Surge of Darkness

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Surge of Darkness


Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:12 pm

New Year (Just about), time for some other new stuff I guess. This will be a story RPG, which I hope will actually work for once. And if not... Well, the forum stays dead a bit longer I guess. I suggest that you skip a lot of the random info at the end unless you have a ton of time and don't mind redundant and weird ramblings. Stats and Elements in this are based upon the race you choose, and the personality you pick and stuff.

Plot - Within the worlds of Aether, a mysterious group of creatures known as the Ocuroth have begun to appear. The Ocuroth are evil spirits that drain the life force from others, turning the bodies of those they drain into empty shells which they control. To those within Aether, they are still mostly unknown as they cannot be seen by those who do not have strong spirits, and though they drain the spirits of others, the host they steal from usually does not notice until they are completely drained, at which point they cannot do anything about it. Though the Ocuroth are dangerous to the people of Aether, they are far more deadly to the spiritual beings across it; who are helpless against them and do not have a body to shield them, if even for a short time. Fearing the Ocuroth would destroy the balance of the worlds within Aether, the strongest spirits that watch over Aether began to try and rid the Ocuroth from the worlds. It soon became apparent to them that the Ocuroth could not be stopped by their strength alone, so they began to call upon the people of Aether who would help them in their goal.

Sign Up
Name - ...
Age - ...
Gender - ...
Race - Pick from below.
Personality / Traits - Pick 5 from below.
Bio - A short history of your character. Feel Free to include what you look like and stuff like that as well.

Battle and stuff - Battle is done on battlefields with obstacles and differing terrain. At the start of battle you may move across the field, and then you have two actions. Actions can either be an maneuver, spell, item, one of the basic commands I came up with(below), or additional movement.
-Defend: Doubles End and Spr until next turn.
-Scout: Reveals info on field and other targets.
-Focus: Boosts success of next move.
-Rest: Falls asleep, increasing HP and EP. Can (and probably should) be used outside of battle.

Abilities - Any sort of maneuver or spell can be attempted during a turn in battle. Generally the simpler the action the more successful it is, but more complex moves are generally more powerful. Abilities start off with a skill level of 0, and gradually become a higher level when used more often. Every few levels you will also receive Ability Points(AP), AP can be used to gain experience in skills without having to train in it. It takes 50AP to level up an ability, with 50 additional AP for every level after it. You begin with 150AP.

TRAITS (Pick 5)
Brave, Timid, Proud, Humble, Bold, Shy, Diligent, Lazy, Cheerful, Reserved, Patient, Hasty, Loyal, Stubborn, Just, Intelligent, Wise, Foolish, Creative, Decisive, Indecisive, Honest, Dishonest, Cautious, Reckless, Caring, Apathetic, Solitary, Serious, Hostile, Passive, Just, Clever, Forgetful, Ambitious, Messy, Organized

Human: An intelligent and strong race, though they are somewhat frail overall. It is mostly due to them that civilization has begun to rapidly grow across the planets of Aether.
Appearance: Look in a mirror...

Citos: A slightly nomadic race that believes themselves to be the servants of the Goddess Cituras who they are similar to in appearance and name.
Appearance: Looks very similar to humans, but with their ears long and pointing downward.

Labohan: A race that evolved from the beasts of Aether. Labohan are fairly spread out among the worlds, though a large amount of them remain in Sotyris.
Appearance: Humanoid beasts for the most part. Yeah... I wish I had something more unique about them in my designs. : /

Aykrin: A semi-aquatic race that evolved from creatures of the ocean. They are thought to have been born among the planet of Aluris, due to its large seas.
Appearance: Varies greatly among all Aykrin, most similar to humans or drakes. There are many strong Aykrin traits however; two soft crescent shaped horns covering the sides of their head, a tail covered with fins, some small while some may be large, and some may even have fins upon their arms or legs.

Drake: A race that evolved from dragons and similar creatures. They primarily inhabit Ossimur, where they are more resistant to the harsh terrain.
Appearance: Humanoid dragons/lizards mostly, they tend to be rather large in comparison to most other races.

Aerelos: An aggressive race that evolved from birds within Aether. Aerelos prefer to live in mountainous areas, which leads them to constantly fight against the Drakes who also tend to live in those areas.
Appearance: Aerelos tend to have a lot of bird like features for the most part, but some may only have the feathers and wings of an Aerelos. The wings of the Aerelos grow from their backs, but some also have smaller wings on their forearms.

Luraii: A nomadic and mysterious race; they seem to constantly travel across the planets, so it is unknown where they were originally from.
Appearance: Appears like a human for the most part. Instead of hair they have plate-like scales over their bodies, most of them in thick patches across their bodies. They also have long tails, usually covered with a large scale or gem at the end of it.

Feruos: An odd race that some feel branched off of the Drakes during evolution. Feruos tend to live within darker places, and are seen more during the night than day. Feruos are most known for their abilities with metals, able to bend its form and alter it with their bare hands.
Appearance: They are similar to drakes in a way, though most have more of a serpentine appearance. Their bodies are thinner and taller than most Drakes, and their tails are much longer.

Borelan: A race that evolved from the forest, the Borelan are with symbiosis with plant life, often being the home to some plants which help the Borelan to live.
Appearance: They appear similar to whatever race they grew from, but generally the physical features from that race are not as strong. Borelan also tend to have plant life growing across their bodies.

