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Hero Tym

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:37 pm
by Prince Toad
Country: Castis
Age: 14
Race: Human
Weapon Type: Lance
Level: 1/00
Steed: Phoenix
Steed Name: Ged
Tribe: Syv
Weapon: Light Lance (+10 CS)
(Steed) Quality Reins: Allows mount to turn better and faster
Gold: 50
HP: 60/60
RP: 25/25
Power Rank: 1
Strength: 20
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 15
Dexterity: 15
Charisma: 20
Bio: Mother was murdered when he was a young child, and just a year ago his father fell from her steed in a freak accident. Err. Yeah. I'm kinda empty right now. Anyhow, congrats on your modship.
Riding Skills: None yet

Race: Phoenix
Race Attributes: Flies; Fire element; casts Elemental (Fire) and Healing spells; hard to tame; can be killed, but nearly impossible to permanently destroy (ashes must be scattered and isolated); chance to blind opponents.
Level: 1/00
HP: 100/100
MP: 80/80
Max Speed: 60
Aggressiveness: 40
Obedience: 10
Intelligence: 80
Stamina: 50
Fire Specialization: +1 Power Rank to all fire spells; gain a bonus fire spell every five levels (created or from the list). Automatic. Only one specialization may be chosen.
Flame Field: Deals moderate fire damage to all enemies. 25 MP.
Sear: Deals moderate fire damage to one enemy, and has a high chance to burn. 25 MP.
Burnt Force: Deals intense fire damage to one enemy. 55 MP.
White Gale: Heals a major amount of damage for all allies. 45 MP.
Revive: Brings one ally back to life with half their HP. 40 MP.
Curative Touch: One ally gains 1-100 HP. 25 MP.

Choose one of the following.

a) Story Mode (...)
b) Shop (...)
c) Tribal Sage (learn moves for a cost)
d) Practice Plain (practice fighting)
e) Tournament (enter a practice tournament)
f) Casino (gamble)
g) Racetrack (race on your mount for money and prizes)
h) Jousting Grounds (joust in a tourney or practice for money and prizes)

[ August 24, 2004, 10:52 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:33 am
by Lord Umbra
Shop, followed by tribal sage.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 11:35 pm
by Prince Toad
The shop.

Small Potion: Heals 20 HP. 3 uses. 25 gold.
Medium Potion: Heals 50 HP. 3 uses. 60 gold.
Carrot: Heals 20 RP. 3 uses. 30 gold.
Apple: Heals 50 RP. 3 uses. 75 gold.
Booster Shot: Increases a random stat by 1-5. 200 gold.
Whip: Increases mount's speed for a brief period of time. 10 uses. Can be used consecutively, but cannot exceed mount's Max Speed. 70 gold.
Turning Rein: Mount can turn up to 90 degrees without slowing down. 10 uses. 50 gold.
Speed Shot: Briefly increases mount's Max Speed. 75 gold.

(CS = Combined Strength, basically Str + a number based on current mount speed)
Light Lance: CS + 10 damage. 30 gold.
Medium Lance: CS + 25 damage. 150 gold.
Heavy Lance: CS + 45 damage. 350 gold.
Light Jousting Lance: CS + 5 damage; double vs. mounted enemies. 50 gold.
Medium Jousting Lance: CS + 15 damage; double vs. mounted enemies. 175 gold.
Heavy Jousting Lance: CS + 35 damage; double vs. mounted enemies. 400 gold.
Spurs: Greatly reduces chance of falling off mount. 25 gold.
Stirrups: Eliminates chance of falling off mount, except under extraordinary circumstances. 100 gold.
Riderwings: Allows flying mounts to climb higher and faster than they would otherwise be able to. 75 gold.
Weapon Lock: Eliminates chance of being disarmed. Also allows bows to be used more effectively while riding. 90 gold.
Quality Reins: Allows mount to turn better and faster. 50 gold.
Iron Shoes: Increases Max Speed by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Saddle: Increases Aggressiveness by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Bit: Increases Obedience by 10. 150 gold.
Green Cadence: Increases Intelligence by 10. 150 gold.
Leather Barding: Increases Stamina by 10. 150 gold.
Iron Spike: Increases charge damage by +15. 100 gold.
Bronze Wings: Increases flying capabilities; also allows use of the skill Buffet, which costs nothing and has a chance to daze one opponent.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:13 pm
by Lord Umbra
I'll buy a light lance and quality reigns. I guess I'll go to story mode now.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 5:11 am
by Prince Toad
Ack, forgot, you start with a Light Lance free.

