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Ultimate RPG: Glory (stat topic)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 12:58 am
by Prince Toad
The sign-up form!

Name: The character's name. This is your MAIN character. We can add more as they come up, but only one per person at the moment.
Sex: ...duh.
Age: If unrealistic (8 years old, or 800 years old) explain what the hell's going on. If it's reasonable, don't bother.
Description: Physical description of the character. Hair color, eye color, relative height and weight (not exact numbers, just like tall or skinny or whatever), clothes, weapon(s) and armor, noticeable features (scars, missing parts, whatever), things of that sort.
Personality: General personality and quirks of the character. Quiet? Bad-tempered? Drinks too much? Friendly? Lies a lot? Things like that.
Bio: A brief biography of your character's history up until now (now being after they move to the new continent but probably before the start of the Resistance, assuming the URPG group starts it). Things like family, occupation, training, special tutelage, whatever.
Weapon: Your character's primary weapon. Ex: Seron's Bow of Darkness from the original, Blazer's Krita-Yuga from Legend.
Weapon Enchantment: The weapon is allowed to have one enchantment, which can be mostly anything. Ex: The Bow of Darkness has a 50% chance to blind anyone struck by an arrow from it. (This would not be actually calcuated, EVER, but would figure into the story and battles and stuff. Remember, this is completely freeplay.)
Element: Choose from Soul, Krystal, Chill, Nature, Water, Air, Light, Fire, Ice, Mind, Earth, Darkness, Spirit.
Orb: The name and element of your character's first Orb. It will be level 1. Orbs, as you will recall, are ways of focusing magic. They have one spell per level. They gain levels by, basically, using them a lot. But remember-- don't count how much you use them or anything, just figure it into the story. Orbs usually have five levels (powerful ones like Demi or Ultima may have less). ONLY PUT THE ORB'S NAME AND ELEMENT, NOT SPELLS. Using Seron again as an example. Ex-- Orb: Shadow (Darkness). Shadow's the name, (Darkness) the element.

I think that's all we'll need.

My character:

Name: Rial Talayn
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Description: Rial is tall, broad-shouldered, and comely, with mid-length, straight, sandy hair and green eyes. He wears a light blue cloak, a red tunic and vest, and brown breeches and boots. He is somewhat strong, tough, and fast, an able fighter, but does not excel in any one aspect. He carries a normal steel longsword and shortsword in addition to a crossbow and set of bolts. He wears a mismatched set of armor: the back half of a breastplate, a greave on his right leg, half a gorget on the left side of his neck, an iron bracer on his right arm, a leather bracer on his left, a steel gauntlet on his left hand and a gray glove on his right. For reasons unknown, he believes this grants him the maximum protection and mobility. However, it doesn't really work any better than one might expect.
Personality: Rial is charismatic, outgoing, charming, bawdy, and half-mad. His eyes have a wild, almost dangerous glint in them, but perversely it seems to make him more likeable. He has a haunting, beautiful singing voice and peerless talent with his lute, which carries magical powers. He is often outspoken, but never beyond the point of tact. As he often likes to say, his voice is his greatest skill. His wits, while not completely gone, come second, so occasionally his mouth gets him into hot water.
Bio: Rial was born in Zade, the capital, to a carpenter named Halther and a whore. His father was not ashamed of his son's bastardy, however-- even on his deathbed he told of how he was seduced by Rial's mother's lovely voice and winning smile. Halther himself was a rough, stocky man. Rial gained much of his father's look and build, but his voice was all his mother's. Rial sang for a living, traveling throughout the city, the area, the country, and eventually the world on a quest for fame and recognition. He rarely had enough money for guards on the road, so he made sure to train with his swords and crossbow whenever the chance arose. The invaders came during his most prestigious performance-- on the palace steps in the capital of Teraneil. His escape remains a mystery. During the attack, he played on despite the destruction around him. Eventually, he closed his eyes and lost himself in the music of the last verse of "Song of the Slayers." In what he believes was caused by the magic of the lute, the music abruptly ended, and when he opened his eyes he was on a desolate shore on Glaseim. He wandered inland until finding an inn, the Black Cat. He earned his keep by performing daily, but has never been able to play that song again. He lived at the Black Cat until hearing of the beginnings of a Resistance. He said his farewells and left on the trail, seeking revenge for an old grudge: that performance that never ended...
Weapon: Galyeon's Lute
Weapon Enchantment: Grants the power to inspire allies. All allies become tougher, stronger, faster, and braver when Rial plays in battle. Out of battle, possesses the ability to charm people.
Element: Spirit
Orb: Melody Orb (Soul Element)


