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Final Fantasy 8

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 12:04 am
by Sim Kid
Look: The 8th final fantasy...They just keep comin' now don't they? Well it's another Final Fantasy game for the playstation, and since the other Final Fantasy's for the playstation have been pretty awsome (A.K.A, final fantasy tactics, FF7, and FF9) and have made it to the greatest hits category. So why did this game barely make it on the greatest hits category?

Graphics: The backrounds are really awsome, but the characters are tall enough to be in the NBA. Since they are life-sized and very realistic, square really detalied them. Squall, the main hero, looks really cool. Yup. Square was really meant for 3D graphics. 10/10

Gameplay: I only rented the game and got pretty far, and it took 2 hours before I could finally understand the battle system. It's very complicated and I don't wanna explain it. 4/10

Music: Some of the music is pretty boring, and you might wanna consider putting the TV on mute because the game is boring. But if you do that, you'll miss out of the awsome sounds! 7/10

Lastability: Like all Final Fantasys for the Playstation, this one has 4 CDs (With the exception of the one CD final Fantasy X) so you could bet this game is pretty long. 7/10

Difficulty: oy. The battle system is so complicated that you just wanna scream! And Don't get me started on the difficulty. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! But on the upper hand, it gets easier once you master it. And it's pretty hard to catch on. I know people who were playing day and night trying to catch on. 1/10

Overall: This game requires alot of patience to catch onto. I wouldn't have classified this as on the "Greatest hits" Section, but since it was a Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy always sells in big numbers, no wonder it just barely made it on the "Greatest Hits" list. This Final Fantasy isn't FF3 good or Final Fantasy Legend bad, but it's not the best Final Fantasy. 6/10

Note: I have no clue why I put a 3 there. It deserves alot more than a 3, even though it made it onto the greatest hits category just because it sold in a big number. I know alot of game freaks, and 6 said they didn't like this game, and 2 of them said that this game brings shame to the Final Fantasy series. The other 4 said "They made a really good one" because the characters were more detailed than the ones in FF7.

[ February 16, 2003, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Zak ]

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 9:54 pm
by Heroine of the Dragon
The story wasn't as intense as FFVI or FFIX imo... maybe I should give it another go though. :D

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 10:12 am
by James Griffin
FF8 rocks. Anyone who bags it is a tosser. What i love about it the most is the brilliant selection of characters, and the way they interact with each other. Though the plot may not be as dense as FF7 or any of the others, it's the characters which holds it all together. Also, the music is the best of Square
Viva La Hyrule!
Old Bony 1769-1821

[ February 06, 2003, 08:26 AM: Message edited by: Napoleon Bonaparte ]

