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The Conquerors: Legends Unfold

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:58 am
by Wahsapa
"There is nothing impossible to him who will try." - Alexander the Great

All men are born to become great, but it is those bold enough to follow their dreams that will truly become that which they should. But now, the people need a person who can lead them to greatness. The time has come...
With a fierceness in their eyes and an uncanny vision for the future, the time for a leader has come. The steps to their destiny have been pathed, and now they must walk it.

is at war! It is up to you to rise up, gather your resources, and become the naturally born leader you are supposed to be!

There are 2 continents at war. The Eastern kingdom of Kathoul is home of the so-called barbaric raiders. The Western kingdom of Eisodymia is a bit more sophisticated and has more noble blood throughout the land. You must choose one of these continents to start from.


The Great War had come to a stalemate. Both sides economic levels had dropped dramatically, and the war could not go on without both empires being destroyed. After seven years of fighting, there was a single fight that changed the tide of war that day. In the middle of both empires, on the uninhabitated island continent Sterystes, a great battle was fought. Winning the continent of Sterystes is a decsivie factor in the war, so both sides fought aggresively. You decide how the battle ends.

Here's a few maps of the world.

Detailed Map (Contains key cities and battlezones)
No Details


Just fill in all of the information below to signup.

Name: Your character's name.
Age: Your character's age.
Sex: Your character's gender, male/female only please.
Empire: Choose either the barbaric empire of Kathoul, or the civilized kingdom of Eisodymia.
Home Capitol City: Please look at the map and choose one of the 3 capitol cities on either continent.
Bio: Explain your character a bit. Be sure to include how and why they got involved in the war effort, then it will help me make a better introduction story for your character.
Social Level: Here is what you can choose from and their pros/cons. Some may not have an advantage or disadvantage to them. As you play throughout the game, you may move up or down in the ranks depending on the actions you take and the attention you draw from others.

Wanderer: A wanderer is rarely known by people, if at all. They are generally poor and ignored people. Some royalty choose to escape their lives and become wanderers.
Pros: They will have less attention drawn to them for their doings. They have almost no assassination attempts on them because they are hardly known.
Cons: You will start with barely enough to live off of, and close to no money. Teammates are not quick to befriend a Wanderer.

Mercenary: A mercenary is a warrior for hire. They are well known as a group, but not many mercenaries are known for their deeds.
Pros: You will be looked at as an able warrior and will often be hired rather easily. You start off with decent money.
Cons: You aren't too trusted and are expendable by most generals, and they would prefer a military trained soldier to you any day of the week.

Trained Soldier: You are a soldier in a military. You have been in some pretty harsh battles and have began to start a reputation around some of the locals.
Pros: You will start off with a good inventory of money and equipment. You are trusted by most and hated by few.
Cons: There may be a couple of jealous people around you that may attempt to endanger you, but nothing serious.

General: You are a veteran war hero, you have quite the reputation in many places. Some people love you, some people hate you.
Pros: You start off with a large amount of money and a small unit.
Cons: Some people want you dead, but it's not too bad.

Royalty: You are a rich and wealthy person. Whether you are a prince or princess, or just a relative of one, you are royalty. You are used to having money and some servants as well.
Pros: You start off with a lot of money, you also get a good number of trained units.
Cons: Your large amount of wealth and high political stature will make getting to certain places hard. A handful of people will want you dead too, and some of your closest friends may not even be trusted.

Split 1800 between the following stats.
HP: HP stands for "Hit Points". It is an important stat in that it keeps you alive, and when you are reduced to 0 or less HP, you lose.
EP: EP stands for "Energy Points". EP is used for energy based abilites. You recover 20% of your EP on each of your turns. (IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only have a max of 1000 energy from stats. Energy regeneration will play a big role in the game, if your character uses many energy moves. Also note that energy recovering items are much harder to find than mana recovering items.)
MP: MP stands for "Mana Points" MP is used for magic based abilites. There is no natural MP recovery other than Spirit.

