Dungeons and Dragons
- t3hDarkness
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- SephirothKirby
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- SephirothKirby
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Archive! Woo!
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Deslyon Herios-
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Strength = 15 +2
Dexterity = 11 +0
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 11 +0
Wisdom = 11 +0
Charisma = 12 +1
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 14
1) Power Attack (You can substitute accuracy for strength, just state when you want to use this when you attack)
1) Listen
2) Spot
3) Wilderness Lore
4) Intimidate
Weapon: Great Axe (1d12)
Armor: Studded Leather (+3 AC)
GP: 9
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 180 lbs.
Description- Deslyon is physically fit, able to perform and endure tasks that would otherwise be difficult for others.
Biography- Deslyon grew up from a wealthy family from his father's reputation as a well known hero. Feeling he should carry on the legacy of his father, Deslyon feels he must go out and explore the world and to help those in need not only to support his family, but to have him and his father remembered in the future generations.
Special Abilities:
Rage- Once a day, you may gain +4 STR, +4 CON, and +2 Morale, but -2 AC. You can only do this during one battle, at the end of the battle, you go back to normal.
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Level: 1
Race: Elf.
Class: Rogue.
Strength = 10 +0
Dexterity = 18 +4.
Constitution = 12 +1
Intelligence = 14 +2
Wisdom = 9 -1
Charisma = 10 +0
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 7
1) Weapon Finnese (DEX is used in attacks rather than STR)
1) Appraise
2) Listen
3) Spot
4) Bluff
5) Decipher Script
6) Disable Device
7) Disguise
8) Forgery
9) Open Lock
10) Pick Pocket
Weapon: Dagger (1d4)
Armor: Leather (+2 AC)
GP: 8
Age- 123
Gender- Male
Height- 5'4
Weight- 105 lbs.
Description- Thief has very tan skin, brown eyes, and cyan hair. He's physically fit (For an Elf) and isn't very hygenic, since he's often traveling.
Biography- Thief was brought up in royalty in Elfland. When his father fell ill, he went out to steal from "Filthy Humans," to pay millions for his father's cure. He sent his findings to the Chancellor of Elfland's Kingdom, only to find out later he was stealing the money for his own causes. The chancellor was justly killed, and Thief continued stealing, 'cause he enjoyed it.
Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack- You can surprise your opponent, which is virtually anytime your opponent would be denied his Dexterity bonus. With a sneak attack, your attack does +1d6.
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Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: Sorcerer
Strength = 10 +0
Dexterity = 16 +3
Constitution = 10 +0
Intelligence = 16 +3
Wisdom = 9 -1
Charisma = 12 +1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hit Points: 4
1) Infernal Sorcerer Heritage
1) Alchemy
2) Concentration
3) Knowledge; Arcana
4) Scry
5) Spell craft
Cantrips- [5/day]
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
First Level- [3/day]
Burning Hands
Weapon: Shortspear (1d 8)
Armor: None
GP: 3
Age- 238
Gender- Male
Height- 5'6"
Weight- 116
Description- A youthful elf with a skewed sense of justice and a constantly scheming mind. He has wild red hair and piercing green eyes. His garb is random and often changed much like his mind, but often includes a travel worn red cloak and many straps and buckles.
Biography- An elf's increased lifespan allows for more time to enjoy art, philosophy, and nature. Conversely, a few century allows for a lot of time for anger and righteous fury to boil.
In Tala's home Sevestilquet, it has been a longstanding tradition issued by their God of secrecy, Tethus, that the most successful thief become the ruling power. Over a millennia, certain families held the most wealth for generations, effectively pushing actual skilled families out of the political scheme. He has left the hidden city in order to claim a fortune and regain his family's social and political standing.
Special Abilities:
Secret- Once a day.