Rial's Orbs:

Name: Melody Orb
Element: Soul
"Ne'er Broken": Heals a fair amount of damage for all allies. Grants courage.
*"Salt and Tears": Deals Soul damage to all enemies. May cause weaker enemies to flee.
*"The Spices of Crall": Inflicts multiple status afflictions on one enemy.
*"My Thief": Deals heavy Soul damage to one enemy. This damage heals all allies.
*"Glory": Deals Soul, Mind, Light, and Spirit damage to all enemies. Heals all allies. All allies shine a bright light for a short time. This makes them infallibly brave, as well as stronger, tougher, faster, and more agile.



[Element] Amulet
Creature: This can be any creature, elemental, or whatever you can think of. Include a brief description.
Abilities: List the creature's abilities. I usually keep it limited to six for myself, with one move that's a little better than the rest, but you can do whatever you want. Don't go overboard though.

Also we may want to use a second one, if we're using AmulAmps, and once we get them if we are. But for now one is enough. You can post amulet stat sheet things whenever you want, really, even if you don't have it yet.



Name: [Orb Name]
Element: [Element]
Spells: List the spells contained within the Orb. Usually there are five, one per level, although certain Orbs like Ultima may have less. You level Orbs by using them. This will happen in the story, not after some set number, so there's no need to keep track of exactly how many times you use the Orb.
[Spell 1]: [Effect]
[Spell 2]: [Effect]
[Spell 3]: [Effect]
[Spell 4]: [Effect]
[Spell 5]: [Effect]

Read: If the Orb isn't high enough level to be able to cast the spell-- they should probably start at level 1, for instance-- put an * before the spell name.



Star: The cheapest form of currency. This is the kind of thing you'd toss at a beggar. Used to buy cheap items, like bread, animal feed, that kind of thing.
Crescent: The most common form of currency. Equal to ten stars. My wrist hurts, and I don't want carpal tunnel, so I'll leave it at that. Suffice that it's the most common form of currency, something like a dollar bill.
Lunar: Not too common, but not too uncommon. Equal to ten crescents. Used to buy expensive things, but not outrageously so, like armor, a horse, a good-quality weapon, etc.
Solar: A rare, very expensive form of currency. Equal to ten lunars. Used to make huge purchases like an estate, an artifact, etc. A family with a few of these is considered well-off.

[ July 05, 2004, 05:23 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 11:54 pm
by Blake
Name: Truke
Sex: Male
Age: Early 30's
Description: Has short black hair, brown eyes, about 6'2". Rather skinny, and weights around 140 pounds. Wears old brownish looking robes that cover most of his body.
Personality: Quiet. He is calm when he speaks most of the time; may act selfish and cold quite often to other group members.
Bio: A man that went through some suffering, whether struggling to live, losing valuable family, poor, nobody will know.. yet.(As usual)
Weapon: A simple short sword that has not been polished in a long time and looks old and tarnished.
Weapon Enchantment: None
Element: Soul
Orb: Immolation(Element: Fire)
Spark- Can light an enemy on fire partially. Must be touching the enemy to work.
*Small Fireball- Small fireball that is short ranged, and deals little damage.
*Fireball- A palm sized fireball thrown at the enemy that deals little damage.
*Burning Fireball- A palm sized fireball that deals a medium amount of damage and lights the enemy on fire completely.
*Ball Of Destruction- Big ball of fire that explodes and lights the target on fire completely. Moves slow.


