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Hero Kaden

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:37 pm
by Prince Toad
Country: Castis
Age: 14
Race: Human
Weapon Type: Sword
Level: 1/00
Steed: Griffon
Steed Name: Gavan
Tribe: Jara
Weapon: Saber (CS + 10 damage; Str + 5 on ground)
Items: Small Potion
(Rider) Spurs: Greatly reduces chance of falling off mount.
Gold: 5
HP: 70/70
RP: 15/15
Power Rank: 1
Strength: 20
Constitution: 25
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 5
Dexterity: 10
Charisma: 30
Bio: A swordsman from Castis. He is fairly strong, however is unwise like most people in Castis.

Race: Griffon
Race Attributes: Flies; hard to tame; aerial attacks; special ability, Screech.
Level: 1/00
HP: 120/120
MP: 30/30
Max Speed: 80
Aggressiveness: 55
Obedience: 15
Intelligence: 30
Stamina: 60
Divebomb: Deals (Current speed + Agg / 2) damage. 5 MP.
Claw: Deals (Agg + 10) damage. 5 MP.
Screech: Chance to daze all opponents. 10 MP.

a) Story Mode (...)
b) Shop (...)
c) Tribal Sage (learn moves for a cost)
d) Practice Plain (practice fighting)
e) Tournament (enter a practice tournament)
f) Casino (gamble)
g) Racetrack (race on your mount for money and prizes)
h) Jousting Grounds (joust in a tourney or practice for money and prizes)

[ September 15, 2004, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 11:41 pm
by KirbyBoy2000

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:59 pm
by Prince Toad
Small Potion: Heals 20 HP. 3 uses. 25 gold.
Medium Potion: Heals 50 HP. 3 uses. 60 gold.
Carrot: Heals 20 RP. 3 uses. 30 gold.
Apple: Heals 50 RP. 3 uses. 75 gold.
Booster Shot: Increases a random stat by 1-5. 200 gold.
Whip: Increases mount's speed for a brief period of time. 10 uses. Can be used consecutively, but cannot exceed mount's Max Speed. 70 gold.
Turning Rein: Mount can turn up to 90 degrees without slowing down. 10 uses. 50 gold.
Speed Shot: Briefly increases mount's Max Speed. 75 gold.

(CS = Combined Strength, basically Str + a number based on current mount speed)
Short Sword: CS / 2 + 5 damage; Str + 10 on ground. 15 gold.
Broadsword: CS / 2 + 15 damage; Str + 20 on ground. 75 gold.
Longsword: CS / 2 + 35 damage; Str + 40 on ground. 200 gold.
Saber: CS + 10 damage; Str + 5 on ground. 50 gold.
Arakh: CS + 30 damage; Str + 15 on ground. 175 gold.
Air Blade: As Short Sword, except CS + 15 when flying. 65 gold.
Wind Blade: As Broadsword, except CS + 30 when flying. 130 gold.

Spurs: Greatly reduces chance of falling off mount. 25 gold.
Stirrups: Eliminates chance of falling off mount, except under extraordinary circumstances. 100 gold.
Riderwings: Allows flying mounts to climb higher and faster than they would otherwise be able to. 75 gold.
Weapon Lock: Eliminates chance of being disarmed. Also allows bows to be used more effectively while riding. 90 gold.
Quality Reins: Allows mount to turn better and faster. 50 gold.
Iron Shoes: Increases Max Speed by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Saddle: Increases Aggressiveness by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Bit: Increases Obedience by 10. 150 gold.
Green Cadence: Increases Intelligence by 10. 150 gold.
Leather Barding: Increases Stamina by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Spike: Increases charge damage by +15. 100 gold.
Bronze Wings: Increases flying capabilities; also allows use of the skill Buffet, which costs nothing and has a chance to daze one opponent.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 7:04 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Saber, Small Potion, Spurs.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:38 pm
by Prince Toad

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:40 pm
by KirbyBoy2000

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:33 pm
by Prince Toad
Chapter 1: Choice

Kaden strode to the Great Field. This sacred pasture, shared by all three Castish tribes, had been the place where mounts were chosen since time immemorial. He was to meet the tribal shaman, who would guide him to a decision. Only his best friend Brier had come along, somewhat awkwardly, atop the bossy wyvern he'd chosen, his other friends having apologetically declined, citing pre-existing plans. Kaden felt sure they involved jousting sessions or other training atop their new mounts-- he was, after all, the youngest. However, he felt determined to get more glory than any of them... well, except maybe Brier, a strong and self-assured but compassionate lancer who'd finally met his match in his strong-willed wyvern, Risskozai. The swordsman possessed considerable strength as well, for one his age, and hated being left out of things; he wanted a tough mount, somewhat to prove his worth. Brier resisted the urge to race ahead and allowed his younger friend to keep pace.

