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Dark Star sign-up

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 2:12 pm
by JoeTheSnifit
This is my first RPG so I'm open to comments and criticisms.

The future of Earth is bleak. The planet is ruled by an unstoppable alien force that is only known as "The King"(No,it's not Elvis). His minions took control of the cities and rule with force. Anyone who rebels is terminated imediatly. We must overthrow him and his troops.

What you need to sign up:
Race :( it's the future so you could be anything)

Group :( Fighter, Spellcaster, or Inventor)

Stats: Split between 850
MP :( Spellcasters get +10)
PHP :( Physical power)(Fighters get +10)
BP :( Battery Power)(Inventors get +10)

Split 400 Between:
Attack :( fighters get +5)
Defense :( Spellcasters get +5)
Acc: (Inventors +5)

Technology: Technology uses battery power. Inventors are strong, Fighters are weak, and Spellcasters can't use.
Tech enemies are weak to Magic strong to Tech
Magic: Magic uses MP. Spellcasters are strong, Fighters are exteremely weak, Tech can't use.
Magic enemies are weak to Physical and strong to magic.
Physical: Physical uses PHP. Fighters are strong, Magic is exteremly weak, and Tech is Exteremely weak. Physical enemies are weak to Tech and strong to magic.
Neutral: Just for enemies. Strong against physical weak to magic.
Attacks:Attack 1:
Attack 2:
Attack 3:
attack 4:
Attack 5 :( super, Uses 95 of BP, MP, or PHP)

Weapon :( not needed)
Bio :( Not needed)

New!:Added Neutral type to balance it out.

[ August 01, 2004, 01:33 AM: Message edited by: They Found 404 ]

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 2:05 am
by Prince Toad
First one, eh? Well... see how you like running a topic. It's not for some people (coughKBcough), but if you're good at it and you like it, great.

I have to say this looks pretty good for a first topic. Guess I'll join. One thing, though: Physical is a little stronger than the other two, because no one's strong against it. In the same way, magic's a little weaker because two things are strong against it. If you wanna modify that, go ahead; if you'd already figured that into the balance, or just don't care, tell me and I'll join anyway.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 4:34 pm
by Prince Toad
Heh, alright.

Name: Lanis
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Group: Fighter
HP: 500
MP: 0
PHP: 260
BP: 100
Attack: 185
Defense: 100
Accuracy: 120
Attack 1: Charge Strike-- Uses PHP and BP. After charging for a turn, hits and deals electric and physical damage.
Attack 2: Deflect-- Chance to deflect projectile attacks.
Attack 3: Truestrike-- Always hits, but deals slightly less damage than normal.
Attack 4: Chainlink Lightning-- Uses BP and PHP. Hits all nearby enemies. Every enemy after the first that is hit takes an increasing amount of lightning damage.
Attack 5: Rage Combo-- Hits one enemy 15-20 times; if one of those attacks kills the enemy, another nearby target takes the rest of the hits.
Weapon: Steel staff, which can be charged with electricity (Lanis wears rubber gloves to protect himself)
Bio: Nah.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:38 pm
Sure, why not

Name: Domino McKrow
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Genetically enhanced Human

Group: Spellcaster

HP: 250
MP: 410
PHP: 100
BP: 100

Attack: 75
Defense: 200
Acc: 130

Attack 1: Shadow Strike- Uses MP, deals damage from a claw composed of shadow

Attack 2: Holy Light- Uses MP, Heals one ally's HP

Attack 3: Chaos Fist- Weak, accurate attack

Attack 4: Domino Effect- Increases the attack of one character by +10 and continues to increase by +5 for each turn that that character succesfully strikes a foe. Drains BP as the attack rating goes up.

Attack 5: Demon of the Morn/Angel of Dusk- Summons a holy/evil creature (50% chance for either) to brutally attack one foe for massive damage

Weapon: Staff made of ebony and ivory, conduit for all of Domino's spells.

Bio: Eh, not right now.

And can Spellcasters know healing spells? Because I'm going to edit if they can.

[ August 04, 2004, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: Zippy ]

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:06 am
by JoeTheSnifit
Yes, they can heal. when it starts you can by med-packs to heal you or your ally.

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:08 pm
by Labriel
Name: Labriel Stain
Age: 24
Sex: female
Race: Vampire slayer/witch
Group: Fighter
HP: 500
MP: 50
PHP: 260
BP: 100
Attack: 195
Defense: 150
Accuracy: 120
Attacks: I don't remember.
Attack 1: Well mixture of kicking someones ass and magic.
Attack 2: Same. I've been training in slaying since I was 12. So that gives you an idea of my attacks.
Bio: When Labriel was 5 years old, her father got killed by a gang of werewolves. Apparently they were hungry. At age 12 Labriel almost go turned into a vampire, but she suddenly felt an urge to kick his ass, and that's when she found out she was a slayer. She found out at her own by researching, then her watcher came and started to train her, even though he was suppose to train her at age 14. His name was Locus Mortinen, very intelligent man. At age 18, Labriel's watcher and mother started to date and soon Labriel's mother got turned into a vampire, and her watcher was killed. Labriel battled them, and was almost killed but made it. There was where she met Marco Slane, the man she feel in love with. She was wounded in the middle of a dark alley, and he helped her. He was a writer and still training for law, while Labriel slayed and studied business, which she now owns a magic shop. She had a good life from there on,, except at age 23, Labriel was engaged to Marco and then he had a car accident. A drunk driver crashed into him. Labriel was not happy about that, so she beat up the man, until he apologized, then she healed him, but left him with a scar that ran across his left eye. Labriel won many battles against vampires and other creatures. And now at age 24, Labriel has not yet forgotten her lost love. She is a powerful slayer, and advanced in all magic's, transfiguration, dark arts, etc. But, I warn you, really, don't mess with her. She is kinda *****y. She will treat you cold once she meets you, until she sees she can trust you. Oh and her magic shop is called Enchantments, so you might want to stop buy there.