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 10:35 am
by Doctor McClore
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Look: The 8th final fantasy...They just keep comin' now don't they? Well it's another Final Fantasy game for the playstation, and since the other Final Fantasy's for the playstation have been pretty awsome (A.K.A, final fantasy tactics, FF7, and FF9) and have made it to the greatest hits category. So why did this game barely make it on the greatest hits category?
Because idiots like you, who max out the majority of the population of the world, think the game stinks.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Graphics: The backrounds are really awsome, but the characters are tall enough to be in the NBA. Since they are life-sized and very realistic, square really detalied them. Squall, the main hero, looks really cool. Yup. Square was really meant for 3D graphics. 10/10
Square was really meant for 3D graphics? What the hell are you talking about? Another graphic sucking newbie that doesn't appreciate the SNES FFs unless they are riddled with FMVs on the Playstation.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Gameplay: I only rented the game and got pretty far, and it took 2 hours before I could finally understand the battle system. It's very complicated and I don't wanna explain it. 4/10
Battle system = not gameplay. It doesn't even relate to the gameplay. And the lastability or the difficulty of it has nothing to do with Gameplay either. Well, maybe it does, but in this paragraph you didn't mention anything significant. Rented and got pretty far? OOH, TIMBER! I MUST BE HALF WAY THROUGH TEH GAEM!11 SO I WEILL RAET THIS GAEM ON WHAT I HAVE PLAEYD SO FAR!! By the time you are two hours in, you're probably only just playing the SeeD mission. Two hours is nothing, nutchug. You say it as if it's a bad thing.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Music: Some of the music is pretty boring, and you might wanna consider putting the TV on mute because the game is boring. But if you do that, you'll miss out of the awsome sounds! 7/10
The music is better than chirpy **** you listen to, probably Eminem and the Backstreet Boys. Go listen to some "Ooh lose yourself in your mind" and "I want you back baby" if you can't handle having the music on. And put the TV on mute because the game is boring? I hardly think turning the sound off is going to effect the BORINGNESS of the game. And in that statement, the game ISN'T BORING. Just because you only have the intellect to understand how Goofy and Mickey Mouse can interact with a young Selphie about how the Key is going to rule the world, and not enough to understand how good this game is, doesn't mean to can pretend to know everything you don't.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Lastability: Like all Final Fantasys for the Playstation, this one has 4 CDs (With the exception of the one CD final Fantasy X) so you could bet this game is pretty long. 7/10
Even though you probably didn't even beat Biggs and Wedge the first time, which radiates on what you have to say about it. Whatever.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Difficulty: oy. The battle system is so complicated that you just wanna scream! And Don't get me started on the difficulty. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! But on the upper hand, it gets easier once you master it. And it's pretty hard to catch on. I know people who were playing day and night trying to catch on. 1/10
You and... oh yeah, your mum. Stupidity obviously runs in your shameful family if you can't even get your brain capacity around the battle system, which is too "unique" for you as you're probably a newbie who began the FFs at FF7. Unique does not necessarily mean bad, as you so obviously and stupidly think. OMG ITS SO HAERD TO FIGAR OUT I THEINK ILL RAET THIS GAEM A 1 BECZO IM TOO DUEMB TO FIGUAR IT OUWT. Oh yeah, and 1/10 for the difficulty? Shouldn't it be 10/10 if it was that hard? Or are you just trying to look cool by saying you can easily cruise past Ultimecia and her monsters when you can't even kill Ifrit without using tens of items. If you can't handle the game being hard, it obviously means you're crap at video gaming and you should go and live under a rock with your ant farm and baseball card collection.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Overall: This game requires alot of patience to catch onto. I wouldn't have classified this as on the "Greatest hits" Section, but since it was a Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy always sells in big numbers, no wonder it just barely made it on the "Greatest Hits" list. This Final Fantasy isn't FF3 good or Final Fantasy Legend bad, but it's not the best Final Fantasy. 3/10
You haven't even played FF3, so don't bother mentioning it. And if you mean FF6, then it just proves you are a dumb idiot who thinks the American names are correct and probably ponder how the games skipped from FF3 to FF7 in your room all night. The game is better than yourself, as you've realized, and you just want to maintain your image by saying that it sucks more than a game you haven't played.
Originally posted by Zak, the KH Saving Fiend:
Note: Some of you may like this game, and I don't blame you. This game must have been meant for adults.
Or people who don't fuss over Kingdom Hearts like it's the god's gift to mankind.

[ February 06, 2003, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Sir Lupus ]

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2003 8:02 pm
by A Genius
^Most of your quotes make sense, but he's explained the difficulty rating in another topic, and some of your qoutes were clearly generated out of anger at the review. It's his opinion, not yours.

-A Genius (I don't have an opinion, as I've never played the game.)

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:56 pm
by Phenom
I'm siding (in a way) with Nappy and Lupus, FF8 is one of my favourite games. The battle system is pretty sophisticated so of course it'll take awhile to get a handle on it. I wouldn't rate it perfect, but I sure as hell wouldn't give it a three. You shouldn't rate games that you haven't even played the whole way through. In my opinion, Final Fantasy Eight kicks ass. Period.

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2003 10:01 pm
by Sim Kid
^I got to Ultemacia then I had to return it.

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2003 3:19 am
by Phenom
Ultimecia alone makes it the best game ever!!!!111111111 ;) j/k