Name: Kassel(Prefers Kal For Short)
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Description: Has shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, about 5'8". Has a lot of muscle and weights around 170 pounds. He wears heavy iron armor that covers most of his body except for his head with a sword and 3 daggers equipped on a belt at his waist.
Personality: He is kind and has a lot of patience. He was working really hard to become a white knight in the city of Irrelium, a city in the far southwest of Zade surrounded by miles of marshlands until the city was attacked. Losing his homeland, he feels weaker than he had ever been in his life.
Bio: He lived in the city of Irrelium to become a White Knight, until the aliens had come and captured Irrelium.
Weapon: A sharp steel sword that is relatively light, but cannot attack too fast due to all his armor. He also carries 3 small, sharp daggers for attacking any ranged enemies.
Weapon Enchantment: None
Element: Light
Orbs: None

[ May 11, 2004, 06:27 AM: Message edited by: Guy That Goes To The Roleplay Forum ]

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 7:30 pm
by Prince Toad
Hmm... put up everything I said I would... except my own character. I'll get to that when I'm inspired.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 11:40 pm
by [sage]
Name: Aeros
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Description: Aeros is around 5'7, somewhat skinny, brown hair, blue eyes. He wears white robes, and carries a staff.

Personality: Aeros is very passive, he prefers to watch from the sidelines when possible. He doesn't really care too much about the company of others, but he is loyal to those he travels with and will defend them. He is generally very quiet unless spoken too or has something to say.

Bio: Aeros was born to two mages. They raised him to learn magic. While not too strong in most magic, he excelled in everything related to all sorts of atmospheric magic. He lived a mostly peaceful life studying magic, until beings from another world decided to invade, so he fled to the only place that seemed to be safe.

Weapon: Staff of Wind
Weapon Enchantment: Control winds: Controls the winds around Aeros.
Element: Wind (or Air, whatever)
Orb Name: Wind Orb
Element: Wind
Wind Cutter: Sends a small whirling wind which hits the enemy, cutting them much like a blade.
*Wind Force: Slams the enemy backwards, pushes them around or throws them into the air.
*Winds of Life: Creates a gentle breeze with curative magic in it.
*Tornado: Creates a tornado and allows him to control it.
*Hurricane: Creates a hurricane and sends it at enemies. He can protect allies from it if they are near him.

[ May 08, 2004, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:45 pm
by Prince Toad
I decided a bard would be far cooler than this guy, so I'm gonna change him.


DO NOT PUT LINES LIKE THIS --------------------------------- IN PLACES YOU WANT TO EDIT

That's why I can't edit Rial's Orbs, and so that will be up there forever. Just everyone ignore it. If it was really a problem we could just copy everything out, have the topic deleted, and repost it, but eh, it doesn't really matter.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:29 pm
by Blake
Originally posted by Prince Toad:
DO NOT PUT LINES LIKE THIS --------------------------------- IN PLACES YOU WANT TO EDIT
I don't catch on... what harm does it do?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:06 am
by Prince Toad
If you put a line like that, you won't be able to edit below the line. Actually, if you edit the post and copy-and-paste the text below the line, it's fine. Just saying.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 5:18 pm
by Lord Umbra
Name: Raen
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Description: Tall man on the skinny side. Has black hair and blue eyes. Wears a rather bland black and grey outfit, covered by a tarnished breastplate. A tattered green travelling cloak is the only colorful piece of clothing to be found in his posession. Raen carries a scimitar by his side and has throwing knives secreted about him.
Personality: Raen has an easy-going personality, and is easy to befriend. However, he is reckless and often will abandon thoughs of caution. His actions can quickly turn to suicidal escapades if he feels the rewards are worth it.
Bio: Raen was born to a poor count, who had little more than an old estate and a title earned from an ancient ancestor. Despite the count's lack of true wealth, Raen was educated by the best that the count could afford. Being the count's second son, he had no real obligations. Thus, he set off to earn fortune for his family and fame for his family name (which is Ava). He wandered about, trying his hand at whatever came. Raen reached the "Last Continent" weary of his failed attempts of glory. He forsake his family, and joined a mercenary company. A new member, he was valued low and often put in extremely dangerous situations. Raen managed to live through these encounters and began to be known for his ability to live where others died. On one job he found his current weapon, an enchanted scimitar. He left the mercenary band to visit his brother when the invasion occured. Lacking the papers to travel to his brother's estates, he joined The Resistance for lack of anything else to do with his life.
Weapon: Stolen Scimitar
Weapon Enchantment: While in Raen's posession, he has an uncanny ability to nimbly dodge blows, no matter how well aimed.
Element: Mind
Orb: Ava's Orb (Mind)

