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Inferno's destiny
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:44 pm
by Inferno Dragon
Inferno paced about his throne room thinking of a plan of action to take against his evil uncle Tiamat. the warriors he had requested to join him on his quest to destroy this evil force would soon arrive at his castle. Inferno continued his planning for the battle, his thoughts continually returned to his defeat at Tiamat's hands the last time they were locked in combat.
Tiamat: hahahahahahahaha!!! you are weak my nephew, just like your father Bahamut. your emotions cloud your judgement and your "love" for others holds you back. Join me Inferno and I can teach you to become the strongest being in the universe!
Inferno: I'll never join you, even if you are my uncle I will never consider you part of my family! your evil will fall to my blade!
Tiamat: what a pity, it's too bad you feel that way Inferno. now suffer the fate of all those who dare cross me!!!
Tiamat blasts Inferno with his devistating breath weapon which causes Inferno to scream and writhe in pain.
*end flash back*
Inferno: Tiamat will pay for his evil deeds with his life!
Inferno impatiently awaits his warriors.
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:43 pm
by X-3
"I'm here."
Inferno: Who's there!?
"Don't wory, I'm one of your warriors."
Inferno: Show yourself!
X-3: Fine. Wait a second..... I know you!
Inferno: You're my opponent in my Gudum battle!
X-3: Hmmm..... Well, I'm here to help!
Inferno: Why do you want to fight? The road isnt easy...
X-3: I want to find out who I am.... completely.
Inferno: What do you mean?
X-3: We'll talk about this later. Lets wait for the others.....
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:55 pm
by Santa
I stare up at the heavy mahogany doors that lead to Inferno's throne room. "Here's is your last chance to turn back, Alec," I mutter to myself as I push open the gigantic doors and enter the throne room. Kneeling at Inferno's feet, I lay down my sword. "My lord, I am yours to command, and I will protect you with my life if need be, on this holy quest to eradicate the darkness."
"Rise, Alec of the Dragon clan. I suppose you have all you need for this quest?"
"Yes, my Lord," I reply as I get to my feet. "I have everthing ready."
"Good. All we have to do is wait for Arthur, and we will be able to set off."
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:37 pm
by KingArthur
My king, sorry I'm late! I ran into some rebels on the way here! I'm ready to depart! I am at your service. *bows*
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:04 pm
by Inferno Dragon
Inferno: all right, now that everyone's here I can explain the situation to you. Tiamat has been more active in the past few months and my sources tell me that he has finally gone insane and will destroy this world if he is not stopped. we don't know how he went insane but we can not allow him to destroy our world. I was actually expecting a larger team than this but this will work. the path to Tiamat's tower has been mapped out for us by my geanious brother Thunder. we will first decend to the forrest region via the telepad you se before you. from there we will trek through the forest region to the shadow wastelands where Tiamat's undead armies will be waiting for us. of course they are only skeletons so they should not pose a problem, I'm more concerned about getting past his generals and Tiamat himself.
Tiamat's Tower consists of 6 floors and a roof. at each level is one of his generals, they consist of Garland, Chaos, Golbeze, Ex-Death, Kefka, and Sepheroth. on the roof is Tiamat himself, if we make it that far then we will need to destroy Tiamat as soon as possible!
Any questions so far?
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 2:03 pm
by Inferno Dragon
OOC: sorry for the short post, I'm in a hurry right now.
Inferno: all right then if everyone's ready then we will begin the mission now!
Inferno steps onto the telepad and is instantly teleported down to the reciever pad in the forrest region below.
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 5:50 pm
by Santa
The telepad glows faintly orange as Inferno steps onto it and disapears. As soon as the telepad returns to its normal shade of light blue, I step through also. There is a white flash, and than I find myself inside a forest clearing. Standing next to me is Inferno. "We must wait for the others he says as I step off a raised platform of stone. "There is no turning back now, Alec. Keep on guard, though. I can fell Tiamat's evil tainting this entire forst." I nod and draw my sword, looking out into the dark forest.
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:32 pm
by X-3
*X-3 uses the Teleporter pad*
X-3: I'm here.... I'm ready....... LETS GO!
Alec: Wait for Arthur.
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 9:52 pm
by KingArthur
*steps on pad*
Here I am! Come on!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 4:49 pm
by Inferno Dragon
Inferno looks back at his band of warriors and then leads on through the dense forrest region. the thick foliage blocking out all but a few rays of sunlight that shown through the high tree tops.
the group trudged through the hot and dense forest until they came upon a clearing, empty except for a few animals which ran away upon entering the clearing. Inferno looked around a bit uneased. suddenly, a band of ogres leapt from the dense foliage with a young elf maiden in tow.