GLOSSARY(I guess? Warning: This is random info that often restates the plot, I'd skip it unless you're bored.)
Ocuroth: Creatures that feed upon spirits. To the races of Aether they are parasites that slowly eat away at their hosts spirit until only the shell of their body remains, acting as a puppet to them. Though Ocuroth are for the most part fairly large, they are hard to notice by those who do not have a higher awareness of spirits. The Ocuroth are considered a plague by those who actually know of them, but aside from the spiritual entities of Aether, who are in the most danger from the Ocuroth, very few know of them.

Spirit Lords: The strongest spirits that watch over the worlds within Aether. They have a strong influence over the worlds, giving power to the races that inhabit them and keeping the worlds in balance. Fearing the Ocuroth would destroy the balance in the world, they declared war upon them, yet their strength alone was not enough to rid them of the Ocuroth. They sent a message to the few in the worlds who would be able to assist them against them.
The Spirit Lords are Itrel Nuras; the God of Death, Cituras; the Goddess of Light, Aquilai; the Goddess of Water, Inferno; the God of Fire, Breziel; the God of the Sky, Garro; the God of the Earth, Atlier; the God of the Forest, Letios; the God of Storms, Yousen; the God of the Heavens, and Orad; the God of Time.

Spirit: An entity without a physical body to hold it in. Spirits are for the most part unable to make contact with those of the physical world unless the spirit is powerful, or if the person in the physical world has a high spiritual awareness. Most spirits are peaceful for the most part, and though some may play tricks upon others, very few would cause harm to another unless provoked. As they are without a body to protect them, spirits are easily harmed by magic and non-physical things, making them easy prey for the Ocuroth

Elements: The elements help to form all things within Aether, reflecting upon the powers that one holds. The elements are Water, Flame, Forest, Earth, Ice, Metal, Light, Darkness, Spirit, and Star, and all of them are empowered by the strength of the Spirit Lords.

Water beats Flame beats Forest beats Earth beats Ice beats Metal beats Water. Light beats Darkness beats Spirit beats Light. Water and Earth, Flame and Ice, Forest and Metal are all opposing forces. Elements strong against an other, or are opposites, do 50% more damage to a target of the element weak to it. All magic of the same type of element as its user gains +5 dmg for the spell. Star is a special and rare element, without strength or weakness, but it gives +5 to all types of magic. Forest is the element of plant life and poison, Ice is the element of cold and wind, Metal is the element of Metal and Electricity.

Aether: A system of planets watched over by the Spirit Lords. It is made up of the planets Gaios, Etelliunn, Ossimur, Sotyris, and Aluris, and it orbits around the sun of Valse. Various parts of each of these worlds hold areas where the strength of spirits are expanded, giving them a physical form in the world; at these points, the worlds are linked and one can travel between them.

Gaios: A moderate sized planet, it has a varied climate across its 4 continents, and it is one of the most developed planets as well. The continents are Felaros, a small continent to the north west; Armiel, a very large continent, taking up most of the north east; Caelis; a mountainous continent to the south east; and Sunira Latos, a continent made up of 5 large islands and many more smaller ones surrounding it. Links to Ossimur through Remai Peak, and to Etelliunn through Tolas Volcano.

Etelliunn: The smallest planet within Aether, it is primarily made up of land, almost all of it forming a large continent. The planet is linked to Gaios through the Kadoa Volcano, and to Aluris through Tollos Falls.

Ossimur: The largest planet within Aether, yet with the least varied climate and with the least amount of life within it. Ossimur is, for the most part almost all desert and barren mountains. The people of Ossimur for the most part live underground, or at least partially underground, where the raging desert winds and sand are unable to reach them. In Ossimur, only a few different groups live, and almost all of them stay together in one colony, separated from the others through the desert, though some underground paths may link them. The planet is linked to Gaios through Iamer Valley, and to Sotyris through the Desert Shrine.

Aluris: A moderate sized planet, further away from Valse than any of the other planets. Aluris is primarily made up of water, most of its life living within the southern ocean or the islands within it, primarily on one of the 3 continents. Few live within the northern half of Aluris, the only successful colony there being Laris. The northern half of Aluris is for the most part almost always within darkness due to an odd orbit, and thus the very top of the planet is covered with a permanent layer of ice. Linked to Etelliunn through Mystic Spring and to Sotyris through Lenost.

Sotyris: A large planet, it has 3 large continents on it. Sotyris is for the most part purely wilderness, with only a few small colonies across it as an actual civilization. The continents are Tarieth, which is where most of the colonies and towns are; Siefan, which is mostly jungle and plains; and Relet, the smallest continent which is mostly plains and mountains. Linked to Ossimur through the Gale Caverns, and to Aluris through Siefan Springs.

Valse: The sun of Aether, thought by some to be the home of all spirits.


And thats everything I came up with. I honestly would like to make parts of it more... umm... sane and coherent I guess; but I don't have the time to bother with it right now since I want to post this quickly and stuff. Umm... sign up now I guess if you want. Oh, and if you read everything upto this point... well, I warned you before, so don't complain.

*Sigh* Meh, nevermind then. -_-
