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Dark Crusade (Sign up)

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:43 am
by KirbyBoy2000
I really need to try and stick with my RPGs and stuff longer. But not much you can do if you just lose all interest in something at a time. But I guess I'm sort of fickle about stuff like that. Eh, whatever, heres something fairly different from what I've done in the past.

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Actual info you should/have to read.
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This is a freeplay RPG, for an example of how it works... go to the Gunjin/Battlefield forum and look almost anywhere. This will sort of be lke that, except more story based than combat based, although there should be a fair amount of both. To join, fill out the sign up below, thats all that is needed really. Also, if you're joining... post often; the RPGs story will mostly be advanced by what the people in it do.

Plot - The world is in a state of disarray, but most of its inhabitants, both man and beast are oblivious to the dangers facing it. An invisible parasite, known as the Ocuroth by those able to sense their presence, is moving across the world, devouring the spirits of everyone and everything within their path; leaving their bodies only hollow shells, which they control to further increase their path of destruction. If not stopped they will eventually destroy the world. The only hope in the world would be for their destruction, but hope seems slim...
(yes, I've used it before. But no one joined the last one. Don't question me. >.>)

Setting - A simple world similar to ours. There is technology within the world, though it is very limited.

Sign Up
Name - Characters name.
Age - ...
Gender - ...
History - A brief history of your character.
Appearance - What your character looks like.
Abilities - Skills your character has, such as fighting ability, or if they can use magic. Describe how they fight, and/or what types of magic they can use.
Items: What items you start off with.

And why not, if you want you can make two characters, as long as you actually use them and participate. I'm not sure when this will start exactly, but when it does I guess I'll make up a topic for the whole thing.
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Example Character(For if you can't think of something I guess.) (I may actually use him if I can't think of anything else.)

Name: Vale Reitos
Age: 32
Gender: Male

History: A former knight, driven to a depression by the death of his family. His wife was killed by the hands of a mad man over two years ago. Though he was strong, he was unable to protect her. In a rage he killed the man, thinking that he saw a serpent like creature flee from the man's body. For over a year he studied in the art of divination, so that he could prevent such events from happening again, in the hopes that his only son could live a full life. However it was in vain, as though he foresaw the event, it was too late to help. In his vision he saw a man with an odd creature on his body over the body of his son and many others, holding a blood drenched sword. Feeling nothing but despair and rage over how powerless he was to protect those he cared about; he left everything else in his life and began to wander and drink to forget his pain.

Appearance: A gruff looking man with brown hair, and green eyes with a look of sorrow within them. He wears simple clothing, black pants and a gray tunic. Around his waist is a brown leather belt, where he keeps his sword held in its sheathe.

Abilities: Is a skilled and powerful swordsman. In his past he was one of the strongest warriors for his lord, able to defeat almost all of his opponents within battle. He knows of some divination, but it requires great concentration to use it on his own will. He is also fairly vulnerable while using it as he is blinded, sensing nothing except for the image he sees.

Items: A silver longsword, which he kept with him from the times he was a knight. A pendant, a memento from his wife, holding a picture of his family. Also keeps an empty pouch with him.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:15 am
by t3hDarkness
(Don't let the Gunjin Guys see this)

Name - Chase Alphonse
Age - 29
Gender - Male
Class - Occultist Savant

History -
Chase has always had a sharp senses and a sharper mind, he made deals to gain knowledge eventually leading into arcane and occult powers and the apprenticeship of the thirteenth society. To anonymously gain more forbidden knowledge he took to wearing a brass half-mask and calling himself a soldier of gold. He has acted as priest, sage, researcher, and executioner for the Thirteenth order.

Appearance -
A 5'9" man with a slight build and long platinum blonde, almost white hair. He is always seen wearing a one-eyed brass mask marked with a cross and usually a brass colored gauntlet. The rest of his garp is a simple but incredibly well made priests garb.

Abilities -
He can exhibit psychic force over any metal his is touching, but only up to a certain mass. The maximum area is greatly increased by drawing the metal in to a fine wire. He knows a few spells to add elements to his wire and couple of occult arrays to arrange his wires into a shield. He can see through his third eye but has yet to fully accomplish enlightenment and has gained the ability to manipulate his skin through occult rituals.

Possessions -
The living gauntlet Parastos, which can produce a near endless supply as long it has access to the appropriate raw metals, three vials of poison, one that can stun, one that can kill, and one that dissolves organic matter, and a holy pendant that also represents the thirteenths society.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:14 am
by Alex
^Ooh, I'm seeing it!

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:57 pm
by Cysma
Then I'll use my Battlefield profile, modified for this character sheet.

Cysma Winheim
Age: 19
Gender: Male

History: Growing up, Cysma had long been a victim and witness to injustice. What with his dictatorial parents and corrupt legal system in his kingdom, he finally decided he had had enough and sought to stop all of this suffering. It was then that he found his calling to become a Paladin, a crusader of justice and righteousness. He now relies on the power of Light, as well as his self-taught swordsman techniques, to liberate the oppressed and ensure that their oppressors get what they deserve.