Split 1400 between the following stats.
Attack: Your physical attack strength, most basic characters try to have a high attack strength, but some of the more advanced will opt to neglect this and make a more interesting build. I compare this directly to "Defense" when determining damage from a non-magic attack. (Physical attacks have a small chance to deal double damage, this effect is called "Critical Strike".)
Defense: Your physical defense rating. I compare this to "Attack" to determine damage from a non-magic attack.
Magic Attack: Your magical attack strength. Most abilities that require mana use Magic Attack. If you are a pure physical character you can leave this stat out. I compare this directly to "Defense" when determining damage from a magic attack. (Magical attacks have a relatively low chance to ignore an enemie's Magic Defense/barriers completely, this effect is called "Arcane Break".)
Magic Defense: This stat determines how much you can defend against magical damage. I compare this directly to "Magic Attack" when determining damage from a magic attack.
Speed: Determines who gets the first move in combat. After each turn, I will roll to see if you can take an additional turn. Having a high speed will increase your chance to win this roll. This effect is called "Haste" (Note: The additional turn could turn the tide of battle if you are lucky enough to get it, however the % is pretty low, so putting too many points into Speed and neglecting the rest is not a recommended idea!)
Stamina: Increases your EP regeneration by 2% for every 100 points, to a max of +30%.
Spirit: Increases your MP regeneration by 1% for every 100 points.

Weapon Types: Choose your melee and ranged weapon types. Swords, axes, polearms, bows, etc.
Weapons of Choice: Please choose your specific weapons (melee/ranged) of choice, such as Rapier, Halbred, Small Ballista Crossbow, Dreamweave Dagger, etc. You basically make your ideal weapon. It can get very specific.


You can have as many abilities as you wish, and they can be anything you would like. Put them into groups going from level 1-10, or lower if you can't think of that many abilities). You may have a max of 3 level 1 abilities, everything else is up to you. You may have up to one overdrive per ability level.

There are two types of abilities, and there are different variations within these types. Please indicate what type of ability it is when you post it.

Energy Based (EB) Abilities: These type of abilities consume EP, not MP.
Combo Point (CP) Abilties: If an energy based ability awards a combo point, please indicate that as well. Be aware that if you choose to make one of your abilities award a combo point, it's cost will generally go up.
Finishing Move (FM) Abilities: An energy based ability that costs 1-5 combo points to use. It doesn't cost any energy, it only takes combo points to pull off.

Magic Based (MB) Abilties: These type of abilities consume MP, not EP.

Overdrives (OD): These are insanely powerful attacks that you can do once your OD gauge has been filled. It gets filled by taking damage.


Clarification on the Combo Point (CP) System

This game uses a combo point system for some of the attacks. It is an interesting approach to make physical combat a little more involved and entertaining. Please note that magic attacks don't use this system so none of this applies to magic-based abilites.

Q: What is a combo point?
A: A combo point (CP) is a special effect of certain abilities.

Q: Where do I get 'em?
A: If an ability is energy based and indicates that it awards combo points if done properly, then you will get awarded 1 combo points.

Q: How many combo points can I have at once?
A: You can have a total of 5 combo points at any one time.

Q: So uh...what do they do?
A: Combo points are used with "Finishing Moves". The more combo points you have while you use your "Finishing Move" the greater the effect will be.

Q: What's a "Finishing Move"?
A: A finishing move is a special ability that drains all of one's combo points. Here are 2 examples of finishing moves:

1) Power Attack (Finishing Move): Deals 100 damage to one enemy. Adds more for each combo point attained.
1 CP: +50 Damage
2 CP: +75 Damage
3 CP: +150 Damage
4 CP: +200 Damage
5 CP: +500 damage

2) Dominate (Finishing Move): Deals normal weapon damage and then does a variety of effects depending upon the number of combo points.
1 CP: Poisons enemy, 50 damage every turn, lasts 4 turns.
2 CP: Stuns enemy in place for 3 turns.
3 CP: Confuses enemy for 3 turns, enemy has a 40% chance to attack themselves each turn.
4 CP: Drains all of an enemies mana.
5 CP: Adds an extra 400 damage to your attack, causes enemy to be silenced for 5 turns.