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Brother Khalus-
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Strength = 14 +2
Dexterity = 13 +1
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 12 +1
Wisdom = 12 +1
Charisma = 10 +0
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hit Points: 10
1) Power Attack (*You hadn't assigned one, so I just picked the generic feat I give anyone I can't think of a feat for, you may change this if you wish*)
1) Balance
2) Climb
3) Concentration
4) Escape Artist
5) Jump
6) Swim
Weapon: Bare Hands (1d6)
Armor: None
GP: 7
Age- 27
Gender- Male
Height- 6'3"
Weight- 200 lb.
Description- Khalus has a somewhat muscular figure from his rigorous physical training, and thin brown hair. He normally shaved his head while living in the monestary, but he hasn't since he left. He normally wears either his Monk's robe or his Battle Gi as appropriate.
Biography- As a newborn, Khalus was found in a basket on the steps of the Grand Temple of St. Cuthbert. The monks took in this abandoned child and raised him as one of their own, teaching him the ways of the Monk. Grandmaster Jeoff was like a father to him, and wished to some day become as powerful as he was.
One day, however, when Khalus had finished meditating on a nearby mountaintop, he returned to the monestary to find the entire place ransacked. All of his fellow monks were dead (Although the Grandmaster's body was never found), and the Gavel of Judgment, St. Cuthbert's sacred treasure, was missing. Brother Khalus believed this to be a sign from the gods, that it was his time to leave this place of seclusion and set out on a global pilgrimage. Thus, Khalus set off to find the defilers of this temple and exact revenge upon them.
Special Abilities:
Stunning Attack- Once per day per level, you may attempt stun your opponent with an attack made with your fists. A stunned opponent cannot act, and loses all Dexterity bonuses to his AC.
Evasion- If you would normally take half damage by succeeding in a Reflex saving throw, it will now do no damage to you if you succeed.
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Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Strength = 15 +2
Dexterity = 12 +1
Constitution = 13 +1
Intelligence = 10 +0
Wisdom = 8 -1
Charisma = 15 +3
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 11
1) Power Attack
2) Cleave
3) Great Cleave
1) Spot
2) Listen
3) Intimidate
Weapon: Bastard Sword (1d10)
Armor: Breast Plate (+5 AC)
GP: 6
Age- 21
Gender- Female
Height- 5'8
Weight- 135 lbs.
Description- Your basic boring ol' human fighter. Brown hair, brown eyes.
Biography- Waking in what could only be considered some sort of post-battle, she finds herself blood drenched, alone and stacked atop a pile of corpses. She does not know who any of them are, or remember who she is, why she is in this battle or where she is. In short, she quickly removes herself from the debris and heads confusedly, toward the nearest point of interest-- be it a bar, landmark, confrontation, nearby town or whatever.
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Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Strength = 13 +1
Dexterity =14 +2
Constitution = 10 +0
Intelligence = 14 +2
Wisdom = +1
Charisma = +1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hit Points: 10
1) Climb (2)
2) Concentration (2)
3) Craft (4)
4) Handle Animal (2)
5) Heal (4) [Edited because I don't allow Ride]
6) Hide (2)
7) Jump (2)
8) Knowledge; Dungeoneering (2)
9) Knowledge; Geography (4)
10) Knowledge; Nature (2)
11) Listen (4) [Edited because I don't allow Profession]
12) Move Silently (2)
13) Search (2)
14) Spot (4)
15) Survival (2)
16) Swim (2)
17) Use Rope (2)
Weapon: Longbow (1d 8)
Armor: Chain Mail (+4 DC)
GP: 5
Age: (Currently undetermined)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 lbs
Description: Dirty blonde hair, slim but sturdy looking, hazel eyes.
Biography: Nothing much is known about him. He comes from an elven city far off in the mountains. He is a great archer and swordman.