Clarity: Raen and any number of allies are calmed, able to block emotions. Those affected will be able to fight, work, etc. more effectively.
*Dispair: Up to 3 enemies will instantly have a surge of fear throughout their mind. In addition to taking light mind damage, they will be unable to do anything.
*The Voices: All foes will hear voices in their heads. This causes moderate to heavy mind damage, and also will disable them.
*Insanity: One enemy will be rendered insane for up to half an hour, if they survive taking heavy mind damage. Insane enemies will attack their allies, give equipment away, and other self damaging things.
*Terrible Thoughts: A stream of terrible thoughts flood through the afflicted mind. These revelations go against the afflicted's understanding of the world, and cause extreme mind damage. All who survive will permanently be rendered insane.

[ May 11, 2004, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Lord Umbra ]

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 12:29 am
by Prince Toad
Oh, uh, Blake-- one thing. I did sort of want us to have just one main character each. It's up to you, but you could choose one of those as your main one and have the other be one of the supporting characters. Or they could both be the main one. Which would you prefer?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 5:58 am
by Life Critic
The second was called Legacy, not Legend. Same thing anyway.

Well, I was going to make two characters but because of the one character only rule I’ve ditched my formula cliché male with a sword type and sort of combined them both to oppose the male-centric nature of it all.

Name: Kerlea Mathiel
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Description: She is very short for her age, but makes up for her height with strength. She has white shoulder length hair, green eyes, and dragon claw earrings which are supposed to be intimidating or something. She wears the Zade armor (female type, of course) with a feather cloak. Her sword lies heavily in the sheath strapped to her left hip. Because of the general weightiness of her armour and weapon, she is not exceptionally fast but if she’s ever in the case where her life is in risk, she can escape quite quickly. Although she is naturally quite pretty, she doesn’t care much about her appearance and is generally a tomboy at heart.
Personality: Shy but trying to radiate braveness, she never turns down a fight and as such she is known by the other soldiers in Zade as one of the best. Inside, however, she thinks of herself as a coward and knows she’s only human.
Bio: Most of it will be in the story topic, but to make a long story short she is the daughter of a duke, who left to join the Zade army after her parents died and her city was taken over by her uncle. She set herself out to slay the dragons that constantly raided the cities of Creon as some sort of revenge for her mother’s death and returned one evening to find her home in chaos. So she fled.
Weapon: Broadsword
Weapon Enchantment: The weaker she becomes, the stronger her weapon is. In last ounces of energy she can manage to take down even the strongest of enemies because of this.
Element: Krystal
Orb: White Orb
Orb Element: Krystal
Orb Spells:
Keal: A basic curative spell, that cures status problems as well.
*Hover: Enchants herself or anyone else with a spell that makes them float, or fly.
*Light Flare: Heavy damage that works especially well on spirit/darkness/soul/mind enemies.
*Enchant: Sets up all sorts of barriers and regenerating statuses on targets.
*Crusade Flare: Ultimate damage that works brilliantly on all enemies.

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 7:14 pm
by Prince Toad
^Are... is that... Lupus? ...

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:39 pm
by Wahsapa
I want to join. My character may be considered "all powerful", dumb, or maybe even both. I just want to be some kind of floating spirit thing and post cool posts. If it's not alright, I'll remake my character into something more normal.