Thanks for taking a gander at my topic. I hope you enjoy it. I will put up your individual topics once you sign-up, as well as a stat topic and a lobby.

[ January 11, 2005, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: Wahsapa ]

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:35 pm
by [sage]
Name: Kino
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Bio: Kino's travelled most of his life, doing what he could to survive. At the time of the war, he happened to be travelling in the area, and is now stuck in the middle, fighting for survival. He's not really allied to either land, but between the two warring nations, he would pick the civilized Eisodymians over the barbarians.
Social Level: Wanderer
Country: Eisodymia

Split 1800 between the following stats.
HP: 1000
EP: 500
MP: 300

Split 1400
Attack: 500
Defense: 300
Magic Attack: 0
Magic Defense: 300
Speed: 300
Stamina: 0
Spirit: 0

Weapon Types: Sword and Throwing Knives

--Level 1--

-Shadow Cloak (MP) Become invisible to enemies until I strike, or until 5 rounds passes. Regenerates a small amount of health each round im invisibile. Kino has Incredibly high evasion against physical/energy attacks and target based spell but area of effects can hit him while invisible.

-Hidden Strike (EP) Deals 50% extra damage and awards a combo point. If done while under Shadow Cloak, Its double damage and two combo points.

-Blitz (EP, finisher) Moves forward in a sudden burst of speed, and a flurry of attacks.

1CP: 1 attack, Medium damage (for a low level finisher)
2CP: 1 attack, High damage
3CP: 2 attacks, High damage
4CP: 2 attacks, High damage and a small chance of stun.
5CP: 3 attacks, Very high damage and a slightly larger chance of stun.

--Level 2--
-Parry (EP): As a free action on any turn, Kino can add the weapon damage to block some damage. (used like a four leaf clover)

-Second Strike (EP) He can take a second attack. This second Strike deals normal damage, but it gives a combo point.

-Sanctuary (MP) For 2 turns (not counting this turn), Kino cannot attack or be attacked. He can use any non attack magic/abilities or items. While sanctuary is under effect, all enemies and allies are unable to act or move.

--Level 3--

-Counter (EP): When attacked physically, he can respond with an attack of his own. Chance is higher based on speed.

-Force Blow (EP, Finisher) A single powerful strike.
1CP: Heavy damage, chance of disarm
2CP: Heavy damage, chance of stun, higher chance of disarming
3CP: Very Heavy damage, higher chance of stun. Highest chance of disarming.
4CP: Very Heavy damage, Highest Chance of stun and disarming.
5CP: Even higher damage, highest chance of stun and disarming. Some chance of instant ko.

-Second Wind (MP): Heals a high amount of HP.

--Level 4--

-Blade Dance (EP) When using Blade, Kino can make up to 5 attacks in one round. Each attack awards a combo point. However, each successive attack lowers the accuracy and damage and raises the cost. Blade dance gives increased evasion to physical attacks. More evasion for more attacks.

Leap (EP): As a free action, he can leap into the air, on any turn. If he doesn't attack melee while leaping, he can avoid the enemy's melee attacks. Attacks done while leaping deal double damage, and are hard to avoid and award a combo point.

-Neutralize: (MP) Neutralize cancels out ALL status effects, both positive and negative, for every one. In addition, it nulls it from happening for 3 rounds, as well all changes in HP, MP and EP. Any positive effects on Kino cast during the duration of Neutralize take place afterwords, although the spell is free.

--Level 5--

-Shattering Blow (EP) Has a chance of destroying a piece of enemy equipment, can be aimed at any equipment type. The equipment has a lower chance of being broken for magical items not bought from a store.

-Wanderer's Chant (EP/MP) Using this chant, he can use his EP to heal his MP, or vice versa.

