Rift's Exile

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Rift's Exile


Post by [sage] » Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:44 pm

Name: Rift
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Lvl: 1
XP: 0

Bio (REQUIRED) Bio:Rift had always been the kid who never said a word to anyone, keeping to himself unless spoken to. However, one night he awoke to find several men in his house, all strangers, and all very much armed. All the silent anger he had compiled over the years suddenly erupted, and he grabbed his weapon and pierced the gut of the nearest thief, continuing the slaughter until all were dead at his feet. A mob of government officials found the bodies with Rift barely injured, jumped to a conclusion, and banished the boy from the town. He is now almost devoid of compassion, and slightly psychotic, a crazy light ever present in his gray eyes.

Stats Split 70 between hp/mp and 50 between the rest.
HP: 40 (50/50)
MP: 30
Att: 10 (1 8)
Def: 10 (17)
Int: 5
Wis: 10
Spd: 15


Tempest Spear- Deals (Int + 20) - Wis, electrical damage. 5mp

Rift- Allows Rift to teleport short distances, in combat it teleports him above the enemy to strike down from above. 5mp.

Cloud- if used in combat, blinds one foe, if outside, emits a thick fog of pitch black darkness, perfect for escapes (or just to create general chaos) 5mp.


Short Spear (Dmg: 8, Acc: 65%, Evd: 4%, long reach)
Leather Armor: (+10hp, +7df)
Bronze Regen Pendant (Heals 5 hp/rd)

You have just been brought before a council of judges, to be judged for your cime. Armed guards everywhere, you're bound and tied up.

"Rift, you have been found guilty of the crime of murder, several men have been found, slain. For this crime, you are to be exiled, and may not return to this city, until you complete a task for us. Long ago, a rich merchant from this town uncovered scrolls of a dark nature. How to bring back a dark demon lord. If you can find this man, and kill him, and bring back proof, you may return. Now, you are to be banished."

One of the judges steps forward. He places his hands in front of you. They begin to glow, and a small brand with the letters Ex, in a circle appear on your chest.

"That is the symbol of the exile. Anyone who sees this is shall know you are an exile. Exiles have no rights, so you may want to try and complete this quest and gain back your freedom.

After that, the guards kick you out of the town.

The town you're in is in the middle of grasslands. There are paths running east, south and west to other cities, there's a forest to the north, so you can pick a direction


Basically you have to figure out how to get knowledge of this you're own way. Cities are a good way to get information. Most people treat exiles like dirt, since thats what they're considered by defying the law. There are cities that are havens, even to exiles. But if you're not well known, you can keep you're self hidden pretty well.

So.. pick a direction.
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:11 pm

West sounds good

Still don\'t care.

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Post by [sage] » Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:45 pm

You head west. There's a city not too far from the one you came from, only about four hours walk or so. You travel the distance without encounter.

The city you travel to is called Carlay, a small trade city. No walls. Weapons are allowed, but you will be kicked out for pretty much any incident. There's a fair sized guard, despite being primarily trade.

The town has an Inn/Tavern, a weapon shop, armor shop, general shop, Enchanters, Spellmaster, barracks, Adventurers Guild.

Inn/Tavern: A place to relax and buy drinks or spend the night. Also a great place to pick up rumors.
Weapon Shop: Buy weapons.
Armor Shop: Buy Armor
General shop: Buy items and accessories.
Enchanters: Enchant your equipment for money.
Spellmaster: Teaches you new spells and abilities for money.
Adventurers Guild: Has various tasks to be completed for money, you can hire mercenaries here, or you can stay here for free if you belong.
Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won\'t leave a single man alive. La de da de die, genocide. La de da de dud, an ocean of blood. Let\'s begin the killing time.

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Post by ZIPPYDIPPY19 » Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:38 pm

Tavern, I'll see if I can pick up any rumors on a shady merchant that might've passed through.

Still don\'t care.