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Deslyon Herios-
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian
Strength = 15 +2
Dexterity = 11 +0
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 11 +0
Wisdom = 11 +0
Charisma = 12 +1
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 14
1) Power Attack (You can substitute accuracy for strength, just state when you want to use this when you attack)
1) Listen
2) Spot
3) Wilderness Lore
4) Intimidate
Weapon: Great Axe (1d12)
Armor: Studded Leather (+3 AC)
GP: 9
Age- 22
Gender- Male
Height- 5'10
Weight- 180 lbs.
Description- Deslyon is physically fit, able to perform and endure tasks that would otherwise be difficult for others.
Biography- Deslyon grew up from a wealthy family from his father's reputation as a well known hero. Feeling he should carry on the legacy of his father, Deslyon feels he must go out and explore the world and to help those in need not only to support his family, but to have him and his father remembered in the future generations.
Special Abilities:
Rage- Once a day, you may gain +4 STR, +4 CON, and +2 Morale, but -2 AC. You can only do this during one battle, at the end of the battle, you go back to normal.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Level: 1
Race: Elf.
Class: Rogue.
Strength = 10 +0
Dexterity = 18 +4.
Constitution = 12 +1
Intelligence = 14 +2
Wisdom = 9 -1
Charisma = 10 +0
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 7
1) Weapon Finnese (DEX is used in attacks rather than STR)
1) Appraise
2) Listen
3) Spot
4) Bluff
5) Decipher Script
6) Disable Device
7) Disguise
8) Forgery
9) Open Lock
10) Pick Pocket
Weapon: Dagger (1d4)
Armor: Leather (+2 AC)
GP: 8
Age- 123
Gender- Male
Height- 5'4
Weight- 105 lbs.
Description- Thief has very tan skin, brown eyes, and cyan hair. He's physically fit (For an Elf) and isn't very hygenic, since he's often traveling.
Biography- Thief was brought up in royalty in Elfland. When his father fell ill, he went out to steal from "Filthy Humans," to pay millions for his father's cure. He sent his findings to the Chancellor of Elfland's Kingdom, only to find out later he was stealing the money for his own causes. The chancellor was justly killed, and Thief continued stealing, 'cause he enjoyed it.
Special Abilities:
Sneak Attack- You can surprise your opponent, which is virtually anytime your opponent would be denied his Dexterity bonus. With a sneak attack, your attack does +1d6.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: Sorcerer
Strength = 10 +0
Dexterity = 16 +3
Constitution = 10 +0
Intelligence = 16 +3
Wisdom = 9 -1
Charisma = 12 +1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hit Points: 4
1) Infernal Sorcerer Heritage
1) Alchemy
2) Concentration
3) Knowledge; Arcana
4) Scry
5) Spell craft
Cantrips- [5/day]
Arcane Mark
Detect Magic
Ray of Frost
First Level- [3/day]
Burning Hands
Weapon: Shortspear (1d 8)
Armor: None
GP: 3
Age- 238
Gender- Male
Height- 5'6"
Weight- 116
Description- A youthful elf with a skewed sense of justice and a constantly scheming mind. He has wild red hair and piercing green eyes. His garb is random and often changed much like his mind, but often includes a travel worn red cloak and many straps and buckles.
Biography- An elf's increased lifespan allows for more time to enjoy art, philosophy, and nature. Conversely, a few century allows for a lot of time for anger and righteous fury to boil.
In Tala's home Sevestilquet, it has been a longstanding tradition issued by their God of secrecy, Tethus, that the most successful thief become the ruling power. Over a millennia, certain families held the most wealth for generations, effectively pushing actual skilled families out of the political scheme. He has left the hidden city in order to claim a fortune and regain his family's social and political standing.
Special Abilities:
Secret- Once a day.
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Brother Khalus-
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Monk
Strength = 14 +2
Dexterity = 13 +1
Constitution = 14 +2
Intelligence = 12 +1
Wisdom = 12 +1
Charisma = 10 +0
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hit Points: 10
1) Power Attack (*You hadn't assigned one, so I just picked the generic feat I give anyone I can't think of a feat for, you may change this if you wish*)
1) Balance
2) Climb
3) Concentration
4) Escape Artist
5) Jump
6) Swim
Weapon: Bare Hands (1d6)
Armor: None
GP: 7
Age- 27
Gender- Male
Height- 6'3"
Weight- 200 lb.
