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Domino's Curse

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 10:38 pm
by [sage]
Name: Domino
Age: 18
Sex: male
Lvl: 1
XP: 0

HP: 15
MP: 15
PA: 1
MA: 1
S: 3
Will: 10

Major Power: Life/Death (risky)
- Death: Black ray that kills living creatures. 10mp
- Life: White ray that brings creatures back to life and hurts undead (50% maxhp). 10mp
- Heal: Heals all wounds a creature has. 6mp.
- Plague: drains an opponents stats to half normal. 6mp
- Sever: extracts the bond tying the soul and body together, making the person a lifeless drone. 7mp
- Endless: Protects one person from attacks for 5 rounds. Half an hour, if used initally outside of combat. 5mp

Minor Power: Mobility
-Wall Walking: can walk on walls and ceilings. 2mp per half an hour.
-Shadow step: steps into any shadow, appears out of another nearby shady region. 3mp
-Water walk: can run over water for a set amount of time 2mp per half an hour.

curse: Toxin- Chance to drain my hp dramatically/ kill me outright


It's an ordinary day, you're living with your family. You wake up, to the sound of voices. You listen, yet, no one is speaking aloud. You can hear inside your head.

Hello, Domino, my chosen one. Do not be alarmed You are a bearer of my power and will. I have given you great powers. You have the power to take away life from enemies and give it back. In addition, you have been granted great mobility. Beware however, too much use of these powers will become a burden, your body will grow sick, and may perish. These powers will remain yours forever, if you help me escape from my prison. Do you accept this task?

As he asks that, you feel a great will, a feeling compelling you to answer.

1) Accept
2) Resist and decline

Some things to take note of for future reference.

MP does not stop at 0. You can go as low as you want. However the more mp you spend, the more the curse affects you. 0 is merely the starting point of the curse.

Will: This being has given you power, but it can use its will through you. Will Power is your ability to resist its demands. There are ways to recover will power, but none you know of. Whether or not you choose to resist it is up to you.

Spell casting below 0 is an act of will, since the curse is weakening your body, it takes will power to use your magic, and that also limits your power to resist his will, assuming you wish to do so.

The game, while your stories may sound similar at first will go in different directions, depending on the early choices you make.

[ August 05, 2004, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:32 am
2.) Resist and decline

Domino doesn't take kindly to orders

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:57 am
by [sage]
If you do not do this, you will not recieve your powers for life, it's not just for free.

[ August 10, 2004, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:10 pm
Um, I'm gonna just accept, though isn't what you just threatened to give me good? I mean I for one would love having powers over life and death for my entire life.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 10:08 pm
by [sage]
So you decided to accept. That's good. There's a couple of people I need in order to get free. However, I can't help them in my state. You on the other hand can help me. They are in a prison, in your very town. I need you to free them. Preferably, try and stay unnoticed when you go in, but don't hesistate to kill if needed. You will instantly recognize them as soon as you seem them, so don't worry about them. I will contact you again after you free them. Until then, bye.

What next?

[ August 10, 2004, 01:00 AM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:51 am
Well I'll nonchalantly go into the jail, discreetly looking about for any weaknesses in the outer defenses. If anyone questions my purposes I'll inform them that I'm just looking for a thief who stole some gold of mine.

Initially all I'll do other than that is see how many guards I'm up against.

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:51 pm
by [sage]
It's easy enough to walk in, since it also basically the housing for a lot of the city guards. The walls are made of some sort of stone, sort of a mini fort/castle. It's a two story building, and all windows are barred, as makes sense in a prison. You learn that all the prisoners are held upstairs, the bottom is used to house the guards. The stairs are wooden and creeky, and make a noise if you step on them, and since the guards are nearby, its pretty easy to here anyone attempting to escape. There are also a couple of guards outside, and two on the roofs, armed with crossbows. There are about twenty rooms for guards, with two double bunks, so there's around 80 guards total, although you can easily tell that there is a fracion (anywhere from 15 to 30) of that in the building at any one time.

What's your next move?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:37 pm
First I'll try to quickly locate where the keys are, and then I'll ask to be taken upstairs to see the prisoners. If only one guard escorts me then I'll try to position myself behind him and snap his neck once past the creaky stairs.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:41 am
by [sage]
The warden keeps the keys on him, he's also armed, not that it'll help against your instant killing ability.

You talk to the warden, ask him if you can go upstairs.

"We only allow people in to see family and friends. Name the prisoner, and we'll allow you in."

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:02 am
Um, I just noticed something, but shouldn't sever cost more than my death ray if it basically kills the guy but makes him a drone?

Anyways, yeah I'll kill him with my death ray then steal his clothes and the key, then push his body into a shadowy spot. Oh and when I'm walking up there I'll try to hide my face as much as possible.

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:13 pm
by [sage]
I'll fix that later.

There are some guards around, you sure you want to?

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 7:37 pm
Bah. So hypothetically if I did do that, I'm guessing they would raise an alarm, and that would bring how many reinforcements?

Edit: Nevermind what I had before this, first I'll go into town and see if I can pick up something to cut bars or pick the locks (preferably quietly) then I'll wait until night comes and stealthily wall walk up to the second floor. If anyone gets in my way I'll shoot them with a death ray, but I'll try hard to make sure that doesnt happen (I need the MP)

If that works, I'll enter through a window and see if I can break them out, once again preferably in a quiet way.

[ August 17, 2004, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Zippy ]

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:15 pm
by [sage]
Lock picks aren't sold in the normal stores. You'll have to find a thieves guild or black market for that. As for bar cutters, there's not really any place for that.

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:49 pm
Ok, no lockpicks, anyways I'll just use wall walk at night and sneak up to the second floor, then crawl in through a window (or shadow step if its barred). I'll get a layout of what types of cells I'm up against from there.