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I'm back again.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:07 am
by Red mage
Phew, chemotherapy takes alot out of you in the daytime doesn't it? I had to miss school again today, mainly because Chemo made me really sick, though it's probably the loss of Steven. Or the verbal abuse i've been getting at school, 2 of the popular girls snatched my hat off in the halls and said "Hey looook! Katie shaved her head!!", and then I said "It's a side effect of Chemo! And gimme that hat! It cost a week's allowance!" And then one of them said "No no no, it's okay for some people to be bald...LIKE MY DAD!!!" Then the whole school started laughing at me. Next thing I knew, I was in the Health Tech's office faking a stomach ache to get away from the school. I'm used to being teased by those two, but this time, they're making fun of my head because I'm bald now which means I'm a "Freak" now. Despite all of the mean stuff those two are doing, I can forgive them. The good part is that I get out of Gym class, and I only got 2 homework assignments this week, both from my evil English teacher. At least some people respect me, the teachers do, my friends do, and even my sister to a certian aspect. Cancer certainly does change lives, like the doctor told me.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:13 am
by Dark Chaos...again.
When teasing comes from bad to worse, you have one leeway in the whole thing: sole use of the middle finger. At any rate, welcome back!

[ March 29, 2003, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Crazy Redd ]

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 5:15 am
by Me is cool
Originally posted by A18, still in chemo:
Despite all of the mean stuff those two are doing, I can forgive them.
Is this why no one heartlessley makes fun of A18? Because she just forgives them for chasing her out of VGF just like those two heartless *****es?
Originally posted by A18, still in chemo:
The good part is that I get out of Gym class.
You get out of Studies of state sponsored terrosism? Lucky you, I hate 5 mile runs in 5 degree kelvin weather.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:14 am
by A Genius
Wow, that sucks in whole new levels of suckiness. I'm lucky I go to an arts school, where half the school is bald or has somme other freakish hairstyle.

-A Genius (And yes, half the school includes girls too.)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 11:40 am
by ShadowWarriorLuke
Bully: Noun: The lowest life form in the universe. Deserves to be trapped in a room with no doors or windows and then to die on a rusty metal spike alone and miserable. :mad:

I have had experience of bullying myself cuz I'm quiet and "different from the norm." I cannot forgive any bully EVER! And to be honest, you shouldn't. Oh, well, your decision to forgive them. Hope you get well.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 12:16 pm
by Who the hell has my name

Um, welcome back

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 2:28 pm
by Gumchum
Originally posted by Repeat:
Viva les punks!
Visit Dil's Mario Page! And while you're at it, visit The Official Website of the Action Force 5!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 2:28 pm
by LemonyDudeGuy912328
WB, A18.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 6:29 pm
by Introbulus

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:55 pm
by PenguinMan
On a side note, it's not degrees Kelvin. It's just Kelvins.

And I can't believe there are people heartless enough to tease someone with a serious disease... That's just wrong. WB, A18!

Image - Penguin Man says, "White people need arrows to dance."

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 12:06 am
by imported_Jonathan Resop
Wow, sorry to hear that. Kids can be cruel. Most arn't mature enough to know what really goes on in life. Anyway, all I can say is,



Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 12:35 am
by k077
Man, they are stupid (trying... to.. hold.... back... swearing.....)

not really, I'm a pastors boy...

Man, but what's their problem?
Good luck

You truly have no clue who I am, do you? Yah well I'm a n00b.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 1:31 am
by Introbulus
Originally posted by ShadowWarriorLuke:
Bully: Noun: The lowest life form in the universe. Deserves to be trapped in a room with no doors or windows and then to die on a rusty metal spike alone and miserable. :mad:
Jim: No no, that torture is for clown. Bullies get their "special" organs burnt, their Spinal Chord stabbed through a sharp, splinter-filled wooden stake, slowly but painfully, without killing them. THEN, roaches are sent into their hearts to devour whatever is there, although the roaches couldn't possibly survive for very long on that kind of heart, and would more than likely move on to other vital organs. After that, you should figure out a way to kill them before they get a chance to pray for forgiveness of their souls...

Introbulus: Gee, Jim! You seem so lighthearted today! You didn't even include...

Jim: ...But before that, be sure to pour lead poisoning down their throat.

Introbulus: ...Nevermind.

Dang! That sounds (for lack of a better word) quite crappy, A18! I have no idea how anyone would consider people like that "popular" just because the majority of the jerks at your school happen to take humor in the misery of others that don't follow the same "trends" that the "popular" kids follow.

Idea for next time: Spray the outside of your hat with poison ivy oil. Anyone foolish enough to remove such a hat will suffer the powers of your +10/+10 hat of itchiness!

If that doesn't work, spray Febreeze in their eyes! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 2:17 am
by gamechamp3000
:mad: :mad: :mad:

I hate bullys!I'm always being bullied every day,and it doesn't even seem like it at times.Those times are when I'm playing Wall-Ball or Four-Square,It's nearly impossible for me to survive more than 2 games,I always get out,even when it's clear that it was the other person that got out!Always like this:They aren't out,you did a baby the turn before!You hit the ball on the line the turn before!And,worst of all:we don't care just you're just a stupid idiot,so you should get out!

I just hate that,and I'm one of the smartest people in my school!I got a scholorship just recently,and when I saw one of the bullies report cards once on the bus...

Writing :D
Everything else :D or lower

I just wish all the bullies in the world would just somehow dissappear and reappear on the same planet,where all of them would finnaly know what it's like to be bullied,because all they really know to do is bully others,and bullies are the only ones there!Ofcourse,if that happened,then my school would have only about 50 of the 800 students in it,and I'd be an only child(my brother doesn't neccesarily pick on me,only when he gets mad and wants to let his anger out on something,prefferably a living being.But I've heard him talking to friends somethimes of how he got some good money off of some kid one day)WB,A18.

P.S.They dont call me gamechamp for nothing!

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 2:39 am
by Daos
Bullies are just people with a lower IQ than you. Glad to see you again.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 3:51 pm
by Introbulus
No, Bullies are people who refuse to accept the fact that outside of their own little world, other people have feelings too.

The low I.Q. is just a side-effect. :D

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 5:35 pm
by Sim Kid
Hard to tell who's worse, The goth bullies really scare you and threaten to put psycosomatic curses on you, or a treasured object, don't listen to them, they're the only life forms in school lower than geeks. Preppie bullies always search for your weak spot, use it against you, and write bad things about you on Bathroom walls, Jock bullies flatten you into oblivion, Geeks usually find some way to outsmart you, but most of them are the victims, so the way to deal with those girls is to install an Anti-Bully machine in your school, or go in the halls after class starts, it is the only way I can avoid being called a "***" in the halls by them stupid preppies.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 7:16 pm
by Fredfan
Just make up some bad rumor about them and watch their popularity go down.

Long Live Fred the Spanyard

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 8:21 pm
by Sim Kid
Write stuff like "Call these girls, they listen to Neil Diamond" on alot of Bathroom walls in permanent ink. That'll teach them.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2003 10:00 pm
by PenguinMan
^^ - Yeah, stoop to their level... :rolleyes:

Image - Penguin Man says, "EIN RULES!"