Description- Khalus has a somewhat muscular figure from his rigorous physical training, and thin brown hair. He normally shaved his head while living in the monestary, but he hasn't since he left. He normally wears either his Monk's robe or his Battle Gi as appropriate.
Biography- As a newborn, Khalus was found in a basket on the steps of the Grand Temple of St. Cuthbert. The monks took in this abandoned child and raised him as one of their own, teaching him the ways of the Monk. Grandmaster Jeoff was like a father to him, and wished to some day become as powerful as he was.
One day, however, when Khalus had finished meditating on a nearby mountaintop, he returned to the monestary to find the entire place ransacked. All of his fellow monks were dead (Although the Grandmaster's body was never found), and the Gavel of Judgment, St. Cuthbert's sacred treasure, was missing. Brother Khalus believed this to be a sign from the gods, that it was his time to leave this place of seclusion and set out on a global pilgrimage. Thus, Khalus set off to find the defilers of this temple and exact revenge upon them.
Special Abilities:
Stunning Attack- Once per day per level, you may attempt stun your opponent with an attack made with your fists. A stunned opponent cannot act, and loses all Dexterity bonuses to his AC.
Evasion- If you would normally take half damage by succeeding in a Reflex saving throw, it will now do no damage to you if you succeed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Level: 1
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Strength = 15 +2
Dexterity = 12 +1
Constitution = 13 +1
Intelligence = 10 +0
Wisdom = 8 -1
Charisma = 15 +3
Alignment: Good
Hit Points: 11
1) Power Attack
2) Cleave
3) Great Cleave
1) Spot
2) Listen
3) Intimidate
Weapon: Bastard Sword (1d10)
Armor: Breast Plate (+5 AC)
GP: 6
Age- 21
Gender- Female
Height- 5'8
Weight- 135 lbs.
Description- Your basic boring ol' human fighter. Brown hair, brown eyes.
Biography- Waking in what could only be considered some sort of post-battle, she finds herself blood drenched, alone and stacked atop a pile of corpses. She does not know who any of them are, or remember who she is, why she is in this battle or where she is. In short, she quickly removes herself from the debris and heads confusedly, toward the nearest point of interest-- be it a bar, landmark, confrontation, nearby town or whatever.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Level: 1
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger
Strength = 13 +1
Dexterity =14 +2
Constitution = 10 +0
Intelligence = 14 +2
Wisdom = +1
Charisma = +1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hit Points: 10
1) Climb (2)
2) Concentration (2)
3) Craft (4)
4) Handle Animal (2)
5) Heal (4) [Edited because I don't allow Ride]
6) Hide (2)
7) Jump (2)
8) Knowledge; Dungeoneering (2)
9) Knowledge; Geography (4)
10) Knowledge; Nature (2)
11) Listen (4) [Edited because I don't allow Profession]
12) Move Silently (2)
13) Search (2)
14) Spot (4)
15) Survival (2)
16) Swim (2)
17) Use Rope (2)
Weapon: Longbow (1d 8)
Armor: Chain Mail (+4 DC)
GP: 5
Age: (Currently undetermined)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6
Weight: 140 lbs
Description: Dirty blonde hair, slim but sturdy looking, hazel eyes.
Biography: Nothing much is known about him. He comes from an elven city far off in the mountains. He is a great archer and swordman.
- SephirothKirby
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No, we aren't full. I'd be glad if you could play.Want another player, or are you full up?
I'd say 6-8 is the maximum, otherwise I'd be overwhelmed.
RE-EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, more than 5 could get out of hand. This is my first time DMing, afterall. I'm not sure if Blake's still interested, let me ask him. Otherwise, you can be a stand in when someone quits. Sorry. I also think my friend Dylan's interblag is going to be down for a while, so I'd go ahead and make that player sheet, TheEvilDM.