-Sure Strike (EP) Using this attack, Kino can ignore the evasion of the enemy and deal a normal blow. He can use this with multi-attack abilities, but MUST pay the price for each blow he wishes to ignore evasion with. (Maybe its slightly cheaper per blow, but still its expensive to use for each one. Sure Strike awards a combo point whenever used.

--Level 6--

-Wanderer's Melody (MP) Doubles one stat for some time.

-Piercing Blow (EP) Piercing blow, penetrates all defense. He can halve the cost and just penetrate half of defense if he wants. Using piercing blow awards a combo point.

-Mana Field (MP): Mana field costs all of his current MP, and it lasts about 5 rounds, all unused MP vanishes afterwords. While mana field is active, he can use, as a free action to boost any of the following at a 1:2 ration (maybe worse ratio for percentages like CS and AB). Evade, Critical Strike, Arcane Break, Deal extra damage, Block damage from attacks, or heal HP or EP. He can recover MP with items during the spell duration.

--Level 7--
-Mantra (MP): As a free action, he can use MP to block a status effect from occuring.

-Whirlwind (EP) Kino can do a spinning attack to hit every enemy. It awards 1 combo point for every enemy it hits beyond the first one.

-Fury (EP, finisher) Attacks the enemy with several powerful calculated Strikes.

1CP: 2 Attacks. Ignores Some Def.
2CP: 2 Attacks. Ignores Some Def and Evade.
3CP: 2 attacks. Ignores Some Def and Evade. Has a higher chance of crit.
4CP: 3 Attacks. All previous effects.
5CP: 3 attacks. All previous attacks, but Stronger damage

--Level 8--

-Mana Net (MP)Mana net stays for 3 rounds. All mp use, by both people charges the net. It cancels out the spell cast, but absorbs the spell. After the spell, he can use it to attack the opponent with the ball. It deals however much MP it's absorbed, and ignores M. Defense.

-Charge (MP) Improves his overdrive by the last amount it increased by.

-Perfect Guard (EP): 100% blocks a single attack (physical or magic), as a free action.

--Level 9--

-Quick Draw: (EP) Before a fight starts, Kino can use quick draw to get the first turn in combat, ignoring enemy speed. If used in battle, It just increases speed some.

Dragon Dive (EP) Deals triple normal damage, and is hard to evade, and awards a combo point. Awards three combo points if Done on a leap.

Divination (MP) shows the enemy's next three actions.

--Level 10-

Focused Blade (EP, finisher): Concentrating on just the sword and the enemy, attacks with pure focus, to be able to strike the best way possible. none of the combo moves actually increase combo points.

1CP: 3x Attack boost, + Hidden Strike + Piercing Blow + Sure Strike.
2CP: 4x Attack boost + previous abilities.
3CP: 5x Attack boost + previous abilities + Second Strike.
4CP: 7x Attack boost + previous abilities.
5CP: 10x Attack boost + previous abilities + Blade Dance


Overdrive 1: Defender Blade: Kino regains all lost HP, MP and EP. His Attack is added to defense or M. Defense, or split between, for the rest of the fight.

Overdrive 2: Hunter: Activates sanctuary, and when sanctuary is finished, Shadow Cloak. Both are free. He gains Second strike and Hidden Strike as his natural attack while Under Shadow Cloak.

Overdrive 3: Raised Blade: Regains all lost HP, MP and EP. When attacked, with anything, he responds with 1-3 attacks. Attacks have increased damage and accuracy.

Overdrive 4: Fog of War: Becomes invisibile for the rest of the fight. When he attacks, he becomes visibile until his next action.

Overdrive 5: Knife Storm: Throws 10 Throwing knives, every round. The knives whittle away at the opponent's defenses, stats and equipment, and all do damage. He can choose to do any other action if he wants.

Every hit does one of the following (roll 1d6) by a percentage.

1/2 -Chance of destroying an equipment piece.
3/4 -Chance of lowering a max stat (roll 1d10) If 1-3, it just deals damage to HP, MP or EP.
5 -Breaks a positive Status or Barrier.
6 -Drains the damage dealt.