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:38 pm
by Lord Umbra
I'll still go to story mode.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 12:26 am
by Prince Toad
Chapter 1: Ceremony

Tym had thought about this day since he was just a little kid. Finally, he had come of age, and would choose his loyal steed. He hadn't decided on what it would be yet, but he felt certain it would feel... well... right when he came upon his future companion and mount.

He left his bed, stripped off his nightclothes and donned his ceremonial tunic, the one worn on Castish holidays and to important events. This was the most important event of his young life-- the one that would define him for the rest of his days. Tym contemplated what would happen if he did not find the right animal... that was a shame beyond consideration. No, there would be one, and he would find it.

The young tribesman opened the flaps and stepped out of his old abode. The wide plains of Castis rolled about him in all directions, stretching far as the eye could see. Now, though, his attention was directed solely on the Great Field on which he alone would choose from possibly hundreds of mounts. Only a few would be present-- some friends, one tribal sage, and the tribal shaman-- but he was used to small crowds. After his mother died, his father had become somewhat reclusive, although not unkind. The past year, though, Tym's sire had sustained a mortal injury in a freak accident involving his horse, and after the initial comforting phase, his tribe had slowly gravitated away from the mournful young Castishman to other, more cheerful fellows. His few friends had stuck by him through the thick of it, and would cheer him on as the first of them to choose a steed, Tym being the eldest.

He found himself upon the Great Field. Horses, pegasi, lizards, wyverns, tigers, gargoyles, griffons, great eagles, and more roamed the sacred plain. It was a whir of confusion, and Tym wondered how anyone could choose from this swirling mass, let alone wisely.

Tym spotted a couple of his friends striding towards him.

Nar: Tym! It's time to make your decision... what's it going to be? Thought about it?
Tym: I don't know, Nar. How the hell can I choose? There are so many...
Nar: Damned if I know. Close your eyes and point, heh.
Sangra: I want a pegasus. They're so beautiful! How can you resist?
Nar: I think I want something grounded... just the thought of being up there makes me dizzy. A horse or tiger, maybe.
Tym: Well... I think I have to go now and talk with the shaman. I'll see you two later.
Sangra: See ya.

Tym approached the tribal shaman, who was wrinkled and bent with years, but whose wisdom was renowned. He knelt before the holy man in deference. The priest touched his head, and Tym stood.

Shaman: You have come to the Great Field. You seek a steed.
Tym: Yes. How may I choose?
Shaman: See them. Do not merely look with your eyes; that is not enough. You must find the one who you can clearly see, with your mind, your body, and your soul. Go and find your steed; may the gods guide you to wisdom.
Tym: Thank you.

Tym looked about on the ground. The beasts roamed aimlessly, chewing on bits of grass or rampantly displaying their fearsome power, forelegs in the air, roaring to any challengers. The magic of the Field was such that mounts could not quarrel or attack one another; it was simply impossible. Nevertheless, Tym was unimpressed. What could he do...

He glanced upwards. Pegasi, wyverns, griffons, they all soared majestically. While beautiful, none seemed to captivate his mind such that he would live and train with it until the end of his days. Abruptly the sun seemed to shoot in front of his eyes... what was that? The sun should have been much farther east... and now that flash was gone.

Again. He shielded his eyes from the brightness. What was it... he kept his gaze centered where it had been. The sun shot to the center of his vision; however, it did not hurt his eyes, and he did not avert his gaze. While he knew this thing... not the sun, no... was as bright as anything he'd ever seen, he saw through the brightness and observed a majestic creature, a large, flaming bird with multicolored wings and a beautiful crest atop its head. That one, he knew.

The phoenix glided down to Tym. The intense heat should have burned him, but it did not, and he was not afraid. Tym approached the beast and reached out to it, feeling its flaming feathers and bonding with it in an instant. Suddenly, a voice entered his mind...

Phoenix: ~Hello. I am Ged. You seem worthy of me, if you can earn the right to ride a phoenix. What is your name?~
Tym: It's... Tym... hello.

The shaman approached, staff in hand.

Shaman: I see you've made your decision, is that so?
Tym: Yes, shaman.
Shaman: Very well. Allow me to bond you in spirit, so that you may never be apart inside. When you are in danger, your steed will aid you; you are expected to do the same. Before I proceed... are you completely sure? Is there no doubt in your mind that this phoenix is to be your steed until one of you meets your end?

a) Yes
b) No

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 10:18 am
by Lord Umbra

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:46 pm
by Prince Toad
Tym: Yes.
Shaman: Then take these reins, and ride!
Tym: Yes, sir.

He knew that the custom was to be given a pair of ceremonial reins and take the newly chosen steed once around the Field. The ride was thrilling. The phoenix took to the air, powerful wings beating down until they were able to glide. Turning proved minorly difficult, as Ged was, as phoenixes were, an independent creature, not easily pushed around. However, Tym managed to pull it off. After a few minutes, he alighted and dismounted.