RE-RE-EDIT: Blake's still interesting. I doubt Dylan will have his interblag up within the week. So welcome, TheEvilDM, what class will you be?
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(I have tried to build a first time DM friendly character that can be pretty much pushed around and isn't very elaborate.
Name- Unknown, but goes by the nickname of Zerra.
Age- 20-ish
Gender- female
Height- 5'8
Description- Your basic boring ol' human fighter. Brown hair, brown eyes.
Biography- Waking in what could only be considered some sort of post-battle, she finds herself blood drenched, alone and stacked atop a pile of corpses. She does not know who any of them are, or remember who she is, why she is in this battle or where she is. In short, she quickly removes herself from the debris and heads confusedly, toward the nearest point of interest-- be it a bar, landmark, confrontation, nearby town or whatever.
Class- Fighter (bastard sword) *Or at least thinks she's a fighter because of her waking surroundings.*
Race- Human
Ability Scores-
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Alignment- Good (at least she thinks she is?)
Name- Unknown, but goes by the nickname of Zerra.
Age- 20-ish
Gender- female
Height- 5'8
Description- Your basic boring ol' human fighter. Brown hair, brown eyes.
Biography- Waking in what could only be considered some sort of post-battle, she finds herself blood drenched, alone and stacked atop a pile of corpses. She does not know who any of them are, or remember who she is, why she is in this battle or where she is. In short, she quickly removes herself from the debris and heads confusedly, toward the nearest point of interest-- be it a bar, landmark, confrontation, nearby town or whatever.
Class- Fighter (bastard sword) *Or at least thinks she's a fighter because of her waking surroundings.*
Race- Human
Ability Scores-
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 8
Alignment- Good (at least she thinks she is?)
- SephirothKirby
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Well, even if I'm DMing for the first time, I'm not so certain I need a character that's drunk, tired, and on drugs.
It's not really enjoyable to you, if you have a character that can't end a sentence without, "I think..."
I will use that one if you really want to, but don't use that for me. I'm sure I can handle an actual character.
It's not really enjoyable to you, if you have a character that can't end a sentence without, "I think..."
I will use that one if you really want to, but don't use that for me. I'm sure I can handle an actual character.
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- Location: the seventh layer of hell. Wisconsin
Maybe I should have been a bit more elaborate.
The idea was, the amnesiac character would appear at designated story-starting location, and decide to join up with the party. I was trying to give you freedom as DM to basicly make up any story you wanted - having a very ambiguously linked PC.
I wasn't planning on drunk/tired/drugged up RP style. The inn was just a suggested story start point-- everyones D&D games start in an inn lol.
Ultimately, its your call as the DM, and I am willing to rebuild. Just thought I would share my thought process with you first though. Let me know your decision
The idea was, the amnesiac character would appear at designated story-starting location, and decide to join up with the party. I was trying to give you freedom as DM to basicly make up any story you wanted - having a very ambiguously linked PC.
I wasn't planning on drunk/tired/drugged up RP style. The inn was just a suggested story start point-- everyones D&D games start in an inn lol.
Ultimately, its your call as the DM, and I am willing to rebuild. Just thought I would share my thought process with you first though. Let me know your decision

- SephirothKirby
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Ah, I see what you meant.
Like I said, I don't want you to rebuild if you don't want to, but my game doesn't start in an inn.
It's in a tavern.
But that's fine if you want to use her. Maybe she could regain her memory later to build a backstory, or piece by piece, or not at all. In any case, she has incentive to go on this mission, she just doesn't know what her incentive is.
Like I said, I don't want you to rebuild if you don't want to, but my game doesn't start in an inn.
It's in a tavern.
But that's fine if you want to use her. Maybe she could regain her memory later to build a backstory, or piece by piece, or not at all. In any case, she has incentive to go on this mission, she just doesn't know what her incentive is.
