Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:05 pm
Sorry to waste your tim and my time with GoH. I've had absolutely no desire to update it whatsoever. It kinda sucked anyway.
Exiled from your home for crimes, you have been forced into a journey of redemption. In order to be forgiven for your crimes, you must journey and complete the task given to you, depending on your crimes.
To join
Bio (REQUIRED) Post a brief history of your character (who he is, what he did to be exiled, what he looks like, etc)
Stats Split 70 between hp/mp and 50 between the rest.
Abilities: You can have 3 skills. Can be anything. I choose stats. Include a general idea of its strength though.
Items: You can carry up to 4 items total, of any kind + 100gp. When something says Max: #, that means thats the most you can get of something and have it count as one of the four items you can carry. Max 1 isn't listed.) Anything that has Con, can be concealed. Con: Clk means cloaks only, Con: Any means it can be concealed pretty much anywhere small)
choose from the following.
Short Sword (Dmg: 6, Acc: 65% Evd: 5%, Con: Clk)
Long Sword (Dmg: 10, Acc: 70% Evd: 8%, -1spd, Con: Clk)
Broad Sword (Dmg: 15, Acc: 75% Evd: 12%, -2spd)
Sm. Katana (Dmg: 8, Acc: 70% Evd: 5%Armor Pierce: 5%, COn: Clk)
Sh. Rapier(Dmg: 5, Acc: 75% Evd: 10% extra attack every other round, Con: Clk)
Sh. Spear (Dmg: 8, Acc: 65%, Evd: 4%, long reach)
Lt. Javelin (Dmg: 6, Acc: 60% Range: 100ft)
Hand Axe (Dmg: 8, Acc: 65% Evd: 2%, Con: Clk)
Sm. Axe (Dmg: 16, Acc: 70% Armor Pierce: 10%, Evd: 2%, -3spd, Con: Clk)
Club (Dmg: 5, Acc: 70%, Evd: 3%, 0HP: K.O , Con: Clk)
Q. Staff (Dmg: 5, Acc: 70%, Evd: 5% 0hp: K.O)
Sh. Bow (Acc: 60% Extra attack every other round. Range: 300ft)
fl. arrows (Dmg: 5, Acc: +5% Range: +50ft, Max: 6)
Hand X-bow (Acc: 80%, Range: 150ft, Con: any)
H. Bolts (Dmg: 3, Con: Any, Max: 6)
Lt. Knife (Dmg: 4, Acc: 60%, Ev: 1% Con: Any)
Th. Knife (Dmg: 3, Acc: 60%, Con: any, Range: 50ft)
Cestus (Dmg: 1, makes punches lethal, rather than 0HP: KO)
Cloth Cloak (+3hp, +3df conceal identity, Wear over armor)
Padded Armor (+5hp, +3df)
Lthr Armor (+10hp, +7df)
Chain Mail (+25hp, +15df, -5spd)
buckler (5% evade, +3df)
Sm. Shield (15% evade, +7df, -1spd)
Lthr. Gloves (+5att)
Lthr. Bracers (+5def)
Jade Amulet (+5 Int)
Jade Pendant (+5Wis)
Soft Boots (+5 spd)
Wk. Glasses (+5% Acc)
Bronze Regen Pendant (heal 10%max hp/rd or 5% max mp/rd)
Bronze Focus Ring (Increases spell effects by 10%)
Bronze earrings (Lowers mp cost by 10%)
Bronze Protection Necklace (Lowers damage taken by 20%)
Sm. Gold Pouch (Carry GP +400)
Sm. Item Pouch (Carry 4 small items)
Backpack (Carry 6 large items)
Quiver (Carry +24 bolts/arrows)
Spellbook (start with 3 extra abilities)
Tonic (Heals 30hp)
Ether (Heals 30mp)
Herb (heals one status effect, Max: 2)
Rope (Use it to climb or tie things up)
Grappling hook (use it to swing across gaps with rope)
Mini bomb (Deals 15 damage or blows weak stuff up, Max: 3)
Exiled from your home for crimes, you have been forced into a journey of redemption. In order to be forgiven for your crimes, you must journey and complete the task given to you, depending on your crimes.