Ogre 1: hay dragon king, we got your precious elf maiden with us!
Ogre 2: yeah, if you want her back come get her!
Inferno: we don't have time for this you two, Tiamat's going to destroy the world if my friends and I don't get to his tower soon!
Ogre 1: huh?
Inferno: *sigh* big black dragon in shadow wasteland make world go boom if my group doesn't smash it!
Ogre 1: oh.
just then a huge beam of red and black energy cut through the forrest and destroyed untold miles of vegetation the beam has cleared out a path to Tiamat's tower stopping just outside our clearing.
Inferno: now let her go so we can get to Tiamat!
the two ogres look at each other and then charge at the group of heros with their clubs raised high leaving the elfen maiden behind.
Ogres get first strike.
ogre 1 and 2 run at Alec and swing their clubs wildly but miss.
Inferno rushes at ogre 1 and slashes him accross the chest with his katana and jumps back to his group.
Inferno: okay guys, ATTACK!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 5:21 pm
by X-3
X-3: Here I go!!! *Moves at Super-Speed and hits Ogre 1.*
DICE ROLL! 5 or above makes crital hiT!
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 7:08 pm
by Santa
*Rolled 2*
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:31 pm
by Inferno Dragon
the ogres are hit hard by the successfull attacks but ogre 2 counters Alec's attack after getting hit. the ogre slams Alec with his club with and knocks him back into a tree to cause additional damage. Ogre one charges Inferno with surprising speed and swings is club but Inferno is able to dodge and counter the attack with a swing of his katana. Ogre 1 begins bleeding profusely from the katana wound but the katana wound seals up quickly. Inferno then flies into the air and is suddenly surrounded by flames. Inferno dives down and lands a devistating kick on Ogre 2's face.
(roll 20 sided dce for spell, spell is successful if you roll 10 or higher, spell deals critical damage if it lands on 15 or higher)
20!!! the spell deals out maxamum critical damage!!!
ogre 2 is incinerated by the flames of the powerfull fire spell.
Inferno: okay, just one left. destroy the final ogre so we can move on!
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:14 pm
by X-3
X-3: Okay! CHAOS SLASH!!! Double X! Double X!
ROLL: 4!
Everyone watchs as X-3 Nearly kills the Ogre!
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:35 pm
by KingArthur
*Arthur uses flight ability and strikes with Lightning element*
Roll dice!
Roll- 3!
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 2:15 am
by Inferno Dragon
the ogres are vanquished!!!
Inferno: okay enough fooling around we need to get to Tiamat's tower! Celestia, you go home, this mission is far too dangerous for you.
Celestia: okay.
Inferno motions for the group to follow the trail of destruction to the shadow wastelands.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:54 pm
by X-3
X-3: Hmm.....
X-3: Wha? A town!
Inferno: What are you doing?
X-3: I've got to check it! THere could be danger! I'm not risking anyone but me! *Dashes over to village*
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:36 pm
by KingArthur
NO! Wait! My lord, I'm sorry. I must go with him, he could get into trouble. I'll be back soon! I've got a bad feeling about this.
*runs after X-3*
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:00 pm
by X-3
Inferno: Hmm.....
X-3: This city....... Destroyed.....
Red Falcon: Okay, that's all.
X-3: You.......
RF: INTRUDER!!....... *Slash!* I may be a robot but... eh, never-mind.... *Dies*
Blue Falcon: Uh oh..... *Slash!*
X-3: Tiamet.... Will pay.....
???: X-3......... The Crystal Star.....
X-3: What!?
KA: Are you okay? It's over. The villagers were captured. One of them were your friend Saria....
X-3: Saria?! What's she doing here! I have to find her!
KA: Good. Now lets get back.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:08 am
by Inferno Dragon
Inferno: allright, let's move on.
the party follows the scorched path to the shadow wastelands. This land of evil has become as black and twisted at Tiamat's foul heart. the undead and demons roam freely in this land of darkness as if they ruled the place. this land was in ruins and only dark temples dedicated to Tiamat still stood in tact. suddenly a horde of skeletons rushed at the party! these skeletons weilded scimatars and tulwar blades, they wore black armor and healmets with spikes all over them.
Inferno: crap, we've been spotted! hurry up and destroy them before they bring friends to help them!
Inferno charged at the skeleton army and smashed through several with his katana. he continued on his way through the wave of skeletons yelling back at his team.
Inferno: one hit will shatter them, don't let their armor and weapons fool you! just destroy those in your way and run, we have to get to Tiamat's tower NOW!