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- Location: the seventh layer of hell. Wisconsin
Ah, I see what you meant.
Like I said, I don't want you to rebuild if you don't want to, but my game doesn't start in an inn.
It's in a tavern.
But that's fine if you want to use her. Maybe she could regain her memory later to build a backstory, or piece by piece, or not at all. In any case, she has incentive to go on this mission, she just doesn't know what her incentive is.
Yeah, that was kinda my idea
Like I said, I don't want you to rebuild if you don't want to, but my game doesn't start in an inn.
It's in a tavern.
But that's fine if you want to use her. Maybe she could regain her memory later to build a backstory, or piece by piece, or not at all. In any case, she has incentive to go on this mission, she just doesn't know what her incentive is.
Yeah, that was kinda my idea

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- Location: In the walls.
- SephirothKirby
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- SephirothKirby
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It's time fo' Cookin Momma-Er...D&D...
Sorry for the Double Post, but I want this to look nice and pretty. After much thought, I have decided the story, and the adventure shall start now.
I am not the best at story telling. It's not the imagination I lack, it's the description. I shall try my best, but please do not get mad at me.
This is also the first time I've DMed, so I hope all goes well.
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Six brave warriors are to set out on a quest of great challenge.
The rage of a Barbarian.
The strength of a Fighter
The skills of a Ranger.
The cunning of a Rogue.
The determination of a Monk.
The knowledge of a Sorcerer.
All will be put to the test...
Deslyon ventured place to place, in and out of minor dungeons for treasure to support his family, and fame to make his father proud. One day, he discovered a small town by the name of Veldime, on the outskirts of a much larger castle. He had been adventuring quite a bit, so he decided to take a rest in that town, possibly visit the tavern. Upon going there, he saw a peculiar poster on a board.
Thief had many fortunes stored away in the kingdom of Elfland. He couldn't carry them himself, anyway. He was looking for another town to ruthlessly loot, when he saw the small town of Veldime. Even if it didn't have much, it still had something, right? Besides, with a kingdom near, he could always find rumors of ways to sneak into it. As he walked by the tavern, something caught his eye. Posted on a board, was the same ad Deslyon saw. His eyes gleamed as he read it. "Gold, Fame, Glory, Women..." he could hardly contain himself with the offer of gold from the kingdom, which was much easier than stealing it, as Thief can't take many hits from guards without going out. He went into the tavern to spend a few coins on ale as he waited...
Tala angrily pushed forth through the heat, to find himself in front of the town of Veldime. It was a small town, so he could probably amuse the townsfolk for a few golds worth. Over the decades, Tala had learned patience. He did not mind only earning a small amount of gold, he knew it built up. But he got much more than what he expected. He noticed a poster for mercenaries for hire. He knew he could get fame through these means, as stated in the ad. He went in the tavern, and took his seat. He calmly waited to see what kind of employer he had.
Khalus slowly approached the town of Veldime, after adventuring much that day. He was on a seemingly never ending adventure, having many troubles finding the culprits who murdered his Grandmaster. He, too, saw the poster for mercenaries. He was not at all a greedy person, but he knew he could not avenge his master with his skills alone. He needed more time to hone them, as well as gold. And how could he leave those poor children die? In his heart he knew what to do. He slipped into a chair, and awaited his chance to be hired.
The warriors did the same thing. Sat, waiting. There was hardly anyone else in the tavern, but one particularly strange person was a blood coated female. She seemed shy, and almost baffled. She stood in the corner, waiting, with a look of doubt on her face. With a handful of people in the tavern, what else were they to do but chat? As if playing a game with themselves, they awaited who would make the first move...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A question to answer ahead of time-
"What are the chances that us six would meet like this?"
Well, it actually could happen, it's not so surprising as if you knew each other previously, or something. You're just the first six that sign up.
And if you continue to press the matter, I will simply retort with "Well, I don't see you busting your ass to plot weave."