Name: Talos, The Essence of Spirit
Sex: None
Age: Ageless
Description: It has no exact form, shape, mass, age, or any attributes like anything made of matter would. Talos is generally reffered to as a female (as it can be usually seen in the form of a beautiful, young looking, crimson haired female) however it has no true form and changes as it wishes.
Personality: Talos' personality is just as it's appearance, everchanging and non-constant. It's spirit does as it pleases, but rarely interferes with others. If Talos ever does help somebody it think's it should, it won't generally show itself, but instead make that person stronger or an enemy weaker. Talos is mute, so it expresses itself through non-direct actions.
Bio: Born from the teardrop of pure blood which brought the very universe into exsistence, Talos is essentially the spirit of the world. Talos wanders through time, space, and through the souls of others, observing.
Weapon: Mind/Spirit (It will "think" of what it wants to do, and it happens.)
Weapon Enchantment: None
Element: Spirit
Orb: Spectral Orb (Spirit)
- Phase Shift: Talos moves in sync with time, nature, and the spirit of the world. Talos can't be seen (unless it wants to), heard (unless it wants to), felt (unless it wants to), detected (unless it wants to), or effected by anything, however Talos can't do anything itself. (It likes to do this a lot)
- Spectral Wound: Without ever actually touching or hurting something, Talos can make something feel the sadness that it feels and make it go crazy, or make it feel the happiness and make it feel rejuvinated and strengthened.
- Warp: Travels to any location in an instant. Can summon other things to other places as well.
- Birth: Brings life to something that has never lived, or something that is dead. Talos rarely uses this ability.

[ June 08, 2004, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Yasa, Fist of Krosa ]

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:47 pm
by Vinny
Name: Reeve Kyers
Age: Unsure; estimate of 23.
Description: Reeve's hair is an aqua-hued turquoise green, and it's spiked DBZ-style. He has mismatched eyes, one brown and one blue. The strange thing about the blue eye is that, instead of being a pupil as such, in his eye there seems to be a tiny but violent cascade of water. He has a visible scar on the left side of his face that encircles his blue eye and then goes down from the corner of his eye down to the bottom of his neck. He wears a dark blue cloak that envelops a black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. His shoes are plain black. He's tall and muscular. Not exactly a beast, but you'd know not to mess with him if you passed him in the street.
Personality: Reeve isn't very outgoing, although he's not exactly a recluse. He can be egotistical as well as disrespectful of others, particulary if he's just met them, but may show more compassion when he gets close to those around him. An excellent swordsman, at times he can be too confident of his abilities, which may lead to trouble. He would never admit to needing help unless in a life or death situation. His motto is "I'll handle it." He's very witty, and a bit of a "one-liner wonder" (but not to the point of being corny). Reeve can also be mysterious at times, and his motives for joining the Revolution are unknown, as he generally works of his own accord and doesn't care much for the safety of others. Reeve is very clear-thinking and keeps his cool, and even his humor, even when death is looking him in the eye. He never seems to be plagued by any inner emotional turmoil.
Bio: Reeve does not remember much about his life. He can remember as far as when he was 17 years or so. Through training Reeve managed to excell in swordsmanship and has since then worked for his own needs, sometimes taking mercenary jobs, his latest being 3 years ago, the well-publicized killing of the Prince of Zade, whose killer was never found.
Weapon: A broadsword with magical rings that cause added damage attached to it. Here:
Weapon Enchantment: The rings on the sword are released, still attached to the sword through very tough metallic strings, and then they go on to attach themselves to the enemy, a sort of forced piercing that gives Reeve the power to control the enemy as if he was a fish on a rod.
Orb: Cascade Orb (water)

- Water Jet: A powerful jet of water gushes out from Reeve's hands. Not the greatest magical attack, but can knock pursuing enemies back if in need of escaping.
* - Drown Them Out: Can materialize a limited but quite large amount of water out of nowhere, capable of making a large stream. Useful for blocking escape routes from pursuing enemies, also useful for flooding an enemy village for allied advantage.
* - Healing Rivulet: I don't think this needs much description.
* - Water Control: Can control all nearby sources of water and use them for his own purposes.
* - H2O Creation, Destruction, Posession: Can control water, create it, and vaporize it in infinite quantities, from anywhere. This includes from within the enemy's body.