Overdrive 6: Blades of Fury: Adds Magical Attack to damage, drains damage and heals it in hp. Critical becomes 100%

Overdrive 7: Vengence Blade: Damage improves as the Overdrive gauge increases and the lower Kino's HP, MP and EP.

Overdrive 8: Warrior's Conviction: Regains all HP, MP and EP, stats double for the rest of the fight. For 5 rounds after this, he cannot be killed (just stays at 1hp if ko'd)

Overdrive 9: Spirit of Mana: Mana field is active for the rest of the fight (when it finishes, it renews itself. Mana Net does the same. Sanctuary and Neutralize can be done for free.

Overdrive 10: Crimson Blade: Critical Strike becomes 100% chance, Evasion and Defense are ignored, Magic barriers are broken before the attack is made, attack is trippled. Kino makes a single attack like this, if the opponent is killed, he makes another, at another opponent until every opponent is killed.

[ January 06, 2005, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:45 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Name: Natesa Toril
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Empire: Kathoul.
Bio: Natesa was born into the higher class of 'society' in Kathoul, her father being a great and ruthless general in the army. At an early age she learned how to fight, and became very good at it. Shortly after, she went to get military training and passed it. Currently she is a low ranking general, and commanding only a small band of soldiers, but she hopes to be a great general like her father later on in the future. She hopes fighting to win Sterystes will get her the recognition she wants to attain.
Social Level: General
Weapons- Sword, Bow. Specialty- Saber

Split 1400 between the following stats.
Attack: 500
Defense: 200.
Magic Attack:0
Magic Defense:200.
Speed: 500
Spirit: 0.

Abilities(All moves are energy based)

1)Follow Through- Attacks a target and gives a chance to attack again. For each attack gain 1CP.

1)Parry- Boosts evasion against physical melee attacks.

1)Vampire Sword- Finisher. A sword that drains health.
1CP) Normal damage, half of damage is healed to HP.
2CP) Normal damage, all of damage is healed to HP.
3CP) Double damage, half of damage is healed to HP.
4CP) Double damage, all of damage is healed to HP.
5CP) Triple damage, all of damage is healed to HP.

2)Feint- Deals half damage, but always hits and ignores passive defenses. Gives 1CP.

2)Low Cut- Deals damage, decreases opponents evasion and speed.

2)Arm Strike- Deals damage, drops attack, and may disarm.

2)Wind Dance- Finisher. A quick dancing attack.
1CP) 1 Hit, Raises evasion some.
2CP) 1 Hit, Raises evasion, gains some damage from speed.
3CP) 2 Hits, Raises evasion significantly, gains some damage from speed.
4CP) 2 Hits, Raises evasion significantly, gains a significant damage boost from speed.
5CP) 3 Hits, Raises evasion significantly, gains a significant damage boost from speed.

3)Arrow Guard- Boosts evasion against ranged melee attacks.

3)Wide Slash- Hits multiple opponents if they are in melee near Natesa.

3)Slice- Deals damage and cuts opponent, making them bleed(acts like weaker poison, but lasts longer) Gives 1CP

3)Lunge- Deals a good amount of extra damage, but drops accuracy some. Awards CP

4)Silent Step- Finisher. A magic destroying dance.
1CP)Deals MP damage equal to normal damage and stops opponent from casting spells for a turn.
2CP)Deals MP damage equal to x1.5 normal damage and stops opponent from casting spells for 2 turns.
3CP)Deals MP damage equal to x2 normal damage and stops opponent from casting spells for 3 turns.
4CP)Deals MP damage equal to x2.5 normal damage and stops opponent from casting spells for 4 turns.
5CP)Deals MP damage equal to x3 normal damage and stops opponent from casting spells for 5 turns.

4)War Cry- Boosts allies Attack.

4)Armor Crush- Breaks armor on opponent.

5)Combo Blade- Attacks normally several times. For each attack more and more EP is used. For every 2 attacks by this move 1CP is given.