Anyone else who wants to play can tell me, and you can play whenever someone else quits. You'll be the reserve, and I can fit you into the story.
Sorry for the Double Post, but I want this to look nice and pretty. After much thought, I have decided the story, and the adventure shall start now.
I am not the best at story telling. It's not the imagination I lack, it's the description. I shall try my best, but please do not get mad at me.
This is also the first time I've DMed, so I hope all goes well.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Six brave warriors are to set out on a quest of great challenge.
The rage of a Barbarian.
The strength of a Fighter
The skills of a Ranger.
The cunning of a Rogue.
The determination of a Monk.
The knowledge of a Sorcerer.
All will be put to the test...
Deslyon ventured place to place, in and out of minor dungeons for treasure to support his family, and fame to make his father proud. One day, he discovered a small town by the name of Veldime, on the outskirts of a much larger castle. He had been adventuring quite a bit, so he decided to take a rest in that town, possibly visit the tavern. Upon going there, he saw a peculiar poster on a board.
"Warriors, I beckon you. You may be wondering who this letter is from, but I'm afraid I just can't tell you that yet. I would like to hire you as "Mercenaries" if you'd like to call it that. The local children have gone missing, just as a group of goblins have made their home in a cave. We're certain the children are in there. None of the townsfolk are strong enough to go in there and fight the goblin horde, but perhaps they're lives would be saved if you could help. Do you think you have what it takes? It matters not what you want. Gold, Fame, Glory, Women, it can all be yours, the kingdom will give it to you. I beg of your help, for the children's sake. I'm in the town of Veldime. You may meet your employer in the tavern, right at sunset."
This was exactly what Deslyon was looking for. The glory to make his father proud of him, to know that crowds are cheering him on! He went into the tavern, and patiently awaited his employer. It couldn't be long...~
Thief had many fortunes stored away in the kingdom of Elfland. He couldn't carry them himself, anyway. He was looking for another town to ruthlessly loot, when he saw the small town of Veldime. Even if it didn't have much, it still had something, right? Besides, with a kingdom near, he could always find rumors of ways to sneak into it. As he walked by the tavern, something caught his eye. Posted on a board, was the same ad Deslyon saw. His eyes gleamed as he read it. "Gold, Fame, Glory, Women..." he could hardly contain himself with the offer of gold from the kingdom, which was much easier than stealing it, as Thief can't take many hits from guards without going out. He went into the tavern to spend a few coins on ale as he waited...
Tala angrily pushed forth through the heat, to find himself in front of the town of Veldime. It was a small town, so he could probably amuse the townsfolk for a few golds worth. Over the decades, Tala had learned patience. He did not mind only earning a small amount of gold, he knew it built up. But he got much more than what he expected. He noticed a poster for mercenaries for hire. He knew he could get fame through these means, as stated in the ad. He went in the tavern, and took his seat. He calmly waited to see what kind of employer he had.
Khalus slowly approached the town of Veldime, after adventuring much that day. He was on a seemingly never ending adventure, having many troubles finding the culprits who murdered his Grandmaster. He, too, saw the poster for mercenaries. He was not at all a greedy person, but he knew he could not avenge his master with his skills alone. He needed more time to hone them, as well as gold. And how could he leave those poor children die? In his heart he knew what to do. He slipped into a chair, and awaited his chance to be hired.
The warriors did the same thing. Sat, waiting. There was hardly anyone else in the tavern, but one particularly strange person was a blood coated female. She seemed shy, and almost baffled. She stood in the corner, waiting, with a look of doubt on her face. With a handful of people in the tavern, what else were they to do but chat? As if playing a game with themselves, they awaited who would make the first move...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A question to answer ahead of time-
"What are the chances that us six would meet like this?"
Well, it actually could happen, it's not so surprising as if you knew each other previously, or something. You're just the first six that sign up.
