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Bobbo's Adventure

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:43 am
by [sage]
Lvl: 1
XP: 0

GP: 0



Hawk: HP: 12. Flight, Peck: 2 dmg, claw: 3dmg, or do a divebomb attack for 5 damage. Pick small objects up, Good vision

Hawk: HP: 12. Flight, Peck: 2 dmg, claw: 3dmg, or do a divebomb attack for 5 damage. Pick small objects up, Good vision

Hawk: HP: 12. Flight, Peck: 2 dmg, claw: 3dmg, or do a divebomb attack for 5 damage. Pick small objects up, Good vision

Wolf: HP: 22. Has a good sense of smell. Fear causing howl and can Bite: 9dmg

Wolf: HP: 22. Has a good sense of smell. Fear causing howl and can Bite: 9dmg

Dog: HP: 16. Has a great sense of smell, can fetch items and follow simple commands. Bites for 7 damage. 12gp.

Goblin Slinger: HP: 28 Attack 2x/rd for 3 dmg at a distance. Bomb shot (like the gadget) once per summon for 10 damage.

Skeleton Soldier: HP: 35. Sword: 10 dmg, Shield blocks 1/4 attacks. 1/2 damage from non magical weapons. Bone throw (15dmg at a distance for 5hp)

Skeleton Soldier: HP: 35. Sword: 10 dmg, Shield blocks 1/4 attacks. 1/2 damage from non magical weapons. Bone throw (15dmg at a distance for 5hp)

Skeleton Soldier: HP: 35. Sword: 10 dmg, Shield blocks 1/4 attacks. 1/2 damage from non magical weapons. Bone throw (15dmg at a distance for 5hp)

Skeleton Soldier: HP: 35. Sword: 10 dmg, Shield blocks 1/4 attacks. 1/2 damage from non magical weapons. Bone throw (15dmg at a distance for 5hp)

Mage Apprentice: HP: 8. M. Missile 3x/summon (5 hits of 5 damage, on one enemy or split among several) Stun Shock 1x/summon (hits 1 enemy for 10 damage and stuns them for one round) and Mage Armor 2x/summon (Cuts one attack's damage in half. Lasts until hit, can't be stacked)

You sit in the tavern in Vale City, studying a map. You've recently decided to go adventuring. The map shows multiple places you can go, all common adventuring spots. It has a few towns on it too. There are the places you know of. If you find other maps you can find out how to get other places.

Mysterious Forest: West
FireDragon Mountain: Northwest
Icebite Tundra: North
Floating Castle: Northeast
Oceanview Port: East
Haunted Battlefield: Southeast
Deathlands Desert: South
Dark Tower: Southwest

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:20 am
by Parrakarry
I'll go southeast.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:46 pm
by [sage]
You walk to the site of the haunted battlefield. Before you, you can see a stretch of wasteland all around. You can see remnants of forts, and a river which's water seems to give the illusion of a red tint in it. There is a big chasm in the middle of the field, and you can see a lot of bones all over the place, as well as thousands of graves. You hear a cackle behind you and turn around. There is a small withered old man there.

He cackles again and says in a raspy voice" Welcome traveller, to the haunted battlefield. Legend has it, that is was on the spot of the Apocalypse war. Named because close to half of the world's entire population fought here and died, leaving mostly those unable to fight behind. No one is sure if this is true, because if that were true the human race would probably be extinct. However, a great war was fought here either way, you can tell by looking at it."

The man coughs and wheezes a bit and then looks at you. As if he expects something from you.