Shaman: Is this mount acceptable?
Tym: Yes, sir.
Shaman: Then take it and go. May the gods ride with you always.
Tym: Thank you, sir.

Tym left the phoenix to fly around as it would and walked over to his friends.

Sangra: That was awesome!
Nar: Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Tym: Thanks. I hope I like this.
Sangra: How's flying?
Tym: Lots of fun. You'll love it.
Sangra: Great!
Nar: So, now what do you plan to do?
Tym: Uh...

Know anything you want to do? You can just continue with story mode, or do other stuff. Whatever.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:37 am
by Lord Umbra
I'll continue storymode and do... something. There's not much plot material in my bio XD. Whoops.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 3:29 pm
by Prince Toad
Heh, whatever. I'll do a couple other chapters, and then start on Castis's plot. BTW, we need to get started on N&T. Like, actually make the webpage instead of just talking about it. Anyway...

Chapter 2: Test

The following day, after a night of excited but restful sleep, Tym stood outside his tent. He sensed Ged closeby, but could not see him. Glancing around, he noticed the phoenix lying on the ground, wings folded in. At that moment, the great beast stretched, stood, and regarded Tym.

Ged: ~Tym, today I will find whether or not you are worthy enough to ride a phoenix. Tomorrow, if you have proven yourself worthy, we will learn to do battle together. Is this acceptable?
Tym: Yes, Ged. ~Thought I was the rider, and he was the mount, heh.~
Ged: ~Come.~

Tym went to Ged and mounted. Remembering the reins he'd just bought, he told Ged to wait and dashed back into his tent. He grabbed the reins and returned to his steed.

Put the reins on Ged?

a) Yes
b) No

[ September 05, 2004, 10:22 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 8:21 pm
by Lord Umbra
Dunno, not much I can do right now. I kinda need the site we're gonna use, since Matt hates freewebs and that's the only decent one I know.
I'll ask Ged if he minds if I use the reigns first. If he agrees, I use them. Otherwise, I won't.

[ August 27, 2004, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: Lord Umbra ]

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:05 pm
by Prince Toad
Ged: ~I'd prefer you did not. However, if you feel you must to prevent injury, I will permit it.~

Use or don't?

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:16 am
by Lord Umbra
I guess I'll use it anyway... I guess it's in character or summat for a guy whose father fell off their mount.

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:37 pm
by Prince Toad
True dat. If you would, sign up on that freaking site already and get us some space. We have comics that can be put up pretty easily.

...I didn't even think of that, but yeah, that sort of was a reference the background. Okay.

Tym: My father died from an injury falling from his horse. I'd prefer you allowed me to put these on.
Ged: ~Very well.~

Tym placed the reins around the phoenix, with some difficulty. He put on the specially treated saddle he'd received from the village tanner and hopped on, scrabbling a bit to maintain his purchase. Finally he was ready to go, if a bit uncomfortably. Ged took off, wings pounding away at the air as he steadily gained altitude.

a) Steer around
b) Let Ged do the flying
c) Somewhere in the middle: make sure he's going in the general direction you want, but let Ged do most
d) Land and dismount
e) Other

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:14 pm
by Lord Umbra
Oh, really? I guess I'll need Matt send them to me through e-mail.


Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 4:57 pm
by Prince Toad
Well, do it. School's not exactly going to jumpstart the freaking comic.

Ged whisked Tym around the entire Syv tribal camp, a great expanse of fields and tents. He seemed to appreciate the freedom granted by Tym, but wanted a little more than the rider was willing to give. At one point, he attempted to turn away from the camp towards a hilly area away from camp.

Allow him?

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:31 pm
by Lord Umbra
Actually it is, since I don't know Matt's e-mail. And I'm too lazy to call him today when I can ask tomorrow. So there. [Edit] The site won't let me register, keeps on giving me a bloody,

The following mistakes were made in your request:
Click here to return to the sign-up form.

Arrrrggg. [/Edit]

Allow him. I mean, it's probably the key to the plot....

[ September 06, 2004, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Lord Umbra ]

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 12:25 am
by Prince Toad
You lazy son of a *****. His e-mail is in that thing I sent you.

Ahh, you incompetent bastard. I bet I could do it easily. I'll have to freaking guide you through it at some point.

Uh... well, it isn't, although I could make it be that way... you don't know how to fight with him though. Could do it anyway. Want to still go?

[ September 25, 2004, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:35 pm
by Lord Umbra
I'm serious about the site thing, it won't let me register and it doesn't tell me what I did wrong...

Uh, how about I quit story mode and go to the Jousting Grounds.