Quote of the week:
"I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out." - Rodney Dangerfield.
Image of the week:
Pointless fact of the week:
The word “trivia” comes from the Latin "tri-" + "via", which means three streets. This is because in ancient times, at an intersection of three streets in Rome, they would have a type of kiosk where ancillary information was listed. You might be interested in it, you might not, so they were bits of “trivia."

[ July 01, 2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Just across from Wayne's Junk Store ]

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:58 am
by Galen
*Name: Raphael Asthayanax
Sex: Male
Age: 132 (He was frozen in time for a hundred years, which is why he looks 32.)
Description: Long raven black hair, with a tress on his left temple clasped with leather. Gray eyes, of a slightly above average height and of average weight, a well built physique, black leather britches (pants), charred silk shirt under a black leather vest, the burnt and ripped flag of which its emblem has faded with time around his neck, a strange looking pair of shoulder pads, a shirt of chain mail under his silk shirt, a pair of brown boots. A sword of a strangely light metal with a spanish golden hand guard and strange runes on it (Mage Masher type of sword), and a shield of gold and blue designs on his back. A metal plate across his mouth and jaw, runes on his forehead and cheeks.
Personality: Silent, steadfast, looks to every option before taking action. Has a 'never give up' attitude when in the heat of battle.
Bio: Being of sound mind and body, Asthayanax was born into the familly of ancient knighthood, though his familly was disgraced by the cowardice of his grandfather. Having no more need to stay in his homeland to the far north, Asthayanax took up his grandfather's sword and shield, and made his way to a small continent, in the hopes of leaving his curse behind him.
After travelling for a few years, he met with an untimely demise at the hands of a Lich, whose name has been forgotten with age. In an attempt to prolong his suffering, the Lich froze Asthayanax at the moment he was dying, but the stop in time made his wounds heal, and kept him alive until one hundred years had passed, and all whom he knew were dead.
Weapon: Queen's Guard (Magemasher type of weapon.
Weapon Enchantment: This sword sort of 'drains' the magic from mages, wizards, and other magic-users and/or magical creatures. Has a 65% chance. The effect makes them become strangely tired, and slugish, which gives them a penalty to spellcasting.
Element: Darkness.
Orb: Fell Orb(Darkness) Level 1.
Spell 1: Dark Shot ( a blast of dark energy deals minor damage)
*Spell 2: Illusion (creates a double of yourself.)
*Spell 3: Concealement (creates a shroud of purplish mist to drive off the enemies.)
*Spell 4: Hold (holds a person in place for a
small amount of time.)
*Spell 5: Hellmouth ( makes them go insane for a little while.)

If you see any mistakes, just fix them, because though this was fun, it's irritating if things get complicated.

Ooc: Actually, some of the stuff that you posted confused me, because I saw two different orb statistics; you explained it one way, and showed an example in another way.

Ooc2: I've been playing the PS2, finally, and I've seen lots of great stuff on Soul Calibur 2. It's awesome.

[ August 03, 2004, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: Galen ]

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:19 pm
by Prince Toad
I guess that's fine, but I have a problem with something at the end. You chose Spirit as your Element. That's fine, but I'm getting the Spirit Amulet and I ain't sharing, since I had it... well, since the beginning. You can choose to change your element or just go without an Amulet.

[ July 07, 2004, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Prince Toad ]

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:12 pm
by Prince Toad
Wrong. Try again. I'll let you problem-solve.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:06 am
by Galen
Ooc: That's it, just give me a darkness orb that doesn't do anything, I'm never going to use the crappy thing anyways.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:01 am
by Prince Toad
No, no. You were close. Think carefully.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:14 pm
by Galen
*I saw that you have to put a * in front of the spells that can only be used at a high level, so I did that.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:35 pm
by Prince Toad
A little better, now look and see how your form is different than mine.