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Volt's Quest

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:05 pm
by [sage]
Name:9-Volt 2
Lvl: 1
XP: 0
Alignment: Neutral
Deeds: None

Hand Crossbow (Dmg: 50, P: 0%, Acc: 75%, Spd: 3, long distance)


Strength: 105
Magic: 125

Slice throat (40MP) Automatically kills one minor enemy, 9-Volt cant attack for one turn after the attack.

Point blank (30mp): An up-Close, nver miss shot.


Concentrate (30mp): Raises accuracy by 50% for 5 rounds

Grenade (20mp): Hits two targets of choice

Rain of Bullets (20mp/target past the first)- Hits all targets

Rocket Laucher (50mp)- Powerful attack that can hit 3 targets of choice at + 50% damage to each.


Sonic beam: (40mp) Deals 75 damage and decreaces acc. of target by 25% for 5 rounds

Sonic blast (40mp)- Deals 75 damage and decraces opponent's defence by 25% for 5 rounds

Sonic Barrier (30mp):Raises Party's def by 50% for 5 rounds.

Sonic Wave (80mp) Deals 75 damage and decraces def. and acc. of two enemys of choice by 25% each for 5 rounds.

Sonic boom (60mp): Deals 150 damage to all enemies on the field and dcreases 9-Volt's def by 50% for 5 rounds.

Sonic army (250mp): 9-Volt's ultimate attack, Deals 250 damage to all emenies on the feild and has 25% chance of destroying all major and minor enimies.

You have just graduated the training the guild of heroes provides. You are now a full fledged hero, capable of dealing with the quests that people give the guild to complete. You can do what you wish now.

Quest: Take a quest from the quests available.
Shop: Buy equipment to deal with quests easier. You have 500gp to start off with.
Train: Spend experience you've earned to improve stats or learn new skills.
Duel: Duel with other heroes. You can bet on fights.
Explore: Explore the world however you wish.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 5:00 pm
by Ghost Kitty

[ October 06, 2004, 08:29 PM: Message edited by: 9-Volt 2 the Sound Gunman ]

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 9:30 pm
by Ghost Kitty