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Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:53 pm
by [sage]
You have recently joined a guild of heroes. The guild of heroes is a group of heroes who help those in need. You can do this through good or evil means, the choice is up to you.

To join


Weapon: Choose a weapon to start with. You can choose from Sword, Knife, Staff, Axe, spear, Club, Bow, crossbow or fists.

Stats: Split 500 between the two

Split 300 between

Strength: Used for physical abilities and melee attacks
Stealth: Used for sneaking around, thievery and also ranged attacks
Magic: Used for learning magic and determinig how powerful you are at it.

You start off with several abilities. How many is dependant on your stats in Strength, Stealth and Magic. In your highest category, you get one skill for every 20 points. In your second highest category, you get one skill for every 30 points. In your lowest category you get one skill per 50 points. If two happen to be the same, choose one as higher and one as middle. If all three are the same, you can choose as you wish.

Strength abilities may be weapon related, or just physical skills.

Stealth abilities must be related to stealing, sneaking around, or ranged combat.

Magic is anything not really covered by the other two, however it has to be spell casting.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 6:31 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Name: Satu Aslin
Age: 17
Sex: Male

Weapon: Spear.

Stats: Split 500 between the two
HP: 300

Split 300 between

Strength: 80
Stealth: 90
Magic: 130.

Strength- 1
Stealth- 3
Magic- 6

1) Disarm- Knocks opponents weapon out of his/her hands.
2) Javelin- Launch spear at an enemy from a distance with extra damage.
3) Cloak- Hide from enemies/others.
4) Scatter- Takes all of opponents items and places them onto the field for anyone to get.
5) Draw in- Picks up all items/weapons lying on the field and gives them to Satu.
6) Heal- Heals health and status to someone.
7) Headache- Lowers opponents magic stat and Raises the cost of their magic moves.
8) Bells 'n Streamers- Lowers opponents Stealth stat severely.
9) Fatigued Body- Lowers opponents strength stat and lowers damage dealt overall.
10) Status Cloud- Randomly inflicts a few status effects on everyone in a small area.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 1:09 pm
by Ghost Kitty
Name:9-Volt 2

Weapon: Crossbow


Strength: 50
Magic: 130

1Point blank: An up-Close, nver miss shot.


2Concentrate: Raises accuracy

3Grenade: Hits two targets of choice

4: Rain of Bullets- Hits all targets

5:Rocket Laucher- Powerful attack that can hit 3 targets of choice.


6Sonic beam:Harms and decreaces acc. of target

7:Sonic blast- Harms and decraces opponent's defence.

8:Sonic Barrier:Raises Party's def.

9:Sonic Wave:Harms and decraces def. and acc. of two enemys of choice.

10:Sonic boom: Harms all eminies on the feild and dcreases 9-Volt's def.

11:Sonic army: 9-Volt's ultimate attack, harms all emenies on the feild and has 25% chance of destroying all major and minor enimies.

[ October 01, 2004, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: 9-Volt 2 the Sound Gunman ]

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:16 pm
by [sage]
Ranged attacks fall under stealth just to let you know. And no guns. You can have bows or crossbows though.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 4:54 pm
by Ghost Kitty
Ok, (edits post)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 5:04 pm
by [sage]
Uhh with your stats you should only have 1 Strength, 3 stealth and 6 magic. Fix that and i'll do your stats and get you started.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 8:48 pm
by Ghost Kitty
Ok(Edits post again)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:03 pm
by [sage]
err no, thats not quite what i meant. With the stats you had, you could only have that many abilities.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:09 pm
by Ghost Kitty
Ok, I get it(Edits for the last time)

[ October 01, 2004, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: 9-Volt 2 the Sound Gunman ]

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 9:11 pm
by [sage]
with the stats you had posted before you edited them to 1, 3 and 6, yes.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:21 pm
by Ghost Kitty
OK, I have finished my charachter.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 11:24 pm
by [sage]
actually you have 50 points too many for stats. Lower them, and get rid of however many abilities you need to, then i'll reopen the topic i made for you.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 12:15 am
by Ghost Kitty
Ok(Edits once more) done.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:28 am
by Prince Toad
Name: Dostir
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Weapon: Bow
HP: 200
MP: 300
Strength: 50
Stealth: 160
Magic: 90
(Str) Fright Stab: Stabs an opponent with an arrow, then runs away. May daze opponent.
(Sth) Banner of the Craven: Disappears and teleports up to fifty feet away from an opponent; he is invisible for a little when he reappears.
(Sth) Fetching Arrow: Fires a blunted arrow which attempts to steal an item from an opponent; the arrow then returns.
(Sth) False Arrow: Fires an arrow that appears to come from the opposite direction that it actually is being fired from; only works if no obstacles are in the way.
(Sth) Double Shot: Fires two arrows.
(Sth) Chameleon: Blends in with the background; nearly impossible to detect.
(Sth) Heavy Shot: Knocks back both caster and target.
(Sth) Penetrating Shot: Can hit up to three targets. The first hit deals more damage than usual; second, normal damage; third, weakened damage.
(Sth) Seeker Shot: Always hits its target, regardless of other factors (wind, darkness, blindness, illusions, etc.)
(Mag) Darkness Spread: Causes up to five enemies to go blind.
(Mag) Shadow Beam: Deals dark damage to one enemy.
(Mag) Soothe: Heals a large amount of damage.

[ October 03, 2004, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]