying enemies. Experience allows you to level up and gain more attribute points, while Ability points allow you to gain more Abilities in a specific field. If enough Ability points are spent in one field, you will gain another ability(Ex. Brute's fields are Blunt, Slice, Impact, and Pierce).

- Brutes and Soldiers can only use abilities if their weapons are equipped. They can potentially equip two items at once as long as the weapon is not two-handed. (Ex. Brutes can equip gauntlets and a longsword to perform blunt and slash abilities; Soldiers can equip a pistol and grenade to perform standard and explosive abilities). However, Casters can use whatever abilities in any field whenever they want.

- After the first round and every one after, you and your enemy are in specific positions. You can counter these positions by using an ability that is strong against the enemie's previous ability. For example: An enemy finished casting a fireball and if in a fire position. You can counter by using a [blunt, water, or standard] ability to deal 200% damage. Below are the ways to counter an enemy's attack.

Blunt, Water, Standard: Strong against- Slash, Fire, Explosive
Slash, Fire, Explosive: Strong against- Pierce, Wind, Rifle
Impact, Earth, Shotgun: Strong against- Blunt, Water, Standard
Pierce, Wind, Rifle: Strong against- Impact, Earth, Shotgun


Character Sheet:


Place 150 in the following 6 stats:
Health: How much damage you can take
Energy: Allows the use of more advanced abilities

Attack: How much damage you deal
Defense: How much physical damage you can take
Resistance: How much magical damage you can take
Agility: How fast you are in combat and how effective some moves are


Summary- Choose a race and stats and the objective is:

Brutes must conquer Soldiers
Casters must conquer Brutes
Soldiers must conquer Casters

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:53 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Name: Resif Karros
Race: Brute
Looks: Somewhat small compared to most other Brutes and is slightly tanned from being outside most of the time.

Place 150 in the following 6 stats:
Health: 60
Energy: 20
Attack: 10
Defense: 20
Resistance: 10
Agility: 30

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:36 am
by [sage]
Name: Tiran
Race: Caster

Health: 30
Energy: 50

Attack: 10
Defense: 25
Resistance: 15
Agility: 20