5)Split- A jumping attack. Good chance of breaking any helmet and dealing some damage. If opponent has no helmet... then this deals heavy damage and has a low chance to doom target struck.

5)Counter- May attack when attacked by opponent.

6)Thunder Dance- Finisher. A dance that calls down thunder.
1CP)Deals lightning damage to all and has a very low chance to stun.(Random/Chosen Damage, not based on stats)
2CP)Deals lightning damage to all and has a low chance to stun.(Random/Chosen Damage, not based on stats)
3CP)Deals lightning damage to all and has an average low chance to stun.(Random/Chosen Damage, not based on stats)
4CP)Deals lightning damage to all and has a fair chance to stun.(Random/Chosen Damage, not based on stats)
5CP)Deals lightning damage to all and has a good chance to stun.(Random/Chosen Damage, not based on stats)

7)Execution- Finisher. A killing blow.
1CP)Normal damage, low chance to instant kill.
2CP)Normal damage, moderate chance to instant kill.
3CP)Double damage, Good chance to instant kill.
4CP)Double damage, Very Good chance to instant kill.
5CP)Triple damage, Very Good chance to instant kill.

8) Head Hunter- Deals extra damage to attack. Awards 5CP, but only if opponent dies from attack.

9)Soul Stealer- Finisher. A dance that drains the lives of man.
1CP)Deals HP, EP and MP damage, drains HP.
2CP)Deals HP, EP and MP damage, drains HP and EP.
3CP)Deals HP, EP and MP damage, drains HP, EP and MP.
4CP)Deals HP, EP and MP damage, drains HP, EP and MP. Extra points may be given to an ally.
5CP)Deals HP, EP and MP damage, drains HP, EP and MP. Extra points may be given and distributed between allies.

10)Final Dance- Drains all but 1HP, and all EP and MP. For every ___Points lost to this move Natesa may do an extra attack. If opponent dies at any time and there are still more attacks, then another opponent may be attacked.

Overdrive 1)Tempest Step- A quick attack that gains damage based on speed. First off, it drains all CP. For each CP it took, an additional attack is added. If opponent dies at any time and there are still more attacks, then another opponent may be attacked.

Overdrive 2)Reflection Dance- Heals Natesa to full HP and EP, and then creates a double with her stats(reduced some if needed), that does any move that Natesa does to the same target, and will guard attacks for her.

Overdrive 3)Sword Dance- Attacks 4 times, and then for each CP any of these moves may be linked(Normal attack, Feint, Low Cut, Slice, Arm Strike, Wide Slash). If opponent dies at any time and there are still more attacks left, then another opponent may be attacked. None of attacks done during OD add CP.

Overdrive 4)Warrior Spirit- All allies and self are healed to full HP, EP, and MP; and all recieve an attack and defense boost for several turns. All attacks done during effect give CP.

Overdrive 5)Demon Dance- Makes all enemies see their allies as enemies, and their enemies as allies. Opponents also cannot hear or make any real distinction on who isn't their enemy based on just their senses.

Overdrive 6)Devils Sword- Greatly improves attack, and makes all attacks for next few turns deal and drain HP, MP, and EP from opponents attacked. Natesa then does 3 attacks.

Overdrive 7)Serpents Step- Deals high damage to all, and gives each of them a deadly poison that is not easily healed(all chances to heal have very good chance to fail).

Overdrive 8) Battallion Sword- Attacks once for each ally at boosted power. All allies after this instantly begin their turns.

Overdrive 9)Dragon Dance- Natesa and all allies are healed to full HP, MP, and EP. Also, all stats of all allies are doubled, Natesa gaining it as well. Natesa then attacks 2 times for each CP she has.

Overdrive 10) Decimation Dance-All CP is drained. For each CP attack is raised by several points. Natesa attacks 10 times, gaining 3 more attacks for each CP. Whenever an opponent is killed Natesa gains 1CP(this contributes to overdrive attack boost/extra attacks). If opponent dies at any time and there are still more attacks, then another opponent may be attacked.

[ January 07, 2005, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: KirbyBoy2000 ]