To join
Bio (REQUIRED) Post a brief history of your character (who he is, what he did to be exiled, what he looks like, etc)
Stats Split 70 between hp/mp and 50 between the rest.
Abilities: You can have 3 skills. Can be anything. I choose stats. Include a general idea of its strength though.
Items: You can carry up to 4 items total, of any kind + 100gp. When something says Max: #, that means thats the most you can get of something and have it count as one of the four items you can carry. Max 1 isn't listed.) Anything that has Con, can be concealed. Con: Clk means cloaks only, Con: Any means it can be concealed pretty much anywhere small)
choose from the following.
Short Sword (Dmg: 6, Acc: 65% Evd: 5%, Con: Clk)
Long Sword (Dmg: 10, Acc: 70% Evd: 8%, -1spd, Con: Clk)
Broad Sword (Dmg: 15, Acc: 75% Evd: 12%, -2spd)
Sm. Katana (Dmg: 8, Acc: 70% Evd: 5%Armor Pierce: 5%, COn: Clk)
Sh. Rapier(Dmg: 5, Acc: 75% Evd: 10% extra attack every other round, Con: Clk)
Sh. Spear (Dmg: 8, Acc: 65%, Evd: 4%, long reach)
Lt. Javelin (Dmg: 6, Acc: 60% Range: 100ft)
Hand Axe (Dmg: 8, Acc: 65% Evd: 2%, Con: Clk)
Sm. Axe (Dmg: 16, Acc: 70% Armor Pierce: 10%, Evd: 2%, -3spd, Con: Clk)
Club (Dmg: 5, Acc: 70%, Evd: 3%, 0HP: K.O , Con: Clk)
Q. Staff (Dmg: 5, Acc: 70%, Evd: 5% 0hp: K.O)
Sh. Bow (Acc: 60% Extra attack every other round. Range: 300ft)
fl. arrows (Dmg: 5, Acc: +5% Range: +50ft, Max: 6)
Hand X-bow (Acc: 80%, Range: 150ft, Con: any)
H. Bolts (Dmg: 3, Con: Any, Max: 6)
Lt. Knife (Dmg: 4, Acc: 60%, Ev: 1% Con: Any)
Th. Knife (Dmg: 3, Acc: 60%, Con: any, Range: 50ft)
Cestus (Dmg: 1, makes punches lethal, rather than 0HP: KO)
Cloth Cloak (+3hp, +3df conceal identity, Wear over armor)
Padded Armor (+5hp, +3df)
Lthr Armor (+10hp, +7df)
Chain Mail (+25hp, +15df, -5spd)
buckler (5% evade, +3df)
Sm. Shield (15% evade, +7df, -1spd)
Lthr. Gloves (+5att)
Lthr. Bracers (+5def)
Jade Amulet (+5 Int)
Jade Pendant (+5Wis)
Soft Boots (+5 spd)
Wk. Glasses (+5% Acc)
Bronze Regen Pendant (heal 10%max hp/rd or 5% max mp/rd)
Bronze Focus Ring (Increases spell effects by 10%)
Bronze earrings (Lowers mp cost by 10%)
Bronze Protection Necklace (Lowers damage taken by 20%)
Sm. Gold Pouch (Carry GP +400)
Sm. Item Pouch (Carry 4 small items)
Backpack (Carry 6 large items)
Quiver (Carry +24 bolts/arrows)
Spellbook (start with 3 extra abilities)
Tonic (Heals 30hp)
Ether (Heals 30mp)
Herb (heals one status effect, Max: 2)
Rope (Use it to climb or tie things up)
Grappling hook (use it to swing across gaps with rope)
Mini bomb (Deals 15 damage or blows weak stuff up, Max: 3)