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Character of the Month #110: Welcome Back, SK!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:03 pm
by CaptHayfever

Source series: Final Fantasy
First appearance: Final Fantasy VII (1997)


Weight class - Very light
Falling class - Fast
Running speed - Medium-fast
Jump height - Medium-low(?)
Character class - Swordsman, Gunner

B - Flare/Megaflare/Gigaflare (source: FF1/FF3/FF5)
Side B - Shadow Flare (source: FF3)
Up B - Sword Dash/Octaslash (source: KH2/Dissidia)
Down B - Scintilla (source: Dissidia)
Final Smash - Supernova (source: FF7)

Northern Cave
Midgar (kinda)

Up - "Come on!"
Side - Guest Party Member
Down - Smoldering Intensity

--Enters Winged Form when "in danger" (in the form of a significant damage/score disadvantage). In this form, speed & strength are increased, smashes have super armor, & he gets a 3rd jump. The wing goes away when either Sephiroth is KO'd or he KO's someone else.
--Cannot change direction with a midair jump.
--Has different sweetspots depending on whether he is slashing or stabbing with Masamune.
--The charge on Mega/Giga/Flare can be cancelled, but not stored.
--Forward aerial can simulate a wall cling/jump.
--Down aerithal is called "Hell's Gate" in reference to what's apparently some kinda famous scene from FF7.
--Supernova can inflict one of 6 status ailments: sleep, shield break, flower, mushroom, stopwatch, or increased knockback.
--Could be unlocked early (from 12/17 to 12/22, 2020) in the limited-time "Sephiroth Challenge" mode.

Definitely something different than what we've seen before.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

Re: Character of the Month #110: Welcome Back, SK!

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 1:20 am
by Booyakasha
...I haven't played Smash since 'Brawl' (my 'for Wii U' is still in the plastic), but I hate Sephiroth's filthy guts. I hope he gets the clap.

(EDIT: You know what irritates me? That moment in Sephiroth's trailer, when they show Sephiroth attacking everyone, and we see a little silhouetto of Mario writhing on Sephiroth's big dumbassed sword, as though Sephiroth skewered him. It's like they're taunting you. "Hey, remember this relentlessly horrible villain whose defining character moment was him stabbing a beloved protagonist? Well, here he is, stabbing a beloved protagonist. You're welcome.")

Re: Character of the Month #110: Welcome Back, SK!

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:01 am
by Valigarmander
Kinda disappointed that Supernova isn't a 90 second-long, unskippable cutscene.

Re: Character of the Month #110: Welcome Back, SK!

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:49 am
by SephirothKirby
Middle school is real. Only thing missing is Shadow the Hedgehog.
Valigarmander wrote:
Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:01 am
Kinda disappointed that Supernova isn't a 90 second-long, unskippable cutscene.
I get it isn't practical, but man this is the dream.