Appearance: Cysma is rather tall for his age, a little over 6 feet, but he comes from a tall family. He was born with blonde hair, but as he grew older, it has naturally turned brown, with a natural hairstyle. Cysma wears a suit of plate armor into battle. Over this, he has a crimson sash across his torso, going over his right shoulder, that depicts an emblem of scales in perfect balance.

Skills: Cysma fights well with either a sword or mace while blocking enemy blows with his shield, but with the latter type of weapon, he prefers to discard the shield and swing a hammer with both arms to crush more skulls. Wearing heavy plated armor, he is not very quick on his feet, but he is getting used to wearing such heavy armor and does his best to move quickly. The most notable of his abilities is perhaps the one to call on the powers of Light. Using this divine magic, Cysma can heal himself and his allies, smite evil in its many faces, and offer additional protection to himself.

Silver Greatsword - A long blade effective against the undead.
Hammer of Judgment - A large mace that resembles a judge's gavel, except bigger. Cysma has to use both hands to swing this around.
Plate Armor - Heavy armor that covers his entire torso, arms, and legs.
Shield of Justice - A medium-sized shield that Cysma can strap across his left arm.
Headguard - Resembles a circlet, which he wears around his forehead. It is said that this relic also enhances the wearer's magical capabilities.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 1:40 am
by Blake
Name - Ceril Blighton
Age - 28
Gender - Male
History - In his younger days, Ceril lived in the country with his family until the age of 18. He was fascinated with exploring the city and learning of the many opportunities open to him there and soon took off alone one day. However, when he arrived at the city he felt he was an outsider and was very uncomfortable. One night while walking in the back alleys of a street, Ceril came across a drunk man. Frightened, Ceril killed the man and immediately fled the city, attacking anyone who got in his way.
Since then, Ceril has been extremely paranoid and trusts no one. He has avoided civilization as much as he can, and has killed many who have come across his path. People who heard of Ceril claim he's insane, but is he really?

Appearance - Ceril is 5'10 and is skinny, lacking muscle. He has short dark hair and brown eyes. He wears a black shirt and black pants, leather armor, and a belt that carries his daggers and potions. On his back he has a quiver and a shortbow strapped to him.

Abilities - While Ceril lacks strength physically, he has very keen senses and his reactions and reflexes are very quick. He often engages someone if he feels he is in danger and makes quick work of them to ensure his safety. He is highly skilled at using his knives in close combat, but lacks the ability to throw his knives or fire his bow as effectively. Despite his strong senses, he cannot see the parasites, and he cannot weild any form of magic.

Leather Armor- Leather armor that protect's Ceril's chest allowing him to move around freely in combat.
6 Knives- Ceril's knives are stored on the sides of his belt for quick access to either be used melee or ranged.
Lighter- Lighter kept in Ceril's pocket to make fires.
Bow And Arrow- Strapped on Ceril's back. Allows him to fight from a distance.
Poison, Oil, and Powder Jars- Stores in Ceril's belt which can used to create poison arrows, fire arrows, or smoke arrows.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:51 pm
by SephirothKirby
Name- Roy (Last name forgotten by the passage of time)
Gender- Male
History- Was once one of the greatest swordsmen alive, and was of legendary stature, until one day, without notice, he went power crazy, destroying villages, and killing innocent people. By the time he had realized what he had done, the King of Hell had summoned him. For his sins, he must walk the earth forever, as a demon. His actions were in fact because a horrible demon, Akuma, had found a way to control one mortal. Unfortunately, Roy was that mortal. Because of being a demon, he has no friends, and most people are afraid of him, simply because of the uncanny feeling they get when he's around. His real age is unknown, but his body is that of a 23 year old.

Appearance- Roy is 5'11, and an average built man, even though he has a ferocious appetite, he does enough training to stay fit. He wears a long red robe, that goes down to his ankles. The sleeves are very large, and often cover his entire hands. All he wears for footwear are sandals. Near his waste are three sheaves, one much larger than the others. The large one is virtually useless, since he almost always has his Greatsword drawn. The other two are for his two Katanas, which he dual-wields when he sees fit. He has spiky brown hair, and brown eyes. He is half Japanese.

Abilities- Roy has been alive for many years, and he already had his immense sword training under his belt. He has amazing strength and agility. He's trained himself to wield the greatsword with one hand, while remaining agile. On occasion, he'll put the greatsword away and draw two katanas, wielding them both at the same time. He has trained with a few sages, so he knows a few basic fire spells.

Greatsword~ His father's, passed down to him. But while his father had to wield it with both, Roy's training goes beyond that. Sentimental value might explain why he holds it so dear to him.
Katana (x2)~ Two simple katanas, he uses to get more slashes in at his opponent. He rarely uses them, but when his opponent is much to fast, he'll switch to the Katanas.
Robe of the Demon~ Sacred robes placed upon him by the King Of Hell. Perhaps they're sewed with some unknown curse, as he cannot remove them. He eventually found out that they cannot catch on fire, or repel heat. He still may be harmed if fire touches his flesh, but the robes keep him safe.

Quote- "I go against the sands of time. I'm a permanent stain on existence."

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:43 am
by biabia
I'm seeing it