Kaden, feeling apprehensive, hastened his step. In a few minutes he arrived at the perimeter of the field, short of breath but excited.

Brier: So, Kaden? What's it gonna be, buddy?
Kaden: Oh... I don't know. I want to fly, but past that I'm not sure.
Brier: How about another wyvern? They're cool, but kinda... you know.
Kaden: What, can't handle that thing? Hehe... nah, not a wyvern, can't be very comfortable. Let's see... pegasus?
Brier: Sure, I mean... if you're into that sort of thing.
Kaden: What are you talking about?
Brier: Never mind. Uh... hey... why don't you ask the shaman for advice?
Kaden: Good idea.

The two glanced in all directions. Confused expressions entered their faces.

Kaden: He's... he's supposed to be here, right?
Brier: For every ceremony. Of course. He was at Shay's, Mazel's, Carus'... where the hell is he?
Kaden: I don't know...
Brier: Let me fly up and see what I can find.

Risskozai, after a few moments of reluctance, grudgingly took wing, beating higher and higher into the air. Brier shouted in dismay.

Brier: Gods! I think I see something... maybe I should go scout that out. Might be dangerous... but we should do something about it soon... they're on the move...
Kaden: I'll...

What do you want to do?

a) Grab a mount and fly up
b) Follow on foot
c) Run back to the main camp (half day's walk) and try to get some more people
d) Something else

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 8:41 pm
by KirbyBoy2000

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 10:22 pm
by Prince Toad
Kaden: right there!

Kaden leapt up on the nearest mount with wings, a sleek griffon, and urged the creature into the air. The griffon hurled him off impetuously.

Kaden: Aaagh... dammit! Come on!

The swordsman climbed back on with a firmer resolve, commanding the beast to take to the skies. With a toss of its head and a low cry, it obeyed this time, taking its time as it ascended. Kaden hung on tooth and nail until he was about a hundred feet up, at which point he started to get over the fear and looked around him. The vista was amazing, but as he neared Brier he observed the problem off to the northwest. Silhouetted against some very distant mountains a large group could be seen moving in single file. Shapes were impossible to determine at this distance, but the head of the line seemed to be disappearing into the range, presumably entering a mountain pass.

Brier: Want to go?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 6:02 pm
by KirbyBoy2000

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 5:16 pm
by Prince Toad
They swept in closer.

Brier: Maybe we should lower ourselves and slow down, or even go on the ground. Might not be a good idea to let ourselves be known. What do you think?

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 8:23 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
"There are alot of them right? Couldn't be that bad of an idea to stay out of sight."

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:20 pm
by Prince Toad
Brier: Right. Let's get down.

They lowered their altitudes, as always with some difficulty. They grounded themselves and crept up closer.

At a closer distance, more could be made out of the group. There were close to perhaps two hundred people there, three of which were guarding an unconscious prisoner on a horse. More details were undiscernable. The line was going into a mountain pass, as they'd seen from the Field.

Brier: Alright... what should we do?

a) Something (you say)
b) Look around more (I'll give you more details, you can decide then)
c) I dunno, whatever you want (Brier will decide)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:27 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Look around more.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 7:32 am
by Prince Toad
Kaden: Let's keep checking around, maybe we missed something.
Brier: Okay.

The vast majority of the group was mounted on horseback, with some other animals interspersed here and there. The guards around the prisoner shifted out with another set and fell back a little, slumping tiredly on their steeds. The pass itself appeared to hold four abreast, less if larger beasts were traveling through. The line was not in fact single-file as they'd believed, but in fact rode four to each precise row. The outside riders towards them glanced around nervously every so often when not talking to the people in front or back. The prisoner was towards the back of the formation, of which about half had passed into the mountains. The two shared these observations and considered what to do.

Any ideas?