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Fortress on the edge

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:34 pm
by [sage]
You are part of the Edge Guard, a group of people who guard the edges of the empire from the evils of the untamed lands. You can play a role of any of the edge guard.

To join


Role: Captain, range, advisor, Guard, Knight, Soldier, Scout, Diviner, Guardian, Sorcerer and Master.

Leader Jobs
-Captain: Captains are leaders of the troops. They command squads of 5-10 soldiers. They earn a lot of money, but this is because of their high responsibilities. They are often given orders to do various tasks.

-Ranger: Rangers are in charge of the scouts and Hunters. They head the treks into the untamed lands, and are very good at what they do.

-Advisor: The advisor is the highest position available to you, there are only 7 advisors, each personal advisor to the Duke, the leader of the Edge Guard. Each advisor is responsible for different things. The advisors are War, Security, Magic, Resources, Lore, Training and Schedules.

Soldier Jobs
-Guard: They are typically assigned to guard different posts, including the wall or various parts of the castle. Even for a usually boring job, there's a lot of excitement in this job, due to frequent attacks.

-Knight: Knights are elite soldiers, typically calvary.

-Soldier: Soldiers make up the brunt of the Edge guard, they are needed to combat.
-Hunter: Hunters are warriors who hunt down beasts for food, pelts and other useful things from creatures of the untamed lands. A very useful job, and needed for the Edge Guard.

Special Jobs
-Scout: The scout's job is to lead treks, and guide where they go. They also assist the Guards in the watch. They have gathered all the information about the surrounding countryside.

-Diviner: Diviners are a special breed of mage. They keep their magics tuned for the enemy, they help repel attacks, and they heal the wounded.

-Guardian: Guardians are a special type of warrior. Empowered by magics, they serve three roles within the Edge Guard. Bodyguards for both the advisors and the Duke. They serve with each platoon of soldiers in treks into the untamed lands, and they guard five specific areas of the fort.

-Sorcerer: Sorcerers are a mage employed the edge guard. The have a variety of spells and have a wide variety of roles. They are often employed in Forts with weak numbers to make up for the jobs that aren't as easy to get.

-Master: Masters are responsible for training the Edge guard to do their job.

While stats are the same for everybody, everyone gets different amounts. Stats go from 1-5 each, 3 being average.

Str: Determines damage with weapons, and how much you can lift/push/carry.
Dex: Speed, accuracy and evasion.
Sta: Ability to take damage.
Int: How smart your character is, and how well he uses magic.
Per: How much your character notices around him.
Wit: How quick your character can think and react.
Cha: How well people react to you.

Character creation by Role.


Stats: You get 28 points to split between each stat.
Mastery: Captains are typically mastered in two weapons.
Squad: Captains are in charge of a squad of 10 soldiers, consisted of Footmen, Archers, Guards or Knights. You can choose squad setup.
Skills: Captains typically know 3 combat skills + 1 leadership skill. Combat skills can be anything related to combat, leadership skills are a support skill that affect their entire squad. You make them up.
Captain: Light armor, medium armor, heavy armor.

Stats: You get 28 points to split between each stat.
Mastery: Rangers are typically mastered in two melee weapons, plus the longbow.
Squad: Rangers typically get 5 soldiers, consisting of any combination of Hunters, soldiers and scouts.
Skills: Rangers have 2 combat skills + 1 leadership skill. In addition they can take 2 of the 5 following skills. Hunting, Dual Wield, Scouting, Animal Lore, Marksman.
Hunting: Hunting tells you how to hunt creatures, skinning, tracking etc.
Dual Wield: Fight with two weapons at once.
Scouting: Tracking, hiding, and other skills nessecary to be a good scout.
Animal Lore: Knowledge related to animals, taming, training, fleeing and calming them.
Marksman: This increases the mastery of the bow to amazing levels.
Armor: No armor, cloak, light armor.

Stats: Split 25 between the stats.
Position: Choose one of the 7 advisor positions. Positions are first come, first serve basis.
Proficiency: Advisors are proficient in one weapon of their choice.
Armor: No armor, robes, light armor, medium armor.

If you wish to be an advisor, we'll have to discuss what you need to do for the rest of character creation, based on your position.

Stats: Guard split 24 points to split between each stat.
Mastery: Guards can take mastery in Long sword, spear, pike, crossbow, battle axe, or halberd.
Armor: No armor, light armor, medium armor or heavy armor.
Skill: 2 combat skills + 1 alert skill (A skill designed to call for help or warn others)

Stats: Split 27 between each stat.
Mastery: Knights are masters of 3 of the following 7 weapons. Lance, Long sword, Mace, Crossbow, Spear, Battle Axe, Flail.
Armor: Medium Armor, Heavy Armor.
Steed: Light War Horse, Medium War Horse, Heavy War Horse, Pegasus, Drake.
Skills: 4 combat skills, 1 steed skill (support skill related to the steed)

Stats: Split 24 points between each stat.
Mastery: Soldiers are masters of two weapons, usually one melee and one ranged weapon.
Armor: No armor, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor.
Skills: 3 combat skills

Stats: Split 24 points between each stat.
Mastery: One melee weapon, and one ranged weapon.
Armor: No armor, light armor, cloak.
Skills: Hunters all know hunting. They can have 3 combat skills, or 2 combat skills + Animal Lore or scouting.

Stats: Split 24 points between each stat.
Mastery: One small melee weapon and one ranged weapon.
Armor: No armor, light armor, cloak.
Skills: 2 combat skills + 3 scouting/tracking skills. All scouts are adept in scouting and tracking.

Stats: Split 23 points between each stat.
Focus: Diviners focus either on Defense magic, Divination magic or healing magic. However, they can be balanced.
Skills: 4 primary focus spells + 1 of each other focus. If balanced, can split as you wish, except can't get over 3 in any one.

Stats: Split 23 points between each stat.
Focus: War magic, Support Magic, Enchantment, Illusion, Summon, charms.
Skills: You have 5 spells + your int.

Stats: Split 30 points between each stat.
Mastery: Choose 5 weapons. 3 melee weapons + 2 ranged weapons.
Armor: Medium Armor, Heavy armor
Skills: 9 skills. Can choose from combat skills, support skills, leadership skills. In addition Guardians have a special barrier skill. They can protect people around them, and the barrier will only fall when they fall.

Stats: Split 28 points between each stat.
Focus: Combat, Magic, Hunting/scouting, riding.
Mastery: If you pick combat, 3 weapons, magic: 2 focuses of either mage type, either hunting or scouting.
Armor: No armor, cloak, robes, light armor, medium armor, heavy armor.
Skills: 8 skills of any kind related to your focus/mastery.

[ October 28, 2004, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:41 pm
by Blake
Name: Blake
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Role: Guard
Mastery: Long Sword
Armor: Medium Armor

Str: 5
Dex: 2
Sta: 5
Int: 2
Per: 4
Wit: 4
Cha: 2

Break- Can destroy a weapon, shield, or armor.
Parry- Can block an attack and attack the enemy that attacked him.
Whistle- A loud whistle that can disrupt nearby allies and enemies, but also can be heard around the entire castle.

[ October 29, 2004, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Guy That Goes To The Roleplay Forum ]

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 10:56 pm
by [sage]
you forgot mastery and armor.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 3:54 pm
Can guardians have magical skills, or strictly physical?

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:07 pm
by [sage]
physical mostly, but they're skills can be minor magics too, as long as their within the kinds i listed.