And if you continue to press the matter, I will simply retort with "Well, I don't see you busting your ass to plot weave."
Anyone else who wants to play can tell me, and you can play whenever someone else quits. You'll be the reserve, and I can fit you into the story.
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- Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:22 pm
- Location: the seventh layer of hell. Wisconsin
[QUOTE=SephirothKirby]>.> Why not? What about Perverted DMs? Would that be okay...? 'Cause, y'know...[/QUOTE]
It's a well known fact that ALL Dm's are giant pervs. Otherwise all those super tall pointy wizard towers and dark dangerous caverns that players spend exploring would be completely Freudian and ridiculous
It's a well known fact that ALL Dm's are giant pervs. Otherwise all those super tall pointy wizard towers and dark dangerous caverns that players spend exploring would be completely Freudian and ridiculous

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- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:21 pm
- Location: In the walls.
Let's ge ready to Role Play! (Gigity)
Well, if this ain't but anything of a fine course. I mean, it's quite sad we have to wait for our heading. Aye, does anybody else feel the stench of pure filth, or is it just one of you newbies? Honestly, I'm going to put up my stance right here and now. This ain't no budy-budy adventure sparkle-sparkle crap, got it? I didn't come into this for any relationships, alright?
Any questions? Well, that's just too bad, 'cause I ain't got time for questions.
...even though there seems to be nothing else to do...er...right at the moment...uh...ya roaches. Hmmph. (Shifts beer, softly, left and right)
Well, if this ain't but anything of a fine course. I mean, it's quite sad we have to wait for our heading. Aye, does anybody else feel the stench of pure filth, or is it just one of you newbies? Honestly, I'm going to put up my stance right here and now. This ain't no budy-budy adventure sparkle-sparkle crap, got it? I didn't come into this for any relationships, alright?
Any questions? Well, that's just too bad, 'cause I ain't got time for questions.
...even though there seems to be nothing else to do...er...right at the moment...uh...ya roaches. Hmmph. (Shifts beer, softly, left and right)
- t3hDarkness
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- Location: When I die, I die in Steam!
"As a generosity to a fellow elf, I will ignore your previous comment. If we are to work together as a mercenary company, I suggest you hold you tongue."
*Cast Prestidigitation, creates a crystalline rose*
"I should hope we can get along famously, if not."
*Crushes the flower into dust*
"Now if we have that sorted out, allow me to introduce myself, I am Tala. You could say I am a performer of the magic arts."
*Cast Prestidigitation, creates a crystalline rose*
"I should hope we can get along famously, if not."
*Crushes the flower into dust*
"Now if we have that sorted out, allow me to introduce myself, I am Tala. You could say I am a performer of the magic arts."
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- Posts: 1439
- Joined: Mon Jul 31, 2000 1:00 am
Khalus looked around at the diverse cast of adventurers he was sitting by. It was interesting how all of them wound up here. "Surely," He said out loud, though not loud enough to draw attention to him across the tavern, but rather limiting his audience to those at the table with him. "We may be here for different reasons, different motives, but I do not think that our meeting here is only coincidence." He sounded as though he were talking to himself more than he was to his potential travelling companions. "I feel as though our assembly had been arranged by the gods for reasons known only to them." He took another glance at the others, checking to see how they react to his monologue. "I may be wrong about this, but if I am, I am not afraid to admit it. But in any case, I feel that I can trust all of you for the time being."
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- Posts: 1836
- Joined: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:21 pm
- Location: In the walls.
Ye gods? Partners? Well, I should have expected this but...I don't see me working with the likes of you slobs. So, perhaps we should discus our slices of the 'pie'. Heh, if we're in this together I should expect some cooperation in departments of money and warez. *Ahem* now, I plan to revolve around an act of myself, gaining 50%. Oh, but don't be so muddled at this, for most of time when we pool our treasures, I will have cloected most of shares.(Heh. mostly from pickpocketing these guys) But, if not, then the contract will still stay in place.