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Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:02 am
by abbess
You all probably haven't seen me post anything, and probably not even heard of me..I'm one of those people who act like a cloud as flaot around without doing anything..XD;

I am the co-creator of the Blobs, and the owner of The Insanity Shoppe (which can be found here: and if you know Aqua (Myu)..Well, she's a friend. XD I doubt that helped any.

Message for Jay:

We (Aqua and I) were wondering if it was alright if we used Fred, Bill, and Dr. D as co-main-characters for the Blob Roleplays, and Citrus Man occasionally? The site gives full credit and a link, yet we never managed to ask you if we could use them..x__X;;; Sowwwwyy!

If you want us to take the characters out, and the roleplays with them off, we'll do that and replace the characters with our own..Which we have gradually begun to do anyway. We realize that you probably don't want a whole new series of who knows what started with your characters..a series that has nearly nothing to do with NC, except that we all hate Mario. ^-^;

Who the heck likes fat plumbers in red anyway? O_o;

Er, anyway! Eh. That's all, I think..Please reply as soon as possible! :3

-Abbess, Goddess of Foons and Cardboard Boxes, and Queen of Bendy Straws.

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:04 pm

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 3:33 am
by imported_Jonathan Resop
Hey. Yeah, you can use Bill, Fred, ect in your thing. What is it exactly? And RPG of some sort? Anyway, yeah, it's cool. The only thing I really ask for in return is 1) Credit for the characters and B) Put a huge link to NC somewhere. Heh. So yeah. Does that help? Good luck. And thanks for asking.-jay

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 3:52 am
by abbess
Yey! Thanks! n_n

Well...Blobs are, well, blobs that vary in colour, personality, and stuff..most are evil and want to take over the world, however..XD

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 4:01 am
by o0fireball0o
YAY! Thanks Jay! :D

err..yeah. I'm the Aqua Myu person she's talking about. XD; I was going to ask you the next time I sent in fan, which would have been this weekend anyway, but she said she was going to ask, and so...yeh.

Well, we did these roleplay things on AIM, so basically it's just text/stories with the characters and stuff. Then we were going to make comix. (I actually started making one a long time ago. XD Er, never make comix for the first time and quickly at 3:00am. There's so many mistakes in that one I made that's up there that it scares me. [img]tongue.gif[/img] I need to start making a newer one..with uh..better stuff.)

As for it being an, maybe.
We both downloaded RPG maker 2000 a few days ago and are now making games. (Heh, I wonder how long I'll stick to doing that? o_o) Who knows if either one will get finished... So if you still didn't mind, Fred, Bill, and Donez would be in that too. (We would take them out otherwise...But I guess you already said it was ok)

Uhh...Well, once again...thanks. Heh.